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Chapter 02

"AHHHH!" I screams out in fear. I know what exactly he meant— and was about to kill me. I ran away from the alley and hurriedly ran back to my apartment. I'm afraid that I would die to return in that place. I lock the door and lean to it as I catches my breath.  I decided to walk into my kitchen, and still my heart beating so fast and can't calm down as of what I've witnessed. "That wasn't a dream— no, it's only an illusion, right? It's not real ... I didn't see someone lying on the ground, dead. And that man didn't point his knife at me and said that I would be his prey. That voice was cold and baritone— wait! That wasn't true! " I said, panting incredulously and walk back in  living room.
My hands still tremble in fear and tried to process what just I saw earlier. Suddenly, I must need to take an action before I'll be the target since the man saw my face and threatened me. 
"I should call the cops!" I screams in my mind and lets the male killer be arrested, also for my safety. I rummaged my pocket to find my phone. But I stiffened when I couldn't feel my phone in my pocket. Suddenly, an images— flashback appeard at me what happen to my phone earlier. When the man saw that I accidentally dropped my phone on the ground and made a noise, as it rang also, and the man's killer noticed me.
When I remember it, my eyes widened and  ran to my room — straight to my bed and covered myself in a blanket. "I'm such an idiot!" Blaming and screaming. I didn't know what would I do when the man found my identity— especially my face, and I bet the killer was looking for me already. 
"URGHH!" I yelled and kicked the blanket in its pan. I don't know what to do or maybe I'll be caught? Or looking for me to kill as I saw the scene of that man-killing someone. I felt even more scared and nervous, my heart beating so fast and sweat flowing all over my face. I remember again what the man had told me, "You'll be my next Prey," I muttered.
Having goosebumps will remember the face of that man, especially his eyes– a dead soul. I could see him as Raven, remembering blackbird crow, many people see it as the dead one, the gripper of the soul. I shook my head and tried to think about my phone. “Maybe he didn’t notice I left my phone there.” I'm suspiciously nodsl afterward. I got up then got off her bed again and decided to go back to the alley, where I left it. 
I returned to the place where the man has been murdered. I'm still frightening and nervous, at the same time trembling in fear. "No matter what will happen. I need my phone back." I was determined just to get it back. I looked around as I frown at the astonishment of the no trace of blood or corpse in the alley.
Everything was clean so I roamed my eyes, at the same time scratched it with my hand. "I'm sure I saw it ... w-why?" I asked curiously. I didn't know what happen about lost traces of its blood and corpse.
It caught my attention and approached it even more where I noticed a wet thing on the ground. I looked at it carefully, "Someone washed and hid— maybe . . . they threw the corpse somewhere." I started to roam around and look for the corpse. It’s just a small space and there’s a big trash bin on the side. I got curious to look at it and suspected the corpse was hidden there. I took a few steps, suddenly— again I felt my heart beating so fast as I approaching the trash bin.
It stops ne walking when I hear a sound. A sound came from the metallic trash bin. So my eyes widened when I hear footsteps. In my curiosity makes me move into it and see that thing. I shuddered and braced myself for it. The footsteps coming from the trash bin got louder. So when I approached and listened to what was inside. I decided to forcibly opened it.
"Meow," a voice of a cat, jumped through the bin. 
I felt having a goosebumps and my face hardened in fear. "AHHH!" I screams in panic. I closed my eyes as I downcast through the ground.
"You startled me, your cat! You're giving me a heart attack," I'm panting. Looking at the cat on the ground as he licked its foot.
I can't help but to glared at the cat and decided to rinse and look inside the trash bin. I covered my nose as I smelled the rotten stench in the trash bin. 8 looked inside and saw no trace of the wrapped human body so I sighed when I saw it was not there. "Phew! Hoping that what I saw wasn't true," I said and feel relieved.
I breathed a sigh of relief because I didn't see the corpse. So I walked back to find my phone that had fallen earlier. "Where did I drop my phone? I didn't get close to the man-- wait, I didn't see that guy ... it was a pure hallucination," I arguing in my mind.
My mind tells me that what I sees is true and I shouldn't mimic. But I still insisted that I saw nothing, maybe a hallucination, out of fear. Or the killer ran away and never came back since I saw him. 
I looked around the side of the alley and hoped I could find my cellphone. "Where are you? I didn't mean for you to fall ... please, show that to me. I miss you already-- and I need you," I dramatized on my phone. One of the important things I shouldn't lose it because that's where my Aunt's memories are.
I brief search for it. "Where is that ..." I feels uneasy about it.
"A-Are you looking for this?" A cold and manly voice said at my back. 

Bình Luận Sách (1319)

  • avatar
    Jose Delmar Maxian

    Highly recommend this was an amazing story


  • avatar
    Chad Sensou

    Great story—couldn’t put it down! Can’t wait for the next book. Loved it! Loved the characters. Loved the plot. Love this author. Another great book by a great author. I can’t wait to read the next book. So good I’ll probably read it again!


  • avatar

    Thank you


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