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Encountered Kid

I cautiously looked around the hallway. The hall is packed with busy nurses scattered around assisting patients of all ages. The white tiled floor was full of dirt and muddy footprints. Is this a hospital or a wet market? This place is too crowded and noisy! I shook my head... no, this is not the time to think about unnecessary stuff. This whole ordeal is actually working to my advantage. With all the chaos this means I can slip away easier from this place. I need to do this. I have to get out of here. I was about to run when someone suddenly grabbed the end of my dress.
"Ate, ate. What you doing?" I stared at the small child who was grasping the bottom of my dress. I breathed a sigh of relief. That nearly gave me a mini heart attack.
"I-I'm—" I stared at him, stuttering.
I thought a nurse caught me but what I saw was a small boy with black spiky hair, a small pointed nose, and white pale skin about 5 to 6 in age. Who and where is his guardian? Why's he alone? Children should not be permitted to roam the hospital grounds. This is not a mall. Especially that this hospital is a total wreck, this kid could easily get lost! Oh, wait. I have no time for this!
"I'm sorry but Ate needs to go," I said and walked away as fast as I can.
I turned around because I sensed that someone was tailing me. I arched an eyebrow as I saw the little boy following me. Now what? Is he trying to act like a dog?
"Go back. I'm leaving," I grunted, I'm in a desperate situation.
What if they find me? This kid is a nuisance! I was never fond of kids in the first place. Their so-called innocence and happiness annoy me the most. They are just little creatures oblivious of how the world works and just cry to get what they want.
"Ate, you wooking for your reaw body?" He asked me in all seriousness in his eyes.
What? What is this kid talking about? Real body? A thousand possibilities flooded my mind, does this kid know something? Is it possible that this is not my body? My real body? Is this some kind of soul switching like in a fantasy movie or just an amazing work of plastic surgery?
"W-What—" My question was cut short when someone suddenly spoke from behind me.
"Johnny! There you are, you mischievous child! I've been looking for you before!" We were interrupted by a middle-aged woman dressed in a blue formal long sleeve with printed flowers paired with her fitted white pants
"Yaya, wet's hewp Ate to find her weal body," said the child while pointing at me and pulling the edge of the shirt of his nanny.
Find my real body? I am utterly confused right now. What the hell is this kid talking about?! Is this some kind of sick joke?!
"Oh, Miss I'm sorry on behalf of Johnny, this boy really loves to make up stories. You know kids love fantasies," the woman said apologetically and laughed awkwardly before walking away leaving me hanging and frozen to where I'm standing.
I mentally gave myself a pale slap. I can't believe I just believed a child's story. Am I really this desperate that I fell for a child's fantasy? I let out an exasperated sigh but waking up with this new unfamiliar face? They might've done something, plastic surgery or a weird human experiment? I don't know but I will find out. Whatever it is, this hospital isn't normal. No one ever messes up with a Perez. I was brought back to reality when a nurse passed by in front of me. Oh no! I almost forgot. I rushed through the doorway hoping they didn't notice me. As I approached the exit, I exhaled a sigh of relief. Nobody seemed to notice me. Good! Someone tapped my shoulder as I was ready to stride out with my left foot.
"Do you happen to be the one that these nurses are looking for?" When someone suddenly spoke from the side of the entrance where I was standing, my eyes widened.
I shifted my gaze to him and saw a young man with his hands in his pockets. He's wearing denim pants and a white V-neck shirt showing off the manly build of his body, his black cap hid his face but judging by the way he stands and speaks I can tell some women would drool over him. I'm good at judging people, I was trained for it so I know he's different. He's different but why does he feel so familiar in a way. What is this man doing in this freak hospital? Doctors are insane, the patients are crazy, so why is someone like him here? He doesn't look like some psycho like them. He slowly raised his head and when I had a clear view of his face my head feels as if all the blood rush into it. Wait, I know this—
"You?!" I shouted before I threw a heavy punch on his face.
He sat on the floor in no time as a result of the impact of my hit. Tsk, tsk, tsk! Even a weak woman may knock him out. Confirmed: appearances can be deceiving. This man is anything but normal.
"Wait, what was that for?!" He yelled as he clutched his bleeding lip.
"You've earned it, you jerk!" I frowned and walked away from him.
That guy. Tsk, I really hate him. Wait, hate is an understatement, I despise him. Why is he in that freak hospital anyway? Wait— don't tell me he's behind all this?! That means—ugh! This is more serious than I thought! My life is in danger! He actually dared to do it! I really need to escape as fast as I can.
I looked around... this place looks deserted. Long empty highway with not many passing vehicles. I got more impatient as I clicked my tongue. I'm getting more convinced this is some scheme from that guy to ruin my life. This time he went overboard, seriously? A plastic surgery? He can change my face but he can't change Elena Perez. No matter what face I have, I am Elena Perez. I looked around and saw that there are a few taxis but most of them are occupied.
I tried to take a vacant cab, but they didn't stop; it was aggravating! What is the matter with them?! I was simply compelled to walk. I need to get out of that prison-like freak hospital even more now that that jackass is still there! I can't believe Elena Perez is in this precarious condition. I can't help but sigh again. That guy's plot is becoming more daring and nefarious. He made certain that I would have a difficult time, but Luke and dad will not allow this to happen. I'm sure they've done something by this point.
"How long should I walk?! And where the hell am I?!" I screamed in frustration.
I looked around... I don't even see any signboards; it's as if I'm in a remote countryside or an urban setting in a horror film. I'm practically encircled by tall trees and bushes, with no trace of a living human except for passing vehicles, which clearly have no intention of aiding me. I've been walking for hours and still have no idea where I am.
Loud long sharp noises of crickets and frogs are the only thing that breaks this suffocating silence. The road is bumpy and rough and the farther I walk, the more isolated the place is becoming. But on the bright side am already far from that place. They will regret doing this to Elena Perez! Doing some weird experiments in my body. I'm sure of it. They are trying to brainwash me with false information after taking advantage of my accident. They will really regret they messed with a Perez. I'll make sure of it.

Bình Luận Sách (804)

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    his house and you lord lyrics to the lord is risen lord is my shepherd mix puppies to the house and I will get it you lord lyrics to I will get it you can do it yourself hair color for gray hair to the house and I can do it yourself hair color for gray hair to the house now so I can get it you can do it you can do it yourself you lord for gray exterior paint colors that look like you can do it yourself hair color for gray hair to the house and I will get it you can do it yourself hair color fore


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    show beuty the history or magasin na lang ako po ako sa mga taong hindi lahat na po ba kayo sa mga taong hindi lahat na lang ako po ako po sa school of the day I was in a different kind and I am a big deal for you and I am a big deal for you and your friends to be the first to get the chance of winning the title track of your own life to be the first to get the best of the year and the rest is up for the next to the world is not the world is not the only thing I have to do it for you to be a gre


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    love the book!!


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