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Chapter 5: Little Boy (Part I)

It was two days later that I had my own time. Because of 'that' incident, both mother and father's workload doubled. Mother would visit, but only to feed me. Then will take her leave soon after.
While Leonard, my brother missed a lot of sword classes so he wouldn't able to visit me today or even in the following days.
The investigation's still up, until now. And it is all because of my family's craziness, or should I say worries.
Moving on...
Even though it was time alone, there was a lot of guards around. The security was tight, but I understand it well.
In any case, I...the empires precious first princess was attacked in the middle of the Imperial Palace. It will be a problem that could only cause sensitivity.
Oh...I still haven't mention that the people of this Empire are as crazy as their rulers, which is my family by the way.
The day 'that' incident happened, news instantly flew right onto every household of the Zephyrus. And as soon as they heard the news, they gathered in front of the palace's gates. Wanting to know if their beloved princess Dianne de Esiranza was hurt and all.
I was dumbfounded at first, but I had to set it aside eventually.
What concerns me the most is, that blinding light that I had encountered back then.
My curiousity is killing me. I couldn't walk nor go outside because of my current situation. With that in mind, I decided to take matters in my own hands.
'Oh my dear little friend, butterflix... where are you?'
I was waiting for someone, while I'm in my cute little crib.
What I was waiting for, was a...
Was a white butterfly that I ordered to investigate about the said blinding light.
As a goddess of the skies as well as the winds, communicating with any types of wind creatures is just a piece of cake to me.
I gave a big smile to the butterfly that gently landed onto my chest.
'How's the investigation so far?'
The butterfly flapped it wings and flew in circles for a short time before answering my question.
'Dear Goddess Aure, I had found something interesting.'
I sighed in relieve, at last... a progress.
'What is it?'
'While I was flying around the garden of Zephyrus...searching, I've found a little boy in the secluded part of the garden. He call himself, Demetre.'
My eyes widen from what the butterfly had reported to me. The Demetre? Have I heard it right?
'Please continue.'
'The little boy said that he was looking for his master which had the same name of the Goddess's. That boy! He even threatened to kill me for disturbing his precious sleep!'
'Dear butterflix...rely my message to that little boy that you're talking about.'
'Oh my goodness! Why would I do that? I don't want to get killed ,your grace! That little boy almost killed the heck out of me!'
The butterfly violently flapped its wings and was preparing to take its leave. But I wasn't going to let the little butterfly go just yet.
'I will reward you.'
It relaxed after hearing what I've said.
'oh ho ho~ What could that reward be?' butterflix asked excitedly, as if it had already predicted that something good would come.
'Once the given task is accomplished, your wings shall twinkle the brightest, like the stars of the night skies. It is I... Aure --- the Goddess of the Skies, bless thee butterflix the gift of the stars, the Star Dust.'
'I accept! I accept! It's an honor to serve the goddess Aure!'
Butterflies are so heads over heels with their wings. They care for their wings more than their very own lives.
'Tell the little boy that I, Aure the Goddess of the Skies... wish to meet him at this exact room tonight, when almost everyone is in their deep slumber."
The little butterfly nodded its tiny head in response.
'Before that, is it okay for me to ask...why's the goddess doing all of this?'
I stared blankly at the white butterfly that's casually standing onto my chest.
'Just do as I say, before I change my mind.'
'Okay! I shall take my leave now, your grace.'
The butterfly excitedly flapped its wings and exited my room through the window.
I sighed heavily.
What was that boy doing here? Just...
Later that day, stories about a beautiful white butterfly that shines like a star circulated throughout the Zephyrus Empire.
"Goodnight, Dianne..." mother said in a gentle soft voice.
I slowly closed my eyes.
The empress kissed both sides my cheeks, covered me with a soft blanket then silently went outside together with nanny Miranda and the other royal maids.
*Thump, Thump, Thump*
Only the sounds of my heartbeats could be heard. I slowly opened my eyes and spent my time looking at the dim ceiling quietly. Patiently waiting for Demetre's arrival.
*Rustle Rustle*
I froze in my spot. I span my head around, scanning my surrounding.
A pair of golden eyes greeted me. It linked a couple of times before the person who owns the golden eyes decided to talk.
"Master Aure..." he gently lifted me out from the crib that I am in and sat me on a single chair.
My pegasus, Demetre was in a form of a little boy whose eyes and hair are as golden as the sun during summer season.
He was kneeling on the floor with his head bowed down.
'Why are you here?How did you find me?'
Demetre straighten his pose, and elegantly sat on the floor while looking up onto me with eyes full of sorrow.
"After the cruel God, King Constantine threw you down to this world...The Goddess of Love,Queen Hera summoned and sent me here to assist you ,master Aure." he said in a low voice.
'How did you find me though.'
"I've wondered around Hydros for almost a month. Then I somewhat ended up here in Zephyrus after hearing gossips about princess Dianne de Espiranza being the daughter of King Constantine, while I was still in the Physis Empire..."
'You went all the way here from Physis as soon as you heard about me being the daughter of King Constantine?'
"Yes." he nodded.
'That blinding light... 2 days ago. It was you, am I correct?'
"Yes." the little boy nodded again.
I'm glad that I did an investigation, if not I wouln't able to meet this little boy.
"Master... Won't you pat my head?" the boy said shyly in a low voice.
I raised my left eyebrow in return. How in the heavens will I do that, with hands like this? It's imposible!
"I missed you master... That cruel King Constantine, how dare he do this to you..." he said in an angry tone, he clenched both his fist's closed.
I deeply sighed.
'Come here.'
Demetre slowly approached me, he put his head on my tiny lap. I gently stroke his silky golden hair with my tiny and little fingers.
'Tell me,what are your plans.'
"I will turn myself into a cat and will be the Goddess's pet."
'And how will you do that? I'm an Imperial Princess in this lifetime.'
"That...is why, I will be needing full cooperation from you, master Aure."

Bình Luận Sách (334)

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    nice! keep updating po hihi 🥰


  • avatar

    Highly recommend! It’s a one of a kind story. I love it.


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    Rona Mae Faraon Amistoso

    Highly recommended story, Good job author keep it up👍👏


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