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"Okay, so now that you Lily and Angelina plays guitar and Rose plays drums, I will be the lead vocalist and you'll become ma' backup, is it clear to us now??" Mitchie asked
"Perfectly clear"the ladies chorused.
" So then continue to enjoy yourselves and feel free" Mitchie said as she goes to have her dinner.
It was night already, Lily and Angelina were watching a movie while Rose was busy eating without minding the consequences.
An alarm clock clanged which caught everyone's attention indicating its 8'o clock
" Huhs, I haven't taken my dinner"Lily said
"I also" Angelina added, Rose didn't even mind because she has eaten to the fullest and she then stood up and went to the room bidding everyone good night, while Lily and Angelina took some pie's with strawberry flavour juice after which they all went to sleep.
At this time Lily was still sleeping while Angelina was busy with her phone having on her head, a headset and Rose was still fast asleep after stooling all through the night due to her gluttony. Mitchie who had been awake began to enter the ladies room one by one starting with Lily as she began to sing .....
In the Morning
Prayers to father Lord
(At this time Lily woke up and the stretched her arms and legs, as then Mitchie left her room for Rose's room)
In the Morning
Its ice cream day
(Immediately Rose stood up when she heard ice cream day and then she left for Angelina's room)
I brought to you yoghurt
As your breakfast
With pieces of cake
(Now everyone was awake)
"Good Morning, ladies"Mitchie said as she was done singing
" Good Morning Mitchie"the ladies chorused.
"How was your night??" Mitchie asked
"Perfectly fine" Angelina replied.
"The morning music was really superb, I love it"Lily said
" O, that's okay"Mitchie replied
"Yes oo I enjoyed it too because of the yoghurt, ice cream and erm,erm,yes I remember the pieces of cake"Rose cuts in
(Everyone laughed)
" You like food so much Rose but then ice-cream and the cakes are on the dinning room as our breakfast "Mitchie said
" and so also"she added "When done with your breakfast, dress up and we gonna go somewhere today"
"Okay that's great"Angelina said as she hopped to the dinning room to join others who were already sitted , eating as she sang this song...
The taste is yummy
A very delicious meal
After few minutes she stopped singing as she began to eat and after some time they were done wit eating and they all went to their different rooms to dress up as they were going out with Mitchie.
" Ladies hurry up we got to go now" Mitchie said as she picked up her car key and went out towards one of her cars which was very big and spacious and then she entered and waited for the ladies a while and they later joined her in the car few minutes later and then she drove out of the beautiful compound ."
As they were going, Lily who sat beside the the car door was just gazing at the sky scrapers and houses and other buildings with companies and sorts more, the sky was very bright but there wasn't sun, so everywhere was bright and cool. All these were really beautiful to behold but then they slowly faded away as the sad experiences which has kept her away from her father crept in.
She remembered her harsh father, Grayon an old man with grey hairs and pot-bellied stomach who uses spectacle. In his young days he was a musician whose song based on the government heartlessness which he was jailed but then released after some years. After he was released he stopped singing and then married Elizabeth who later gave birth to Lily.
All these was told to her by her father while she was young after she told her father that she aspired to become a musician. So her father used this to discourage her.
But then, Lily remembered that she still determined after the story her father had told her that she would still become a musician which made her father very angry and then she became irritated to her father and since then Grayon had always made sure Lily won't fulfil her aspiration of becoming a musician. Lily remembered when she asked her father for an instrument specifically a drum, but her father ignored her request but then she went ahead to meet her mother Elisabeth who bought a drum set for her. She really kept the drum set from her father in a room in the house where no one uses but Grayon opened the room one day and he was flabbergasted to see a drum set there, he wasn't happy and he then destroyed it.
Lily remembered that when she came from school that day ,none of her parent was at home while she went to the room to drum, she was very disappointed to see it destroyed already and she then knew that it was hiss father Grayon that was behind it.

Bình Luận Sách (718)

  • avatar
    Laysang Maria

    this novel is so good that really kill my time without getting bored and somehow this novel make me really fond of romance i love this kind of a story


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  • avatar
    AraujoAna jhulia

    Muito bom amei um livro interativo muito bom mesmo recomendo


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