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Chương 4 inner talent

Pinky woke up when she felt the sun heating her skin, she stood up sleepily and pull down the curtains then she walked into the bathroom and prepare a warm bath for herself.
She removed her clothes and was about to deep herself into the bathtub filled with milky liquid, nina ran in and knelt on the floor immediately.
"My princess, am so sorry for being so late, am sorry that i didn't wake you up...."
"Are you okay?, stand up please"pinky said dragging her up in shock.
"Why are you acting like this huh?"Pinky added with a small frown on her face.
"I came late, the last time one of us came late to bath you, you punished the person severely, please don't punish me"She begged and pinky felt bad for a moment.
"What is even wrong with that princess ayira, is not like she is even punctual!"Pinky thought inwardly,anytime there is a family meeting going on, princess ayira was always the last person to come and that always get lord derrick and the great mother angry.
"I wouldn't punish you, by the ways, i have already prepare my bath...see"Pinky pointed at the bathtub.
"Thank you my princess, thank you!!"She smiled and stood up before walking away.
"Uhmm,nina?"Pinky called.
"Yes my princess?"Nina answered.
"I do like pink but i don't like it anymore, can i change the colour of something in my room to white and black"Pinky asked and nina nodded.
"Sure, i will make a call to the designer Mr.Hemsworth, he is very good in what he does"Nina smiled and walked away.
"I can't believe this, the princess has changed, this is a miracle!"Nina thought inwardly as she did a small happy dance.
Pinky was done bathing so she put on her clothes and shoes then she laid on her bed reading some books but suddenly she thought of walking around the empire for some time, atleast, to kick away bordom.
She stood up and walked out of the room, she just continued walking until she reached a garden.
"Wow, there is a garden here!"Pinky thought inwardly ass she ran inside, she removed her shoes and let the short grass touch and twirl around her feet.
Pinky closed her eyes smiling enjoying the way that the cool air blew her hair backwards, enjoying the feeling of the grasses.
It Was amazing.
Suddenly, people in black clothings jumped out from wherever they were hiding, they were holding knifes.
"Am i unlucky?, wherever i go, i would always have people that wants to kill me!!"Pinky thought but they aren't many like the last people that tried to kill her.
They all charged towards her and she jumped punching and kicking anyone that come her way, she made sure she left some injuries on their face and chest.
It didn't take long before she defeated them all then she left them to groan in pain on the floor.
"Who sent you all?"Pinky asked as she sat on the bench that is in the middle of the guarden crossing her legs.
"No one, No one at all"A guy said and pinky smirked.
"No one?,really?"Pinky asked and shoot them a very harsh glare that made them gulp..
"Is your sister, princess manda!!"one of them yelled and the others nodded.
"Oh?,manda?"Pinky chuckled,she was trying to be kind to that devil incarnate but she didn't want it.
"Okay, am sparing your lives this once, you may leave"pinky said and they bowed in appreciation before running off.
Pinky crossed her leg and stared at the flowers admiringly, especially the white rose but they were very bright and beautiful.
She plucked out one and tucket into her hair then she went to the water fall and stared at her reflection, she looked more beautiful the white rose tucked into her hair..
"Amazing,i live again though is not where i did expect but i know one thing for sure...i won't let people doublecross me again, never...i will teach anyone a lesson that tries to kill me"Pinky thought as she deeped her hands into the water.
Pinky laughed as she ran back to her room but in a far end in the garden, someone was sitting there staring at her amusingly as she left.
It was lord derrick.
Pinky was about to walk into manda's room to teach her a lesson when suddenly she began to hear sounds of m0ans.
It was manda's voice.
"Does it mean, she do...have s3x with someone or she touches herself?"Pinky thought inwardly as she opened the door slowly.
The Tv was on and it was displaying p*rn movie while manda was f***ing herself with a s*x toy while m0aning lord derrick's name.
the audacity of that b*tch!
oh, how am going to deal with her for this unjust act

Bình Luận Sách (695)

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    yess Ang ganda Ng inyanong teleg rama haha nga rot Yun lng naboboring Kaba dto kila Jane the virgin and your family are doing well and your family is doing well and staying at your family have mo Kay andrea me to get you a good morning for you choose to do it with the kids and your family have you been doing that at all I chat with you my friend mo na Miata rear door is open and 3 33 lady I can get it is it with me as well as the kids and my mom at least you choose to be there and we go back and


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    Akpabio Sunny Nsongudua

    The novel is awesome and I can’t wait to read all the chapters


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    John Carlo Labajo Hilaria



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