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Chương 5 Who Are You?

I have no idea why she's calling me Edgar. Who the heck is that even? And what makes me curious the most is: why is she crying? What makes her cry like that? Why did you look so desperate, Tetiana? What the hell is wrong with you? I hate this so much. I hate it when my thoughts are full of her. For some reason, I can't seem to erase her crying face from my mind.
"What are you thinking for you to make such a face?"
Rebel asked me as we both made our way back to the dorm where our friends were waiting. Wait, what did he mean by that? I was deeply confused since I have no idea what kind of face I am making right now.
"What kind of face?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I studied his expression. He was smirking. "deep in thought, It's like your mind is somewhere else. Why? You worried about Tetiana?"
When he mentioned that name, I couldn't help but feel bothered. I mean, why the heck is he even saying that? I punch him slightly, and Rebel laughs in response. I really don't want to talk about THE Tetiana right now because it's such an unpleasant subject. When we finally arrived at the dorm, our friends were already there, playing chess and drinking. We have been friends for as long as I can remember and have been inseparable since then.
"What took you guys so long? Watching them play is so boring."
Kyran complained as he took another swig of his drink, and that made Chester smack the back of his head as he laughed to see Kyran spilling the drink all over himself. Enzo just sat there looking at them with a bored expression since he won the game against Chester for the third time.
"You guys are being too loud. But anyway, we were late because... Guess who we met on our way here?"
Rebel took a seat next to Chester as he encouraged them to guess who we had met earlier. I seriously don't want to be in this conversation. Chester, Kyran, and Enzo exchanged confused looks as they wondered who it was, looking at me for an answer, but I just rolled my eyes in return, telling them not to lump me into their conversation.
"Who?" Enzo replied as Chester and Kyran waited for Rebel to answer. "The one and only Tetiana." Rebel smirks, and that made everyone annoyed. I seriously don't know why, but for some reason, all of us never really like Tetiana. It's not really surprising since most people here don't like her either, but I wonder what makes me dislike her. She didn't really do anything to me. huh?
Chester keeps pestering Rebel about what's Tetiana got to do with us being late, but Kyran just told him to drop the topic since he's annoyed. Enzo, on the other hand, is expressionless. I fully understand these guys.
"Well, because Tetiana is acting... weirdly? It's weird to see Tetiana crying. Somehow, I got goosebumps just thinking about it."
Rebel says, as he told them about earlier. And upon hearing that, the others have their mouths wide open. at first, they still can't believe what they heard from Rebel was a joke or not, but after seeing me with no reaction, they seem to believe what Rebel has told them.
"That's... absurd... and it is weird. But hey, did you know about the rumour that says Tetiana ended up being crazy after coming back from The Norm?"
I don't understand why, but I can't help but feel curious when I hear that. I mean, who wouldn't? Although it may appear absurd that she returned—alive—from The Norm, everyone knows that once you are taken there, there is no way out; you will never make it out alive. But seeing her with my own eyes, I do wonder about that. It is indeed a mystery to everyone here in The Neutral.
"She did act weirdly, I mean, does crying make you crazy? But if it's Tetiana, it might be..." Rebel replied, still thinking. Well, he's got a point there. "But she does look somewhat different." He added, with his eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean by different?" Enzo butted in with curiosity, and he received a smirk from Rebel, "Someone interested." He sneered, and Enzo just rolled his eyes as Chester laughed at him.
"Her eyes seem different."
I have no idea why the heck I said that, honestly. Once I realised what I'd said, everyone was already staring at me in surprise. Why did I even say that? What makes her eyes so different? huh? Wait, how the heck did I even know if Tetiana's eyes were different from the usual? I seriously have no idea what is wrong with me or my head.
"That's weird. But let's not talk about her, yah? Let's play one more game! The losers will be the winner slaves for a whole day tomorrow!"
Chester exclaimed excitedly as we decided to drop the Tetiana topic, and I was relieved to be honest. I don't want to think about her even for a second; it messes with my mind. I did say that—but the next day, I was even more surprised to see Tetiana following orders from someone in class whose name I barely knew. What the heck is happening? I don't want to admit it, but my gaze keeps going back to her. It's like I wanted to see her every move, but I have no idea why. I don't understand it.
"That was surprising, she really did become crazy like they said."
Kyran spoke as he followed my gaze towards Tetiana. That really surprised me for a second. But honestly, watching them harass Tetiana is something new. They really wanted to make her pay, huh? I can't lie, it was a view everyone had been longing to see. All this time, it was Tetiana who harassed others. It was pleasing to see her in such a state. But what makes me curious the most is when she didn't act like she usually does. Did she seriously lose her mind or something?
"Summon the red beast."
The girl's voice echoed in the classroom as everyone was now staring at them, Tetiana. She became the centre of attention again today, but for some reason, her expression is really weird. It's like she's confused and somehow, it looks like she finds it amusing since she held her laughter for a moment. I swear I could see her almost bursting into laughter. That is seriously new.
"That's surprising."
Kyran mumbles as I can't help but agree that the new Tetiana is surely full of surprises. Everyone has been listening to Tetiana's conversation with the girl since they were talking so loudly that everyone can literally hear them. And when Tetiana mentioned that she had lost her memories, I could sense everyone's hatred. It was intense as everyone continued to study her, wondering if she really had lost her memories or if she was just acting. I mean, who would even believe that lie? No matter how you think about it, losing her memories? That was such an obvious lie.
"It does seem like it."
Kyran added, and he decided to drop the topic and leave to grab a bow to practise with. I can't help but wonder too, did she really forget? It's impossible. I refuse to believe that. I don't know why, but somehow hearing her excuse made me feel... furious. Because that means she forgets almost everything that she's done. It's unfair to everyone. It doesn't make any sense at all. I was furious because Tetiana had simply forgotten everything she had done.
How can that be so easy?
How can she say that so easily?
Sighing, I decided to leave too, since why would I want to witness this bullshit? For a moment, my gaze followed her as I noticed she had an expression that made me curious.
"Just why do you have that look on your face?"
I was angry at how the expression she had right now was the same as the person who I had lost. Why the heck is she even doing that? What is wrong with her? I can't help but wonder because I remember it vividly. One person used to make that kind of expression, and now they've ended up dead. Tetiana's expression shows that she wanted help. She was terrified.
"But why?"
I hate that my mind is clouded with thoughts of her. In the corner of my eye, I saw Aiden yelling at the girl for doing something to Tetiana. Of course, Mr. Boyfriend has come to save the day. I can't believe how desperate he is for Tetiana. It was really a surprise to see Abnormal Alpha like Aiden himself be so infatuated with the likes of Tetiana. But for some odd reason, the situation is unexpected. This is like, seriously, this is my first time seeing this. Tetiana looked disgusted by Aiden and told him to stay away from her. Some of the guys even sneered at Aiden behind his back because that was indeed the first time for him.
That is something new indeed.
I was watching Aiden directly as he stood there looking hurt and confused and somewhat angry. Shit, he looked so weird. But one thing is for sure; when he was angry, he ended up unable to control his emotions, which caused his powers to blow up, and if looks could kill, everyone would end up dead by now. I can't help but want to fight him when he's like that. I mean, come on? Who wouldn't want to challenge this frustrated-looking Aiden when he looks like he's raring to go? The fact that we both share the same elemental ability is already piling me off, but I want to feel his rage, fight him, and see which one of us is stronger. But well, I can't really do that since Aiden and his pawns decided to leave the room.
"What a waste."
After all that, people began talking about Tetiana since she had become like a different person. I mean, she really did. I wonder what really happened to her at The Norm. Soon after, Rebel decided to join us as she wondered what happened before he came.
"I just saw Tetiana with Lalitha. It's weird to see those two together."
When he mentioned that, I couldn't help but feel curious. I seriously can't help it. I don't even know why.
"That is indeed surprising. You know, it's so weird. I mean, what really happened to her in The Norm for her to become like this? Don't you think it's weird?"
Kyran replied, looking at us for answers. But soon after he realised we were talking about Tetiana, he groaned in disbelief. Of course, everyone would wonder about that too. Everyone would have the same question. What happened? Why? But the one person who knows the answer to that question is Tetiana herself. But now it seems so pointless since she just said that she had lost her memories. Whatever happened to her remains a mystery. I seriously can't believe that.

The last time I saw Tetiana was after she left the class this morning, and after that, I never saw her at all. Huh, wait, why did I even want to see her? This is absurd. shit. This is crazy. She's been on my mind for a while now and I can't seem to erase that. What is wrong with me? Rebel, Kyran, and I were walking to our dorm room. Since the upcoming mock war is coming up, we were thinking of challenging each other, perhaps also—Alpha students. It's funny how Rebel keeps saying how he's going to win this time despite the fact that he always loses against me. Well, I can't wait to see what he has. I was just listening to their conversation as we walked, and I don't even know how, but I noticed Tetiana. It was really a surprise that I noticed her since my eyes has been following her for a while now. but I was surprised by the fact that she was walking side by side with Gally. I can't seem to believe that I was the only one who saw them. What in the world? I'm mentally punching myself for noticing that, since I am sure that after this, I won't be able to get it out of my mind. I mean, Why the heck are they together?
Gally hated Tetiana for making her life a living hell. So what is wrong with her? Gally is Anathema, the lowest rank in this school, which is a cast away. A loner, an outcast. Someone nobody wants to deal with. It's confusing how Gally is okay with that, but since she's mute, nobody really socialises with her. I wonder if she's really mute? I'm thinking about it now, and I can't help but feel bothered again.
"Why does she look so happy?"
I hate this. Tetiana makes me think about things I'm not supposed to think about. Still, seeing her smiling and talking to Gally with that kind of expression is really weird. It's really disturbing to see those two together. I wonder what happened between them. Something is definitely wrong.
"Are you coming?"
Rebel stared at me in confusion as I realised I had stopped walking. What the heck? I seriously hate it when my mind is betraying me. I should've minded my own business in the first place.
"Where's Enzo? Why is he not here yet?" Chester asks as he munches on the apple Kyran bought for everyone. "He went to the library, saying he would find a way to make money without doing anything." Kyran replied and burst out laughing because he knew such a thing never existed. I wonder what he said to Enzo to get him to go to the library.

𝗖𝗵𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 — (Adroit) the youngest, he has a good personality, never a harsh word for anyone. Relaxing is an art to him; he doesn't like moving too much
𝗥𝗲𝗯𝗲𝗹 — (Abnormal: Wind) the warrior, a gifted child, someone who's determined, if he sets his mind on something, he will do it until the end.
𝗞𝘆𝗿𝗮𝗻 — (Abnormal: Earth) the rebel, he is quiet but quite a person, he can keep a secret.
𝗘𝗻𝘇𝗼 — (Abnormal: Vile) the trusted, he rarely frowns, hardly gets angry. He doesn't like being alone
𝗫𝗶𝗮𝗻 — (Abnormal: Fire) the guardian, he would never endanger his honor and won't break his promise once he make one, he act wisely and methodically.

Bình Luận Sách (626)

  • avatar
    Trexie Barillo

    this app was good


  • avatar

    This is such an underrated book! I really love the storyline, it’s refreshing and the diversity of POV is making me fall in love with this beautiful work EVEN MORE ❤️


  • avatar

    Oh my Tia... What happened to you? Chapter 1 is really catchy. Must read the other chapter.


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