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Chương 6 Sir Sanscroft

The Princess practically froze on her spot, a figure of black amongst the sea of colorful flowers in full bloom despite the unforgiving ice and snow falling from the heavens when steel-colored eyes met her gaze steadily without so much as a flinch.
He smiled politely at her more-or-less startled expression, removing his hat, and bowing a bit before her as is proper for a man in the presence of royalty.
“Good evening, young miss,” the stranger greeted, rising from his bow, “Forgive me for intruding but I am afraid I am a bit lost... perhaps, if it is alright with you, you can give me directions? I was summoned by His Majesty.”
Young miss? Ah, so he seemed to not know me... she realized, recovering from the initial shock after a beat.
“For what, if I may ask?” the Princess finally deigned to ask, smiling politely at the face of a stranger, uncertain what to make of his reaction towards her unusually colored eyes. He did not even… reacted.
“I and my household were summoned a week ago while we were staying in our ancestral home. I believe King Arion personally wishes to speak to me about my son's interest in becoming a knight of the kingdom some day,” he explained, piercing eyes not even wavering against two pools of crimson blood bearing down on him.
Not anyone can meet her gaze as bravely as this one.
How… curious...
“Which means you are a knight. Shall I refer to you as 'Sir' as is proper then?” the Princess asked instead of answering right away, plucking an anemone on her way, twirling it within her gloved fingers as she began to approach him with slow, measured steps.
It’s been a long time since she had a proper conversation with anyone that wishes not to flee her presence as soon as possible; he had to forgive her if she wishes to keep him a bit longer.
“Are you a knight of this kingdom as well?” she carries on, “How come I have never seen you around before?”
Why now?
How come you weren’t here before?
He chuckled, lowering himself on one knee so that they are on eye-level once she stopped in front of him, “My, aren't you a curious little flower,” he finally remarked, obviously amused and the Princess… thinks how it was a long time ago since anyone has regarded her on her age.
…most seemed to have forgotten just how young she is, after all.
“Well, to answer all the questions, milady,” here, her smile widened, red eyes gleaming, “...it is because I and my family are searching for a cure for my wife all over the four kingdoms. She's ill, you see... and yes, little lady. I am a knight of this kingdom.”
I knew it.
Steel gray eyes met blood red eyes for a moment, neither backing down from the sudden staring contest between them until the Princess smirked with what seemed to be triumph, red eyes glinting dangerously under the moonlight as she uttered very softly:
“...House Sans, the Dragon that Devours Evil.”
He seemed stunned for a moment.
Her smirk widened.
“I should have known better,” she says, with a hint of laughter in her voice, “... you are Sir Edward Sanscroft, are you not? Father's favorite knight.”
Sir Edward slowly stood up, sighing deeply, “Let's drop the pretenses, then. How did you even recognized me, Your Highness?” there was a certain emphasis on that, something that sounds like an accusation, she noted to herself, all the more amused, “…I believe we have never personally met before,” he continued with still-suspicious eyes.
“Indeed. But some of your portraits still hangs in the great hall. Not to mention, you are quite famous, Sir,” the Princess laughed behind a gloved hand and he scoffed, shaking his head–although he was now smiling, looking a bit endeared, “Most ladies of the court would blush to themselves and call you the 'Steel-Eyed One', and for once, I believe they weren't exaggerating about that one, some people do age like fine wine... which means, there are some truths in rumors after all, who knew? Life never ceases to amaze me,”
“I do not think you have a right to cease to be amazed with life so soon. And yet, how perceptive for someone so young,” the knight remarked flatly.
And yet, he sounded almost kind.
Almost indulgingly.
The Princess suddenly brought out her arm, showcasing the anemone she had, and she asked: “How well-versed are you about the language of flowers, good Sir?”
He seemed unsure where this strange conversation is heading but shrugged, playing along with the whims of a lonely Princess nonetheless, “Only the basics, I'm afraid.”
“I see...” she seemed disappointed for some reason before thrusting the single anemone to his direction, causing the old Knight to tense up, much to her apparent amusement. He feigned a scowl at her, “You may have this, if you like.”
Gifts have price…
Sir Edward paused, eyeing the pretty violet flower she was handing to him, warily. She looked like she’s going to laugh anytime now, so he sighed, “What flower is this, milady?”
“An anemone, tell your wife that the Princess wishes her to get well soon.”
“I thought daisies or roses are… more preferable?”
“Oh? Do you want me to get you some?”
“No, not at all,” he says hurriedly lest he offends her. Young or not, he’s still speaking to the crown princess, “I do not wish to trouble you, your highness… these are lovely.” Sir Edward reluctantly accepted the flower from the Princess at that, gently plucking it from her gloved hand, careful not to grip the flower tightly before bowing gratefully.
And as she began to give him the proper directions he needed (turns out, he really needed them because it has been decades since he left the kingdom) to get inside the palace because ever since Queen Ysabel came into their lives, major renovations had been made at that woman’s insistence.
“Thank you, Your Highness,” Sir Edward says as he walks to his horse that was waiting for him outside the garden.
The horse was pawing nervously at the snow-covered ground as it looked at the Princess and… well, most animals didn’t like her anyways, it was rather… infuriating since she preferred them over people, but she was used to their demeanor around her by now.
It still stung, nonetheless.
As though sensing her mood, Sir Edward Sanscroft gave her a placating smile, “…I shall be on my way now, milady. Please forgive my sudden intrusion.”
The Princess hid a crooked smile behind a dark red rose that was identical to the color of her eyes, “Oh, no. Not at all–in fact, it was a pleasure meeting you.... Sir Sanscroft.”
She watches the remnants of petals drift away from her.

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    Rakshan Raj Rajaselvam

    About the live


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    Greiciane Nogueira



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    Nessah Leandro

    very good 👍


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