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Again she remembered the sorrowful day when her mother Elisabeth died in a motor accident leaving her with her harsh, wicked and heartless father. A father who didn't want her to become a musician. But then she still managed living with her father and things were going on well when she stopped everything music just to know her father reaction. But that urge was still there for music so she couldn't keep it and she then continued. Lily remembered that shortly after her mothers death, Grayon remarried a woman named Lizzy.
It was just as if Grayon just seen his better half because their behavior fits. Lizzy now maltreats her(Lily) but when she couldn't bear it she ran away from there house and joined her friends Rose and Angelina who stayed in an apartment together as which they met Mitchie....
Just those time Mitchie stopped the car and then she alighted from the car so also the girls, but Lily was carried away but Angelina tapped her and then they both alighted from the vehicle. Now they were right in front of the mall where instruments were sold. Mitchie and the ladies walked into the mall and she told them to pick the instrument they played as they have discussed.
In the mall was boy named Nicholas, he works for Lily's father and he is also aware that Grayon was in search of Lily, so as the ladies were shopping Angelina ran into Nicholas mistakenly and everything that was with Nicholas spilled on the floor because he came to the mall to get something's and the ladies were also there to buy instruments.
As this happened, Lily and Rose trot to the scene as Mitchie was busy with the paying of the instruments.
"Sorry, am very sorry" Angelina said soberly
"No, problem, don't worry"Nicholas replied softly
" Anyway, am Nicholas by name and you"
"I am Angelina"
And at this time Lily and Rose was there, but as Lily saw Nicholas she left immediately and told the girls " we got to go".
"Good bye Lily" Nicholas said as Lily was going and the ladies were surprised 'how did he know Lily'
But Lily knew that Nicholas worked for her father and also that her father would have been in search for her. The girls were surprise but then they bid Nicholas goodbye after exchange of phone numbers
"Good bye Nicholas" Angelina and Rose said.
"Good bye ladies" Nicholas replied as he continued his shopping
When the ladies got to the car, Mitchie was done with the paying and the instruments were in the car, so they joined Lily in the car and then Mitchie who was already in the car started the car and off they went.
Just as the ladies left, Nicholas immediately informed Grayon that he saw Lily and when he heard, he sent a vehicle to trail the car Lily was.
While Mitchie was driving, she discovered that they were been trailed by a vehicle. "Who could this be" she thought.
And immediately she began to route, passing through tight corners just to escape from the trailer but all to no avail as the vehicle was now very at their back.
As Mitchie was passing tight routes, she got hooked and then she thought of what to do as the trailer's vehicle was fast approaching them. She then got an idea, she stopped suddenly and the vehicle that was trailing, coming with a high speed which couldn't be controlled hit Mitchie's vehicle from behind but Mitchie's car was strong enough to take it and no one in her car got injured but the trailer's windscreen got broken, But Mitchie reversed and went back to the road leaving those in the damaged car unconscious.
"Who were those people??, and why were they trailing us??" Rose asked
"Am surprised, as I can't explain what has just happened now"Mitchie replied.
" They are from my father"Lily cuts in putting on a very saddening face.
"Your father??"Mitchie asked astonished.
" Yes, I ran away from my father who doesn't want me to fulfil my aspiration of becoming a musician, and now he is looking for me"
"Okay, but how did he know you were in this car??" Angelina asked
"It was Nicholas"
"Nicholas??"Angelina and Rose asked.
" How??cause I don't get" Rose added.
"He worked for my dad and he was aware that my dad was in search of me, so when he saw me, I guessed he called my father who had probably sent the vehicle to trail us"Lily answered.
" Huh, that's not good enough not allowing a girl to fulfil her heart desire and now she ran away and you are still looking for her, too bad"Rose said.
" I see that you have been so moody since we have entered the the vehicle but I didn't really know what caused it but now am this you just said is really wort making someone moody and even behaving weird"Angelina said
"But Lily forget all that, they are the past which can actually hurt the future if not forgotten, so I urge you ,cheer up"Mitchie advised.
This short word of Mitchie was just like a chilled drink, drank by Lily because they were really word of encouragement and nothing more. " Had it be that I see someone who could have been encouraging and motivating me, I could been in a level higher that this" she thought.
But then she did according to what Mitchie had said to cheer up and the ladies began to gist themselves including Mitchie,laughing as Mitchie was driving not fast like before again.

Bình Luận Sách (717)

  • avatar
    Laysang Maria

    this novel is so good that really kill my time without getting bored and somehow this novel make me really fond of romance i love this kind of a story


  • avatar
    AraujoAna jhulia

    Muito bom amei um livro interativo muito bom mesmo recomendo


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    Mai Nyi LogTSYU



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