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Chapter seven- He Was Robbed

Chapter seven- He Was Robbed
  Emily’s POV
  I rushed the room to find Eddie in a poor condition, his head was bandaged and a POP was stuck on his neck. I guess moving his head could be a very big problem, he looked at me in surprise and stared at my outfit. Which was the hospital gown, since I wasn’t out of the hospital I hadn’t changed into anything else. He squeezed his eyes in pain and asked worriedly,
  “You what’s wrong with you? Why are you dressed this way? And why are you in here?”
  I gaped my mouth at him and asked surprisingly,
  “You can’t be serious, you are the one in that condition and you are there asking of why I am here and dressed this way?”
  “Are you not feeling better? Are you sick somewhere?” he continued.
  I saw his condition and wasn’t in the mood to question him anymore, he was worried about me being sick when he was the one in the critical condition.
  “No I am absolutely fine, but look at you what happened to you? We just spoke yesterday’s night and you are lying here half dead. Why?” I asked acting oblivious of the earlier event.
  “I can speak right? That’s all that’s needed, I will be fine in a few days. Please don’t worry about me and take care of yourself, I will be fine. I just have to get up and walk. ” he said trying to act fine.
  He tried raising his hand but ended up wincing in pain. I looked at amazed and thought, ‘Is this man trying to show off in front of me?
  Does he think I am here for show off?’
  “Eddie please what happened to you? Stop pushing that back, how did you get hurt like this?”
  He looked at the other guy in the room, Matthew,
  “Ahhmm, I am here you know, you never paid me any attention since you got here. ”
  I turned to Matt and looked at him angrily then questioned,
  “You guys why are you avoiding the real question here? What happened to him!!! ” I shouted.
  He backed off a little with surprise in his eyes, then pointed at me but then suddenly bowed his head. He then whispered,
  “I am sorry, I have being disrespectful, he ….”.
  He peeked at Eddie and I swiftly turned to him to see him shaking his head at him. I was definitely angered now, I knew they weren’t going to tell me the truth at that juncture. So I stumped my feet and threatened,
  “I am going to go out of this room and I will never accept you as my friend ever again. I see you don’t consider like that even if you were robbed you could still tell me, you are not some superman to fight back you know?”
  Suddenly I heard quick footsteps and then my bodyguards passed by the room. I left out a heavy breath, I didn’t even know I was holding my breath till then.
  I looked at Eddie and saw that it was only fates doing that I met him in the particular hospital I was brought into and as to whether it was my father’s doing unconsciously, I didn’t know. Eddie watched me the whole time in thoughts, I guessed he was contemplating on what he could tell me and I waited for him.
  “He was atta…. ”Matt was about saying it but Eddie caught him off and said,
  “I was attacked by armed robbers, is that not what you wanted to say Matt?”
  He nodded, it was now obvious that since I shouted at Matt, he had given me some kind of respect, someone with a small status would give a higher one. Which wasn’t there before, I was marveled at how my shout had worked wonders.
  Matt looked at Eddie for a few seconds before answering,
  “He was robbed of his jewelries, laptops, phones and money. Those people were just brave, stealing and attacking the president humm!! I believed that they might be some of the students who hated his rule but that didn’t mean that they should attempt to end his life right?”
  Then I knew the truth was far from them, they weren’t ready to let the cat out and I wondered why. But if I was to leave the place without the right information I could be in the dark forever which I didn’t want so I pried further with a little hope,
  “Eddie remember you told me you had something to tell me? About my father and past I don’t remember?”
  “Well yes but you know, I really wanted to see you again so I decided to make you come to me. About the part I knew you, yes I did but it was just one encounter with you. It isn’t worth knowing, please forgive me for my insolence. ” he said looking away.
  I felt horrible that I knew he was lying but how was I to prove to him otherwise? He was the one that was saying something before and the same person had changed his mind about it.
I could actually see he was in pain every time he spoke which made his eyes teary. I felt bad that he was in pain because of me but was denying that fact. How could I say he was lying to me? He wouldn’t look in my eyes, Eddie was ignoring me and I felt hurt surprising me.
I had just met him and I had no idea what was supposed to be called love. But at that moment I knew I wasn’t feeling good about the situation. There was nothing that I could do about his pain and so, I was thinking about what to say to him to be able to leave and for him not to think that I was angry. But then, he beat me to it, I was in deep thoughts when he finally spoke once again but surprising me great time when he said,

Bình Luận Sách (52)

  • avatar
    Lanie Dacules

    nice 👍


  • avatar
    Matos de souzaHelo



  • avatar

    thank you


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