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Chapter 02_The Stranger

Elsa sighed and led back on the chair, sipping her drink slowly.
The place is full of people and there is a loud music playing. Elsa was already getting headache as she wasn't used to staying with such loud music.
She stood up and grab her purse. She thought of staying outside for a while to catch some fresh air. Furthermore, she walked outside and led on a parked car and just sip her drink, staring around and wondering how some girls will be dressed in just a bra and a pant.
Do they even have a parent at home?
Well, she's out of world? Everyone won't be like her.
“What can a beautiful princess be doing outside!” A voice said beside her, and next a hand on her face.
She slowly slap the hand off her face and turned to stared at whoever it was.
It was a man, in a white top and jeans. He's a little handsome,, but he looks like a flirt. Well, anybody who comes to such place should be a flirt.
“Hello angel. Don't tell me you're just here alone” the man said.
Elsa swallowed the lump in her throat, she shouldn't have come outside.
“No, I came with my boyfriend” Elsa said.
What boyfriend? Does she even have? She just hopes this man will go away.
“Oh baby! Your boyfriend won't mind be getting a taste of you. Come here” the man grabbed her and pushed her towards himself.
“Let go of me!” Elsa tried pushing him,, but he was stronger than she was.
“Don't act hard, baby” The man said. His breath smells alcohol and Elsa wasn't comfortable with it.
“Please, just let me go” Elsa pleaded.
“Come on, let be just taste you” The man licked her face.
“Ewww!” Elsa was almost crying.
Suddenly, she saw someone drag the man away from her and then punch him.
“You don't harass a girl!” The man said,, and her voice was very deep yet held something.
Elsa was already crying.
“Are you okay?” The deep voice asked her, but she just stood.
“Stay away from me!” Elsa yelled and ran off. Back into the party house.
She needs to leave here immediately!
Elsa searched for Alice and Marina, but she couldn't seem to find them anywhere. It was already getting dark, and she's no longer comfortable being here after what she encountered outside. She knew she could've thanked the man who saved her, but she was so scared to do that.
What the man did bring back a lot of memory she ever wanted to get laid off.
Getting raped at sixteen, and ever since then, her parents had started seeing her as a whore and started treating her badly. It wasn't her fault, She didn't ask the man to have sex with her.
She was raped!
That should ring a bell but not in the ears of her mother.
Elsa searched and tried calling Alice and Marina, but none were answering, of course they can't hear her because of the loud music playing. She can't stay any longer, she needed to leave, besides it's already getting late. As she walked out of the door, she saw the man who saved her.
She had seen his face though, but it was dark, she didn't see if he's handsome or not. He was dressed in all black. Elsa stood there, not knowing if she should leave or not. The man's eyes was fixed on her.
The man started walking to her, not removing his gaze. Elsa felt her legs become too weak to carry her. The man reached her spot, stared at her for a sec, and walked out of the party room without a word. Elsa swallowed.
“Thank you” Elsa waved at the taxi driver as he drove off.
The lights in her house was on, which means her parents are back. She stood there motionless for some minute.
She finally summoned courage and opened the door, walking in but was stunned to see Marina sitting between her mum and dad.
Was this a plan?
“Wow. Wow. Wow. !” Mrs Smith said, clapping her hand.
“Good evening Mum, Dad” Elsa said, her gaze focused on Marina who kept her face down.
“Spare me! Where are you coming from? You now have the gut to leave the house and return at night. Who even gave you what you're wearing? That your miserable boyfriend, haven't he caused enough damages and disgrace to this family already! You whore. Answer me where are coming from?" Mrs Smith yelled.
"I didn't go anywhere with the so called boyfriend" Elsa whined.
"Oh, wow you're know no longer a white who opens leg for every man but now a pathetic lier!"
"I'm not lying mum. I went out with Marina and Alice! Mari insisted I go with them even I bluntly said no! C'mon mum" Elsa cried.
"Don't dare call me! How care you lie against my daughter Elsa! Are you that miserable? Marina was here before 6! How is is then with you?!"
"I'm not lying mother. Marina tell mummy is true! I was with you" Elsa cried.
"No,you were not" Marina smirked.
“Marlene! Why ain't you saying anything? I went out with you, and you left me!” Elsa said.
“Excuse me? I was here before 6, so there's no possible way that I went out with you. Besides who want to go out with a whore like you” Marlene said.
“Shut up! And don't lie against my daughter! You always know what to say in defense of yourself. You're so unfortunate!”
“Stop it Mum! Stop it!” Elsa yelled as she couldn't control her anger anymore.
“Marlene and Alice insisted we go to a party down the street. I refused and they forced me to!”
“Pathetic liar! Marlene was here even before I arrived from work. So, why lie against her? You shameless girl!”
“Mum, enough of the insult. I'm a lady! Why are you treating me so differently? I'm your child for Christ’s sake! You're being unfair!”
Elsa got what she wasn't expecting. A slap! From Marlene.
“You don't talk to my mother like that. Whore!” Marlene yelled.
Elsa help her cheeks in tears.
“Marlene that's enough!” Mr. Smith said.
“Elsa, get inside your room” he added.
“What? Just like that?” Mrs Smith yelled.
Marlene and Elsa glance at each other and then Elsa walked away.
She entered her room and shut the door before breaking down in tears. Why are they treating her so differently?
Is she the cause of her ill fate?
Can't they just treat her like a family she is?
She cleaned her tears and forced herself not to cry. She laid on the bed awaiting sleep.
“Shut up! And don't lie against my daughter! You always know what to say in defense of yourself. You're so unfortunate!”
“Stop it Mum! Stop it!” Elsa yelled as she couldn't control her anger anymore.
“Marlene and Alice insisted we go to a party down the street. I refused and they forced me to!”
“Pathetic liar! Marlene was here even before I arrived from work. So, why lie against her? You shameless girl!”
“Mum, enough of the insult. I'm a lady! Why are you treating me so differently? I'm your child for Christ’s sake! You're being unfair!”
Elsa got what she wasn't expecting. A slap! From Marlene.
“You don't talk to my mother like that. Whore!” Marlene yelled.
Elsa help her cheeks in tears.
“Marlene that's enough!” Mr. Smith said.
“Elsa, get inside your room” he added.
“What? Just like that?” Mrs Smith yelled.
Marlene and Elsa glance at each other and then Elsa walked away.
She entered her room and shut the door before breaking down in tears. Why are they treating her so differently?
Is she the cause of her ill fate?
Can't they just treat her like a family she is?
She cleaned her tears and forced herself not to cry. She laid on the bed awaiting sleep.
“Hey Olivia!” Elsa greets her friend.
“Hey Elsa. Good Morning” Olivia said smiling.
“Are you okay? You look like a Mess” Olivia said as they start walking into the class.
“Nothing much. I'm just feeling a little sick, You know?” Elsa smiled.
Olivia nodded.
“Guess what Elsa!” Olivia almost screamed.
Students who were passing stopped to stare at them and Olivia quickly apologize.
“Jeez Olivia! You look excited. Whats up” Elsa said as they start walking again.
Olivia had stopped walking just so she can ask her to guess.
“Tom came back!” Olivia whined laughing.
“Wow. When?”
“Yesterday. I didn't know, he said he wanted to surprise me. I just came back from school and mum said Tom is back. Thought she was lying though” Olivia giggled.
“I'm happy for you Olivia, You've to privilege to have a brother who even treats you like family and act like your boyfriend” Elsa smiled.
“Come on Elsa! Don't say that”
They were now in the classroom. Olivia removed her backpack and place it on her desk. Elsa did the same.
“You know that true” Elsa said.
“Yeah” Olivia agreed.
“I'm just tired of my family. Our neighbor and Marina's friend, Alice came around yesterday and asked us to hang out with her. I and Marina , but I insisted I'm not going. Marina talked me into going with them” Elsa said sitting down.
“That's strange. Asking you to go with them? She's definitely up to no good” Olivia said and Elsa agreed.
“ Yes. You're right, They left me there and went home. Mum was so mad at me and believed Marina didn't leave the house for once” Elsa said.
“Woown! Seriously?”
“Mm” Elsa nodded.
“God. Your sister and mummy are sick. How can a mum treat his daughter that way” Olivia whined
"Dunno" Elsa said sadly.
“Bye Elsa”
“Bye Olivia” Elsa waved at Elsa as she entered her mother's car.
They could have been going home together, but their path are not the same. Elsa carried her backpack and started trickling back home.
“Mind if I drop you home?” A car stopped beside her and a voice said from inside the car.
“No, I'm fine. I'll just walk” Elsa said and continued walking. A man came down from the car and walked over to her, blocking her way.
“What are you doing?” Elsa asked.
“Nothing. My boss just want to say hi to you” The man said and Elsa trembled.
She had suddenly grow scared of men after she was raped. Everything about Men now seems like something that can kill her in a blink.
“No. I'm heading home, and I'm not allowed to stop by. Besides, can't your boss get down from the car?” Elsa hissed and continued walking until a hand grab her, and she sees herself embrace a man.
Elsa's heartbeat stopped beating for a sec at the sight in front of him. He was handsome, from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expression of his voice.
“Hi” he said.
Elsa was too shocked to talk, his voice sounded familiar, and she couldn't trace exactly where she had heard it before. He had a star tattoo on his left eye side. And he looked like a bad guy.

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