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It's Sunday, I and Lesley went out for shopping and stroll around. We are in a hair salon now, I told the hairdresser to curl my hair while Lesley wants her natural curly hair to become straight haha.
"Are you excited in our first day of school tomorrow?" Lesley asked.
"Yeah, I wonder how will our classmates treat me. Hehe!" I replied.
"Shall I pick you up tomorrow? she asked.
"No! I immediately replied. "I will just use my bike besides, the school was just near," I said.
"Near?" she asked. "It's about 10 minutes when you will just use a bike. Gosh Elaine!" she said.
"No one must know that we already knew each other. It can only exposed my true identity," I replied.
"Fine! Yet, I'll make friends with you in school either we are classmates or schoolmates," Lesley said.
"That would be up to you, haha. You can make me your enemy if you want." I raised my left eyebrow.
"Haha, that's insane," she replied. "By the way, your Mom and Dad keeps on calling me. They are asking about you and why are you not often at home," she said. "What if they'll give us a surprise visit and you're not at home? What shall we do?" Lesley asked.
"That's impossible. Mom and Dad never gave me a surprise since ever. They always told me their plans before they are doing it because they knew that I dislike surprises. Besides, they are too busy in our companies," I replied.
"Well, you have a point," Lesley said.
A few moments later, I'm already in my apartment. Lesley already went back to the Mansion. I lie on my bed and was about to sleep when someone called on my phone.
"Kringgg! Kringg! Kringg!" My phone rings.
I answered the call, "Hello?"
"Hello Elaine," Jackson said. "Are you busy? Did I disturb you? he asked.
"No, it's alright," I replied.
"Mhhmm, how's your day?" he asked.
"Very great," I replied. "How about yours?" I asked back.
"Well, it's a little bit boring hehe," he said. "By the way, tomorrow is the first day of school. Is it alright if I pick you up in your apartment so that we can go together in school?" Jackson asked.
"Hehe, don't bother anymore. Don't worry, I can go to school with my own," I replied.
"Using your bike too? Are you sure?" Jackson asked.
"Yeah. See you there. Bye!" I said and end up the call. I don't want to hear his words anymore, he might only insist to fetch me tomorrow.
I turned off the light and turned off my phone too before I lay on bed again. A few moments later, everything went black.
I wake up at 6:00 am. I immediately cook my food, took a bath and ate my breakfast which is bacon sandwich and milk. It's already 7:00 am when I finished everything. I hastily took my bag and went outside the apartment. I ride on my bike and reached the school at 7:15 am.
I parked my bike in the school parking lot, there's a lot of brand-new bikes, motorbikes and cars here. I entered the school and found an announcement in the Bulletin board. "All students, please come into the covered court. The class opening program will start at 7:30 am. To the freshmen students and transferee, please ask the roaming guards for guidance." And a lot of announcement including the class section of each students. I'm very happy when I saw my name, Lesley and Jackson's name in the 3rd year, Star Section.
"Good morning!" a man's voice said from my back.
I turned around and found Jackson with a big smile on his face. "Jackson, Good morning too," I replied and smiled to him.
"Did you find your section?" he asked.
"Yeah, we are classmates," I happily said.
"Really? Let me have a look." He walk nearer to the bulletin board.
"Here!" I said while pointing the paper with our names.
"Great, haha. We're classmates." He smiled and his face was full of joy.
"Let's go to the covered court, do you know where it is?" I asked.
"Yeah, let's go," he replied.
We walk for almost 4 minutes before we reached the covered court.
The Vida Elegante Akademya was very large and beautiful. There are 5 different buildings with two floors each. In the first building you can found the principals office, faculty and staffs office, guidance office, library, clinic, stockroom, IT Laboratory room and Science Laboratory room. The other 4 buildings are the classrooms of the students, one building for freshmen, one for sophomores, one for juniors and one building for seniors students too.
Inside the Academy, there's a covered court which is used for different programs. There's a wide football field too that was encircled with a four way lane made specially for the short distance runners and marathoners.
In Vida Elegante Akademya, there's no clothing uniform and no clothing restrictions. But of course, two piece wasn't allowed here because it's not a beach but a school haha. Any hairstyles for boys and girls was allowed too. Earrings for boy and tattoos was allowed too.
In this school, everyone was free to wear what they want and show their passions in different fields. Of course, they are from rich families and they are paying a big tuition fees every semester. They only deserve to be treated very well.
Of course, everything must be done with limitations that's why there are rules in everything, as well as here in Vida Elegante Akademya. Causing any kind of troubles will result the first warning in the guidance office, second offense will result for calling your parents or guardians, third offense was either suspension or kick out from the school. Yet, punishment depends on how big was the trouble caused by a certain student. When the school's reputation was at risk, of course the student will be automatically expelled from the school no matter who he or she is.
A few moments later.
In the class opening program, the principal and some staffs of the school gave a speech. There's a lot of intermission numbers like singing and dancing from the old students of the campus. The guidance counselor gave a statement and reminders of the rules and regulations implemented in the Academy too. There's a lot of speech which I can't memorized anymore.
"Students, you may go to your respective classrooms now. Please be guided, each building was exclusive for one batch only and the sections was ascending from the very first room from right up to the second floor. Thank you so much and enjoy your day," a teacher said. She introduced her name lately but I forgot it, haha. Honestly, their speeches was too boring that I don't want to listen lately, that's why I don't remember most of it.
The students immediately scattered and became noisy. I can hear a lot of talk, shout, giggling and laugh from different students that was leaving this covered court now. Everyone seems so happy to meet their old friends, old classmates and new friends.
"Let's go," Jackson said and he stood up.
I stood up. "Please lead the way hehe," I said because I don't know where is our classroom.
I and Jackson walked together with a lot of students. "Aaaa!" I shouted when someone pushed my back and I really fell in the ground.

Bình Luận Sách (120)

  • avatar

    I like this book 💕


  • avatar

    A good read. Nakaka-hook ang ganda ng istorya. Can't help but start reading. 😍😍😍


  • avatar

    Highly recommend this story. 😍


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