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Chương 3 sneaking into his room

Pinky stared at him despite the fact that he had already looked away, she felt some weird connections with him or is it the fact that he is married to her?
Pinky watched as he walked out of the Banquet B hall gracefully while his guards followed behind.
"You did well, my princess...i mean ayria"Nina said with a smile as they walked to princess ayria's room since it was already very late in the night.
pinky entered her room and greeted nina goodnight while nina in return did the same before pinky laid on the bed.
Pinky looked around and her eyes settled on all the photo frame hung almost everywhere around the room, it was lord derrick's picture.
"It turned out that the princess was really obsessed with someone that never gave her a glance"Pinky thought finding it silly.
For some moment, she thought of changing everything in the room and redesigning it to her own taste because everything in the room is coloured pink but decided to do that tomorrow.
Despite having the name PINKY, she hates the colour pink so much, her favourite colour is white and black.
Pinky closed her eyes trying to catch some sleep but she couldn't, anytime she closes her eyes, she sees lord derrick's hot face flashing through her eyes and disturbing her sleep.
Pinky threw the pink pillow she was using to sleep out of fustration before standing up and walking out of the room.
She walked towards nina's room which was next to her's,she knocked gently on the door and it didn't take up to a minute before nina opened the door.
"My princess"She stretched her hands yawning loudly.
"Sorry to disturb you at this late hour but do you know the way to lord derrick's room?"Pinky asked and nina stared at her suspiciously while pinky held her innocent face in place.
"Just walk straight then move to the right, you will see a sign written in gold STAY AWAY, that's his room"Nina said and pinky smiled at her in appreciation before walking towards the direction nina narrated..
Here pinky is, standing in front of lord derrick's door, she was damn scared to knock,
"what if he comes out and kill me?"Pinky thought inwardly biting her lips nervously.
"Or worst bury me alive, is really hard to live again, now i am standing in front of the lion's den"Pinky thought inwardly and took a breathe in before looking around then she saw a window, the window led to the inside of lord derrick's room for sure.
"Great"Pinky laughed as she walked towards the window, she was a detective in her main life and is very good at climbing high places to catch criminals.
She climbed it with ease and managed to enter inside his room to see him sleeping.
She watched as his dark long hair poured down his face making him look super s*xy.
"So hot, can't believe he is my husband"She thought inwardly as she stood in front of him.
Immediately, she stretched her hands to touch his hair when suddenly she was dragged to the bed then he swapped position making him to be on top of her before pinning her to the bed with his muscular arms.
"Damn....caught already pinky?"She bit her lower lips as he glared harshly at her.
"What are you doing here?"Lord derrick asked with an angry expression on his face.
"Well....i..i..."Pinky sighed when she ran out of lies.
"You what??"He asked impatiently, he looked like he was going to snap pinky's head into two equal parts.
"I came to check up on my husband"Pinky said without thinking and lord derrick raised an eyebrow before scoffing.
"Just get out!......right now!!"Lord derrick yelled and pinky stood up shaking in fear.
As she was about to reach for the door but his words stopped her.
"Take the same way you used to sneak in!"
"What??"Pinky half-yelled in shock
"Which of my instructions, did you not get"Lord derrick asked darkly and pinky's eyes widened.
"No one, i understand, i will leave immediately"Pinky said nervously as she climbed down the window slowly despite the shivers that was running down her spine.
Pinky didn't waste time before running to her room
"Though hot but rude!"
Lord derrick sat on his bed and opened a bottle of red wine before pouring it into a glass cup and gulping all of the content once.
"Came to check up on me?"He said mockingly as he sipped slowly from the bottle.
After taking up to 3 cups of red wine, he dropped it and walked back to his bed laying on it, he wasn't actually sleeping though.
Pinky walked into her room and closed the door before laying on her bed
"It will be really hard to make a small bond between us"Pinky thought staring at his photo frame hung on the wall.

Bình Luận Sách (695)

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    yess Ang ganda Ng inyanong teleg rama haha nga rot Yun lng naboboring Kaba dto kila Jane the virgin and your family are doing well and your family is doing well and staying at your family have mo Kay andrea me to get you a good morning for you choose to do it with the kids and your family have you been doing that at all I chat with you my friend mo na Miata rear door is open and 3 33 lady I can get it is it with me as well as the kids and my mom at least you choose to be there and we go back and


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    Akpabio Sunny Nsongudua

    The novel is awesome and I can’t wait to read all the chapters


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    John Carlo Labajo Hilaria



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