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Chapter 3

The light breeze of the wind caresses my bare face as my arms are wrapped around Korics whilst he's driving. His scent, still crept like earlier as the sensation of his natural smell lingers on. The streets were calm in this hour, it is vast and filled with peace, and my heart kept skipping a beat. I stared at the road, wondering where Kor's taking me, wondering what awaits.
It's been a few minutes of us driving in a straight route and I notice it is getting a little dark, my curiosity is testing my forbearance. I couldn't wait for us to reach this destination and for my long-suffering to end. Before long, Korics stopped the motorcycle and when I saw where he took me, I was stunned.
Valmora Sites, an open land area free of woods and buildings that's made to host either big or small events, picnics, parties, surprises, or even get-togethers. You practically rent a spot and you're free to do whatever you want with it, decorate it, bring your own griller, tables, anything used for setups. Korics smiled proudly as he's guiding me on our way to the spot he rented for us amid holding my hand to drag me. Complaining that I move slow.
My jaw dropped. He set up a little tent with lights attached to it and there's this picnic cloth outside with our favorite snacks placed on top of it. I look around the site's vicinity and nobody else is here, I'm disheveled now, knowing this place is frequently jammed and loaded. The atmosphere was light, I guess he was right... I do feel safer here. I'm touched, his efforts, his ways and his thoughtfulness remind me about how lucky I am to have him as a friend.
We both sat down on the picnic cloth, I gaped at his fortuitous grin and he starts to munch on the finger foods. My heart was still overwhelmed, it kept beating fast and I'm almost out of breath. No words are able to delineate what I feel, I bit my lip to stop a smile from showing but I failed. I am so happy, the word happy is an understatement.
"So... Do you like it?" He asked. "It's not much, but hey at least I tried. Anything to make you feel better, or for you to forget about whatever is bothering you even for a short period of time."
"It's not much? Are you kidding me?!" I bursted. "I absolutely love it Korics! Damn, who knew you had it in you. How did you even manage to pull this off?"
"With the help of a friend." I nodded, not wanting to ask any other questions. We both ate the sandwiches and truffles he ordered for us. I was still in dispute with why Valmora Sites is remotely not that crowded. "Anything you want to say?"
"Are we the only ones here?" A smirk started to form on his face along with his deep stare that pierced through my soul. My eyes widened, I think he misunderstood. "Holy shi— No! I didn't mean it that way. Gosh."
"Stop being paranoid. If you're wondering why we're the only ones here, well my friend helped me make adjustments so we'd have privacy." He casually said as he kept shrugging. "I know you won't feel comfortable if there are other people, so I had to use connections. Good thing that friend was willing to help."
"Which friend?" I asked, with an assumption that it was Vry who helped him. He didn't respond. "Whatever. So, why'd you bring me here? What's the catch?"
"Stupid." He poked my forehead. "I already told you more than twice. Could you possibly be more idiotic Savelle. To help you unwind, you're too stressed out."
Even though I said the act was cheesy, it managed to pull on my heart strings. It made me smile, but I won't tell him that: He's going to tease me saying I have a crush on him. Korics is always like that, even before when we were younger, he knows he's an eye-catcher that's why he's using it to tease me. I may have had a childhood crush on him, but I swear it's nothing more than just that. Just a childhood crush.
The plates and cups are all empty, with only crumbs left on the picnic cloth Korics decided to go in the tent to relax. The arrangement, everything looks costly and simple yet classy. I took my shoes off and placed them beside Korics' before going inside, there are decorative throw pillows and a knitted blanket where we can sit on.
"Wow." I was impressed, Korics is indeed one chivalrous man. "Very creative Mister Villaverde."
"Thank you, Miss Elviera." We laughed flamboyantly. "It feels nice seeing you laugh, Sav."
"And how I wish I could laugh as often as possible." I blurted, unaware of the things I'm about to say. "It's difficult to do so, especially if you're someone like me."
He didn't respond, he waited. Waited for me to open up, he sat there waiting for me to tell him more. My emotions got the best of me, I started blabbering about my problems. I know I said a lot of things about not wanting to open up, but it's different when I'm with Korics.
"I don't trust myself." I started. "Remember how I was so self-conscious before? My genuine fear of being a failure came back. It all started when they rushed the S.U FUNdraiser, I got scared by the thought of failing and ruining everything. I'm afraid that everyone... The school board, the officers, my parents, my friends, you, all of you would see me as a disappointment. It's a tough challenge hiding what I feel behind a smile, it sucks that I need to pretend so people won't think I'm weak. I hate myself for that."
"Sav, we might not share the same pain but I want you to know how amazing you are." He says, trying to reassure me. "And I may not know where you got this trauma from, but Savelle you're a terrific person, everything you do turns out amazing. You always do your best. So stop saying that you're going to end up as a failure because that's not what I see in you. I see someone who doesn't give up for what they believe in, I see someone who amazes me every time she does something remarkable, and I see someone who's worth more than how she assumes."
"Feel better Savelle, I'm always here. A shoulder you can lean and cry on." He says, placing his hand on my shoulder. "I have something to tell you as well..."
"What? Are you good?" I asked, thinking he's also going through something. I am always willing to serve as open arms, ready to take anyone in to be their comfort. To be their safe haven. He smiled bitterly, with apparent uneasiness in his eyes. "Kor? Spill the tea."
He instantaneously moved closer to me, our faces literally inches apart, my heart was beating rapidly which made me anxious assuming he could probably hear it considering our distance. I shifted farther from him, tensed by the energy surrounding us. His smirk grew wider and wider because he sees how awkward I'm feeling.
"Savelle, I don't know if this is the right time to say this but who cares..." My heartbeat is faster than how it already was. I get so perturbed every time someone gets me hooked on something they intend to tell me, but this time all I felt was nervousness. "Hey, just chill. Nothing bad's going to happen."
"Just say it already!" I exploded!
"I like y—"
Oh shoot. My phone rang, he moved away so I could answer the call. It's my mom, I think she's just worried because I'm not at home yet. I looked over to Kor who still has the smirk on his face. 
"Where are you Sav?"
"Ma, I'm with Korics. In Valmora Sites."
"On a date, huh?" She chuckled.
"No! We're just friends ma!" Korics laughed. "What?" He shrugged.
"It's getting late Sav. You should come home, Nugget is waiting for you." Nugget, my dog. "Tell Korics to drive you home okay? You know I get nervous every time you book a cab to get home."
"Yes ma, okay. Bye." I said before hanging up. Korics and I went out of the tent and wore our shoes in a hurry. We walked all the way to where he parked his motorcycle. We were about to go home, seeing as how I'm already wearing his extra helmet and on his back, wrapping my arms around him once again... But I still wanted to ask one more question.
"Kor, what were you saying earlier?"
"What do you mean?"
"Before my mom called? You were about to say something."
"Maybe some other time Sav. You heard your mom, time to get you home." He drove off, leaving me curious about what he was supposed to tell me. Now I feel irritated. We arrived, my parents are in the lawn, waiting for me with Nugget. They come up to us, to greet Korics. "Hello Mister and Missis Elviera, hi dear Nugget!"
"Thank you for taking Savelle home Korics." My mother said, Kor just gave her a flashing smile. "Would you want to stay here for dinner?"
"No, it's okay auntie. I'll go ahead, my mom is probably waiting for me too." He says before walking towards his motorcycle. "Bye everyone. See you in school tomorrow Sav." He winked.
"Take care Korics! Tell your mom I said hi!" My mother says while waving to Korics. I see him drive off with a smile on his face. It made me smile too. "Sav! Are you guys dating?"
"No!" I denied. "I'll go to my room ma, pa. Stop saying we're dating okay? We're JUST friends! Good night."
I bellyflopped to my bed feeling the exhaustion from today's activities, the school rehearsals. Unwinding with Korics indeed helped, I feel a bit better about myself because of what he said. I stood up to change into my pajamas and when I was done I did my skincare routine and then went straight to my desk, took my laptop and started working on the details for the fundraiser program.
It's a breather that we have excess budget from last year's fundraiser program to pay for this year's fundraiser program expenses. With the help of Amee and Vry, we managed to save a little more this year than how we did last. The food stall owners are also kind enough to give us discounts on the rents, and some of the officers are nice to donate money for decorations.
This fundraiser is very important to me and to Sapient University, the main reason why I feel super pressured. As I once told you, the funds that will be raised are going to be donated to the children of a chosen orphanage here in our town, the money will be used to buy their utilities, food, water, clothing and other needs. This matters so much to me and everyone who worked hard to make this event happen, and as president of S.U, I am pressured. Scared to fail.
Just when I finished updating the details and I'm about to go to bed, my phone rang. I checked to see who's calling this late, and it's Vrylle. I answered quickly, thinking it's tea or gossip but it wasn't. She has her serious tone.
"Rox, did you check the university's Facebook page?" She asks on the other line.
"No, I was busy updating some small details. Why? Is there something wrong?"
"Check it yourself. Just call me again when you did." Vrylle hung up, I took my laptop again to check the school's Facebook page, a site where students, teachers, and even other people are free to post opinions and what they want.
My eyes widened when I read the post from someone who doesn't seem to be a student in S.U, it's something about the fundraiser event. I clicked the account of the one who posted it, obviously it's a dummy or troll account, no photos, no posts, nothing at all. This person posted in Sapient University's Facebook page quote: 'And everyone believes the S.U funds will go to the children of the orphanage and not the greedy owners of the university itself...'  People in the comments were having a debate, it was a disaster. My blood boiled.
"Where are you going?" My mother asked, I pick my coat and ran towards the door. She's confused, I'm off to see Vrylle in a cafe to discuss about the issue. Miss Ram also agreed to meet up with us, she's the adviser of the S.U Officers. "Sav?"
"Ma, something came on. I'll tell you once I get home." I asked my dad if I could borrow the car, and even if I knew he's not going to let me, he still did because I'll force him if he refused. I am in a rush! "I have to go. Don't wait for me, bye Nugget. Love you!"
"Vrylle!" I sat beside her, Miss Ram is in front of us. We all looked stressed and serious, the post may seen harmless, but it's not. It will surely make a huge scene and may affect the fundraiser program. "Miss Ram, what was that about? Out of a sudden someone decides to post something, throwing shade? I know it meant more, it's obvious."
"Rox is right Miss Ram, this is bad. It could affect the program." Vrylle said.
"I know. We'll do everything, this cannot happen! The school's image could be badly ruined!" She said out of furiousness, I addlepated. "I'll do everything, tomorrow.. We'll contact a lawyer, I believe that post is considered as cyber libel."
"This is not just about the school's image Miss Ram. It's the fundraiser, if this gets affected we'll fail the children of the orphanage." I said, firmly. "They're counting on us, they're counting on the fundraiser."
"The founders of Sapient University will prioritize their image." She coldly said, leaving me and Vrylle speechless.
"Are they that heartless?!" Anger present in Vry's tone. The employees of the cafe looked at us. "Sorry."
"As much as I want to help, I can't do anything for the children. It's my job in the line, I can't afford to lose it. Sorry Miss Elviera and Miss Courdova, I can't help the children." Miss Ram looked down. "I know, I sound selfish. I can't lose my job, I have a family to feed and support. I have to protect the school's image first, I have to disregard whatever will happen to the fundraiser, I need my job."
"If they... Are that heartless, why host a fundraiser program in the first place?" I asked, my voice shaking. Angry for how dirty they played.
"It's a publicity stunt, Savelle." Miss Ram
said before she stood up, ready to leave. "Everything is a publicity stunt, that's how the founders play. They play dirty."
"But I thought... The school valued the children, t-the orphanage, the donations." I felt my heart sting. "Vrylle why? This is not Sapient University."
"I guess we were wrong, Rox."

Bình Luận Sách (353)

  • avatar

    we all wishes for happy ending in our lives, but not everyone is that lucky 😔 love the book ❤️


  • avatar
    Jouet Amina



  • avatar
    Crizhel Ardon

    Very good


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