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Salana's P. O. V
"Happy tenth birthday, Salana!" Dada Dale and Papa Danny shouted at once, and it shocked me. "Thank you, dada and papa." I said while smiling. It's my tenth year living in this world called Apophyllite. I'm reincarnated as a vampire, and I grew up in this kingdom known as Seleno Kingdom, where the Elves are the ruler. These two men who surprised me in my tenth year here, were my two dads named Dale Earnhardt Phantom and Danny Loste Phantom. Don't be curious about the sure name, here at Seleno Kingdom, you have the right to choose whatever your name would be in the age of five as long as you're not a Royalty or Nobility. They were the first homosexual couple in this kingdom, and they were respected by others because of their kindness and strength. They owned a small hotel for adventurers and had an armor and weapon store. They're both fifty four years old now. Papa Danny is Demi-Human, he is half fox and half human. While Dada Dale is an elf and once one of the Nobility's son who gave up everything, jut to follow Papa Danny.
"Hey, blow out the candle and make a wish, honey." Papa Danny said, and it made me back to my senses. "Owww..." I said, then I closed my eyes and wished good health to both of my parents, and thanked God for giving me this happy second life. After that, I opened my eyes and blew the cake, Dada Dale and Papa Danny clapped their hands and smiled sweetly at me.
"Thank you Dada Dale and Papa Danny for guiding me until this age," I said. Then, I hugged them and kissed them on their cheeks. "Papa and Dada also love you more." Dada Dale said. Papa Danny suddenly cried.
"Oh my gosh! Our daughter really grew up faster," Papa Danny said while crying. So, Dada Dale sighed and caressed Papa Danny's back. "Don't be emotional, hon. Lana stays with us forever, you became over acting again." Dada Dale said to comfort him. I couldn't resist my laughter anymore, so I released a hard laugh.
"Why are you laughing, Salana?" Dada Dale asked. "Maybe she thinks I am too childish." Papa Danny said. So, I stopped from laughing and tapped his shoulder.
"No, it's not the reason. I just found that your relationship is fun and cute," I said. So, they looked at each other, then blushed after. "By the way, Dada and Papa. Is there any chance for me to get a Philè?" I asked. Philè is a word that people at Apophyllite used that refer to magic.
"Yes you can have one. I never heard someone who did not get a Philè in this world," Dada Dale replied. I just nodded. "I heard one of our hotel guests said that  when the child reach ten years old, it is time to get his or her Philè, is it true, Dada, Papa?" I asked. They just both looked at each other. Then, they looked at me with a serious gaze. "I will teach you how to get your Philè starting tomorrow. It will take a long time to learn how to get and discover your Philè." Papa Danny replied. I just nodded and smiled excitedly.
"I'm so excited!" I exclaimed. Dada and Papa looked at each other with a sweet smile. "By the way Dada and Papa, what Philè did you get? You never told me about that before," I asked. So, Papa Danny smirks while his eyes closed.
"I have a Philè called Acousticophile, where I can change the volume of my voice. Did you know, when I was still an adventurer, I actually destroyed one mansion using the highest volume of my voice," Papa Danny said proudly. So, I looked at him so proud. "Wow! You're so powerful, Papa Danny!" I said while clapping my hands.
"Yeah, he is. But, the mansion that he destroyed was my family's mansion when he wanted to fight my father to prove his love for me," Dada Dale said. So, Papa Danny just scratched his nape and smiled awkwardly at us. "Oh, I have a Philè called Agrizoophile by the way, and it allows me to control wild animals." Dada Dale said. So, I looked up at him and clapped my hands.
"Wow! You're wicked, Dada!" I gushed. Dada Dale tapped my head while smiling broadly. While, Papa Danny just kneeled on the floor and cried. "I'm lost again!" He said. So, I chuckled and patted his head. "Don't cry, Papa. You're both winners in my heart." I said. Papa Danny smiled broadly and hugged me so tight.
"Gezzz! I can't breathe Papa," I said. So, Papa loosen his hug on me. "Sorry for that, darling. But, let me continue to hugging you." Papa Danny said. Then, Dada Dale hugged us also.
"Let me hug you too," Dada Dale said. So, I smiled broadly. I'm very thankful for my second life, but I still miss Mama and Papa in the Human World. I have an equal and same love for my parents here in my second life, and my parents in my first life...
Third Person P. O. V
(To the Human World, Mount Sinukuan.)
The seven people are still laughing so hard even Salana vanished on their sight, and it made the Goddess who was watching them to get angry.
"You filth ungrateful creatures, you will pay for what you did to a kind person like her!" Goddess Mariang Sinukuwan shouted angrily, and it made them tremble.
"W-Who is that?! S-Show yourself!" Bonny yelled, while stuttering in fear. "I am the Goddess of this mountain, I will never show myself to the worthless people like you!" The Goddess Mariang Sinukuwan replied. So, they began to knelt down and bowed their heads on the ground.
"P-Please forgive us, w-we just wanna v-vanish tha-"
"Stop! I don't want to hear your lame explanation!" The Goddess shouted, and it cut off what Troy's gonna say. "Even if, I am not allowed to get involve in your lives, I will broke that to bring curse to all of you!" The Goddess said. The group started to cry out loud because of that.
"P-Please, at least spare me. I-I still need t-to go back for Justine, Dear Goddess!" Bonny explained while crying and stuttering. And, it made the Goddess more angry.
"As the Goddess of this mountain, I grant you a curse that will make thee to be lost forever in this mountain!" The Goddess said. After that, a violet light from above strikes directly to Bonny, Troy, Ohio, Florida, Torry, and Mariano. Then, they pass-out and fell asleep.
"I hope this curse can serve as justice to your death, young lady." The Goddess said while looking at the cliff where Salana fell off...

Bình Luận Sách (778)

  • avatar
    Betchai Divino Yorac

    good reading


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  • avatar
    Shaina Languita

    I like the story


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