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5. Shake

Unconsciously, Cater walked towards the stage. The man wanted to make sure whether his eyes were deceiving him or not.
His feet kept moving until finally, he stood right in front of the stage. His eyes lingered on the singer for a while. And... Cater was now completely convinced that the singer was the woman he had always longed for in his heart.
The woman who kept singing on stage suddenly stopped. Her gaze clearly directed towards the figure in front of her.
Instantly, Cater's eyes widened. That one call managed to melt the thousands of ice in his heart. For a moment, he could feel the flowers blooming again in his heart, after being frozen for so long.
Caterina smiled brightly. Her face looked very cheerful. She looked like a woman about to be reunited with her lover.
San, who witnessed the scene of the two, secretly smiled satisfactorily. He shook the glass in his hand before sipping his wine.
"Is this how destiny works?" he murmured to himself.
Anxiety filled Sian's heart. Upon waking up, she couldn't find her husband in the room. She was left alone again just like that.
"Cater?" Sian called out, hoping her husband would respond. But there was nothing. She tried calling out again and still got no response.
Sian got out of bed, checking every corner of her room. Still, she found no sign of her husband's presence. She felt increasingly anxious, remembering her smartphone, she hurriedly searched for it. But her face turned gloomy when she found her husband's smartphone lying not far from hers. Apparently, Cater didn't bring the device.
Feeling desperate, Sian tried to think positively. Not wanting to let her mind become more chaotic, she decided to go out for a walk. She believed that Cater would eventually come back to her. Wasn't it supposed to be like that?
Sian then freshened up and changed her clothes before leaving the hotel room.
"Why are you here?" Sian was surprised when she approached a bakery on the roadside, suddenly meeting someone she knew so well.
"Surprise!" the figure said with a cheerful voice and face.
"I'm serious, why are you here? Are you following me?" Sian accused angrily. "San, this isn't funny if you've followed me this far. Especially when you know very well that this is supposed to be the best vacation time with my husband. Don't you understand what privacy boundaries are?"
San rubbed the back of his head. He looked indifferent. His behavior successfully made Sian even more annoyed with him. The woman left him alone and chose to enter the shop.
Being left alone didn't make San give up. Instead, he followed Sian into the shop. As a result, his actions made the woman continue to grumble quietly.
"Sian, I want this!" San pointed to the showcase containing gingerbread cookies made to look like human dolls.
"Just buy it yourself! What did you come here for?" Sian grumbled. She pushed San's body away from her. She planned to choose her husband Cater's favorite donuts. But when she wanted to go to the showcase with lots of donuts of various flavors, San suddenly pulled Sian away from the showcase. Sian even almost stumbled due to the movement made by the young man.
"Why again? Stop messing around!" Sian pushed San's body. But San deliberately shielded Sian's view from the showcase with lots of donuts. The showcase happened to face directly towards the outside window. Where a couple of pedestrians, holding hands, passed by in front of the shop.
"It's not time yet, you know the truth, Sian," San said in his heart.
Sian didn't understand the situation she was currently in. Suddenly, she found herself at the Everyman Theatre, which was a famous theater in Liverpool founded in 1964.
"Why am I here?" Sian wondered about her own condition.
San smiled, waving his hands in front of Sian's face. "Don't sleep! The show just started," the handsome man said.
Today's performance featured "The Mousetrap" by Agatha Christie. The story centered on a secluded inn, Monkswell Manor, operated by a married couple. A heavy snowfall cut off the guests at the inn from the outside world. The intrigue began when the police informed them that there might be a serial killer among them.
Sian herself honestly couldn't concentrate to enjoy this performance. Her mind was still wandering, but eventually, she tried to force herself to watch the show. Little by little, her mind began to drift away until she finally started to enjoy the performance.
Hopefully, her mood would improve a little, San thought.
San himself deliberately brought Sian to the theater to distract her, also to comfort her.
"Are you hungry?" San initiated the first conversation with Sian. Returning from the theater, he now invited Sian to visit Liverpool Waterfront.
Liverpool Waterfront is a waterfront area located along the River Mersey in the city center of Liverpool, England.
"I want to eat you," Sian replied casually. Her face was still folded like crumpled paper. "I want to go home," she said lazily.
Go home? Oh, of course, that couldn't be done yet. Right now, Cater must still be spending his time with Erina. According to the agreement, San could only take Sian home after Cater contacted him first. They had agreed to spend time with the people they liked.
"Eating me sounds like a good idea. I don't mind if you do," San said with a wide grin.
All of Sian's hairs stood on end upon finding San acting like a predator.
"Stop that overly lewd behavior. Seeing you behave like earlier makes me really want to wash my eyeballs with the river water here."
San chuckled contentedly as Sian looked annoyed with him. The thousands of worms in her large intestine successfully stirred and made her stomach tickle.
"Whatever. You're starting to resemble a convict deserving of imprisonment," Sian said, then walked past San. Her heart felt annoyed at the young man's behavior who kept misbehaving in front of her.
"Hey... hey... wait!" San tried to catch up with Sian and match his steps with her. "I'm really happy if you call me a convict. Because that means you've imprisoned me, in the prison of your love." San formed a heart sign by joining his hands together. Plus, when he said that, his eyebrows unintentionally raised.
San's action succeeded in earning him a shoe thrown by Sian. The shoe landed in front of his face and left a mark, dog dirt.

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  • avatar
    Frag King

    thank you for admiring me


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    Hashimah RM

    I like the story


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    Christopher Dictado



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