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Unconsummated Fire In Me

Unconsummated Fire In Me


Go Find Her

Chapter one – Go find her
  Emily’s POV
  Today is the last day I have to submit this work and finally I can say oh! God I am finally done!!! I worked really hard for this I hope I see a good result from this. And that is just for me and no one else not even for Dad the best man on Earth.
I walked into the entrance and I see my friends Frank and Enoch. I run towards them and they ignore me as if I don’t exist.
“Hey Ed how are you doing?”
 He ignores me and continues talking to a boy I haven't noticed before. By the time I was getting disappointed by their attitude, I saw the boy seem dumbfounded. So I turned to him and say hi to him, he continues staring at me. “Oh boy are you are astonished seeing my beauty?” I say to him.
  “What the heck? I have never seen a handsome guy like you please forgive me I didn’t introduce myself to you. My name is… “
  “dummmo..” I cut him off I was getting irritated after all today was supposed to be my last day in campus with my friends and here is some one else trying to spoil our time but I guess that was the case for just me because if you see Frank’s face right now you would like to flee like a bird from a hunter. Hmmm I guess I will have to stand aside for them to finish their conversation first.
  “Did you just see what EU did?” asked Enoch
  “Just let it go is this the first time?” replied Frank I was really getting angry now what is wrong with these boys? But then this boy seemed familiar so I get closer to him looking back at him since he was still staring at me and all I heard was rather shocking….
 “Okay Mr. president I will do just that thank you for having us”
“Thank you Mr. president and bye” I said surprised and funny like and turned to my best friends asking “who was that?”
  “That was the school president during our tenure where have you been all this time?” replied Frank.
 “Don’t bother yourself about her she doesn’t care about these things all she does is studying and nothing else now let’s go and submit our work” Enoch added I stood there and pouted.
 They looked at me and said together “let’s go.”
 I guess I know why they are angry I was supposed to meet them at the club yesterday but I couldn’t sneak out no matter what my father worked through out the night and I couldn’t come out but they wouldn’t understand so I don’t have to explain.
By the way allow me to introduce myself my name known by everyone is Eunice Kelvin but my real name is Eunomia Kelvin Smith and my father’s name is Kelvin Smith my mother’s name is…. Well let’s leave that for later. He is a prosperous man known by almost everyone in the country because of his businesses around the world but no one knows me. But that’s not a problem for me because that’s gives me a peaceful life.
My father provides everything for me but friends especially boys he doesn’t allow that in fact that’s an abomination according to him.
The reason for this I don’t know and he wouldn’t tell me even when I asked like every time. And so my life is a secret unknown to the world. I love my father but does that mean I should be a loner? I don’t think so….
  ‘Yes that was her I just saw and she didn’t recognize me? How?, Why? I mean someone who once said,
  “ I love you Ed and I will never forget you no matter what. Please let’s try and contact each other after school. “
  And that was the last time I saw her till today. In fact she has changed in stature but I will never forget my Eunice. Whatever happened to her I don’t know and I must find out but how? Her friends just said they were submitting their project work today. This is driving me nuts what do I do?’ I was thinking.
  Just then I saw Matt coming hmmmm may be he will give me a solution.
  “hey Ed why do you look this upset? You don’t have to worry too much we will complete our course in a few days.” Said Matt.
  “In fact boy….” I was saying
  “Oh boy I don’t know why you are upset about this school do you think anyone is going to miss you when you complete? Forgerit Charlie” he continued.
  “Ok will you listen to me? It’s not about school it’s about Eunice” I said.
  “ mmmmmh which Eunice?” he asked confused.
  “My Eunice the one I have being telling you about, my love and soulmate, my everything. Remember?” I said.
  “Oh God not again why are you sad now I know one day you will find her don’t be sad now okay?”he replied
  “Okay you are not getting me, the thing is I think I have found her but at the same time it seems she is going away once again and the worst thing is she doesn’t recognize me anymore”I said.
  “Ahh but why? Did you try to speak to her? I know you didn’t speak to her right? You were tensed right? Okay let’s go and find her” he said.
  In fact he was trying to go out but I stopped him because we couldn’t go without any plans.
  “My friend I know I should have spoken to her and I tried but she didn’t allow me to and the fact is she looked at me like a total stranger” I said.
  “Okay you mean she also saw you but didn’t recognize you and you also didn’t introduce yourself to her you should know it’s been four years that you haven’t seen her and she hasn’t either” he said.
  “ You are right but you know she has changed so much in those years but I haven’t, I would like to find her again but would she like to? You Know I still love her but does she? There are so many questions unanswered, the worst thing is she seem to be completing her studies today” I replied
  “God why is destiny like this? Okay are willing to let her go once again? If not then you are wasting your time talking to me. Go and find her, introduce yourself and let’s see how it goes okay?” he said.
  ‘That may be right I should go to her and let it flow just like our first meeting.’ I thought.
  “Ok let’s go and find she must be still with her friends and you Know those guys campaigned for me but I never met her till today. They always spoke about their bookish friend but I never inquired about her. You know she was never bookish, she liked to play and have fun. That’s why I am confused why so many changes in four years?” I said.
  We spoke as we went along to her department.
  “ I understand what you are saying let’s meet her first. I guess you will be answered then don’t be depressed”. Said Matt insistently.

Bình Luận Sách (52)

  • avatar
    Lanie Dacules

    nice 👍


  • avatar
    Matos de souzaHelo



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    thank you


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