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My inmate's Fiance' is my ex-boyfriend

My inmate's Fiance' is my ex-boyfriend


Chương 1 My inmate's Fiance' is my ex-boyfriend

Chapter 1
A loud slap landed on Kelly's face.
"Ouch!" she quickly touched her left cheek due to its numbness as her tears gradually trickled down as she felt the pain.
"You are so flirt!" Doña Helena's voice echoed as she grabbed her hair and dragged her towards the sink. "Ma'am, please release me," Kelly bawled tearfully as she carefully pulled her long hair.
"Don't dream of being part of our family because you're just a maid in my mansion!" Doña Helena shove Kelly's face into the sink. Kelly could barely breathe as Doña Helena pushed her into the sink. Fortunately, she grabbed Doña's arm and quickly lifted her face. "Don't touch my arm with your dirty hands!" Doña Helena removed her grip on Kelly's hair and glared at her. "You're an ambitious gold digger!" Doña Helena spat at Kelly and slapped her again.
"Ma'am, what is my grave sin against you because I don't understand why you are mistreating me like this?" Kelly's voice rasped as tears streamed down her angelic face.
"What does that mean?" Doña Helena threw in front of her a POSITIVE pregnancy test that surprised Kelly. "Isn't that just proof that you're an ambitious dirty woman?"
Kelly knelt down and immediately took the pregnancy test on the floor and tucked into her white apron.
She didn't utter a word and remained bent over.
"Why don't you speak up? Do you intend to deceive me? Do you think I didn't know that you were flirting with my son?" Doña Helena's voice was almost muffled by her screaming but she only heard a moan from Kelly.
Kelly stood up and straightened her messy hair.
"Ma'am, Adrian and I love each other," Kelly replied boldly as she lifted her head to face Doña Helena.
"You're so shameless to brag to me that my son loves you!" Doña Helena picked up a small green flower vase on the table and smashed it in front of Kelly, out of her rage.
"Adrian loved me and he accepted that I came from a poor family," Kelly defended herself which further infuriated Doña Helena.
"Don't be ambitious because a beggar like you has no space in my mansion!" Doña Helena stepped on Kelly and pulled on her dress and grabbed a pair of scissors.
"Even if you don't a-c-c-e-p-t me as part of
your family, I just want my future son to know his father because he has that right and I know Adrian will be happy if he finds out that I'm pregnant," Kelly stammered as she blushed.
"Don't be complacent because I'm sure Adrian will hate you because he's not the father of that child!" out of annoyance, Doña Helena pulled Kelly's white dress and ripped it with scissors until it looked like a rag.
"Ma'am, why did you tear my dress!" she sighed as her dress was pierced.
Kelly sadly touched her dress because she remembered Adrian had given it to her before going to America.
"That's the attire that suits you because you're an ignorant woman and uneducated!" Doña Helena shivered with rage as she suddenly took the broom to slap Kelly.
"Ma'am, please don't strike me because the baby I'm carrying will be damned!" Kelly tried to grab the broom but Doña Helena's hands were elusive.
Kelly's lips trembled and she could barely move because she was afraid that Doña Helena would hurt her unborn baby.
"You don't fit in my mansion because you deserve better on the street!" Kelly hugged her stomach as Doña Helena relentlessly slapped her with the broom.
"Ma'am, stop that!" Kelly again dared to grab the broom but Doña Helena hit her.
"Ah!" she writhed in excruciating pain but was attacked again by Doña Helena.
"No! Don't hurt me!" due to Kelly's fear that her unborn baby would be in danger, she suddenly pushed Doña Helena hard and collided with the large cabinet.
She was shocked and could barely moved her legs because of what she had done.
"You'll pay for what you did to me because I'll make sure that your life goes to hell!" Doña Helena shouted in her hoarse voice.
Kelly was scared when she saw a lump on Doña Helena's forehead so she immediately approached her.
"Ma'am, forgive me because I didn't mean to," Kelly knelt down to wipe Doña Helena's forehead but she noticed someone open the door.
"What did you do to my mom?" an unfamiliar voice rang in Kelly's ear. She was surprised because she didn't know any of Doña Helena's relatives in the Philippines because she knew they were in America.
"Son, you're back!" Doña Helena's tone was happy so Kelly couldn't help but look behind her, but her eyes popped out as she saw, Adrian.
"Babe, you're already here!" Kelly quickly stood up to greet Adrian but she was surprised because he ignored her.
The former spark in Adrian's eyes disappeared.
"He was only on vacation in America for two months but his pace changed, he got fatter and his skin got smoother and most of all he put on a tattoo which was one of the things he hated back then," Kelly grunted.
Even Adrian ignored her but she stepped forward to hug her boyfriend.
"Miss you, babe," Kelly gushed as she hugged her boyfriend tightly. She noticed that Adrian didn't even hug her unlike before that she always felt his warm hug.
Adrian removed Kelly's hands from her tight embrace.
"You haven't answered my question yet! Why did you hurt my mom?" Adrian's voice rang out like thunder with rage. "Babe, I just defended myself because your mom hurt me," Kelly replied in her raspy voice.
"Son, don't believe that woman because she loves to make up stories!" Doña Helena shouted as she pointed at Kelly.
"Babe, we've only been apart for two months but why you treat me differently?" Kelly moaned, she bent down and took off her white apron to wipe away her dripping tears.
Kelly saw Adrian smirk.
"Haven't you seen yourself? You're pathetic because even in your clothes you look ragged! You don't even know how to dress yourself!" Adrian growled at Kelly as if disgusted with her.
Kelly bent down and touched her torn dress.
"I kept this dress but your mom just tore it," abundant tears flowed in Kelly's eyes not because of her torn dress but every hurtful word that Adrian threw at her that didn't seem to disappear from her ear.
"Don't make up a story because my son won't believe you!" Doña Helena was irritated by Kelly's accusation against her.
"Don't act like an innocent and don't blame my mom because I'm sure she can't do those things!" Adrian blushed in anger as he stepped over to his mom to help her get up.
Doña Helena quickly stepped towards Kelly's whereabouts.
"You're ungrateful! You really intend to make me look bad in my son's eyes!" she slapped Kelly's shoulder out of sheer anger.
"Adrian, please help me because I'm pregnant," there was a plea in Kelly's tone.
Kelly noticed that Adrian's forehead was furrowed and she saw that he wasn't happy with what he heard from her.
"Mom, Is this woman pregnant? Or maybe she's just pretending?" there was judgement in Adrian's voice and he didn't seem convinced by what Kelly had revealed.
"Don't believe that woman because she'll do anything to extort money from us!" Kelly seemed to melt at Doña Helena's accusations against her. She glanced at her boyfriend but she saw in her eyes that he didn't care how she felt.
Kelly approached Adrian and knelt in front of him.
"Babe, here's what you dreamed of," Kelly said as her hands massage her belly.
"Don't fool me because I don't believe in your gimmick!" Adrian said as he turned his back on Kelly.
Kelly followed and hugged Adrian's waist tightly.
"Babe, why did you turn your back on me? Aren't you glad that we have a child?" Kelly pleaded as she gripped Adrian's waist tightly but he ignored her and let go of her tight hug.
"Get out of here! You're a leech clinging to my son!" Doña Helena kicked Kelly until she fell to the floor and even dragged her.
"Adrian, help me! I don't want to get away from you!" Kelly's voice was almost muffled by her screaming but Adrian didn't say a word and let Doña Helena hurt her.
"Get out of my house and don't show up to my son!" Doña Helena threw a large blue suitcase at Kelly.
"Ma'am, please have mercy on me, I have nowhere else to go because my family is in the province!" Kelly picked up the suitcase as her tears flowed freely down her gentle face.
"In that suitcase is the money you can use on your departure!" said Doña Helena while fiercely staring at her.
"I'm not leaving here until I hear from Adrian himself that he kicked me out!" Kelly replied while sobbing.
"Don't force yourself on someone who doesn't like you! Get out and don't let your shadow show up here!" like a flash that rang in Kelly's ear the painful words that Adrian had uttered.
It was as if she was drenched in cold water when she heard the painful words spoken by her boyfriend, her heart was almost broken and no words could describe how much pain she was feeling.
"Obviously, you heard what my son said! So leave a little shame to yourself and get out of here!" Doña Helena dragged Kelly and let her out of the gate.
Kelly burst into tears of shame and resentment.
"Don't you dare go back to my mansion!" Doña Helena left her and immediately locked the gate.

Bình Luận Sách (865)

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    Arnel Baldovino

    it's beautiful


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    Moses Porpa



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