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7. Results

Someone's POV 
Diversity Office
Its been two weeks since the couple arrived. Mon's back to work and its a good thing Kirk decided to take office 3 days a week to help with the operations. They are currently in the meeting room brain storming about their new content for Diversity Pop Page.
"as you can see here, we have the lists of the topics we've already uploaded to our page. Our anniversary is coming and i think we need to come up with a very special content." Mon explained
Everyone started to give suggestions and Mon wrote everything on the board. While they are all busy Sam arrived and was surprised to see an empty office with just aunty mhee cleaning up. She came to pick up her wife for lunch.
" Where is everyone Aunty Mhee? "
" Khun Sam!" Aunty Mhee greeted her. "They are in the meeting room. Maam Boss called everyone. I think their topic now is about the coming anniversary issue of diversity Pop."
"But isn't it too far ahead to prepare now? They still have almost 3 months."
"They discussed a lot for this month too. And Maam Boss wants to atleast have a topic in mind so they can work it out slowly. Thats what i understand before she dismissed some of us."
Sam just nodded and went to join the meeting silently. As she sat behind everyone, she witnessed the different the atmosphere of Mon's meeting than hers. While her meetings are calculated, direct and seriously draining, Mon's meeting with her team is more engaging, lively and suggestive. They are even laughing at some suggestions, rebuttals and criticism.
"How about a celebration of love? LGBTQIA+ love just like the love you and Sam have? If im not mistaken your wedding anniversary is around the corner too. I think its perfect." Kirk suggested.
Mon looked at him and back to her team.
"I agree with Khun Kirk Maam Boss! Its actually fitting and it holds a special place to our lives here as well as Diversity Pop. It started with you and Khun Sam." Yha added
"Aside from the article we can also add an interview with you two. Im sure everyone would love our anniversary special since you two are an epitome of a perfect LGBTQIA+ couple!" Noi explained with heart eyes.
"We can consider but Sam in an interview about us? You all know my wife, she might not like the idea. We all know how serious she is with our privacy."
"Come on Mon, im sure she will! She loves to declare your love to the world! And only you can make her say yes to this. She'll never listen to anyone but you. And i'm sure she'll say yes if it's for the company she built herself." Kirk added to coax Mon
The room became silent as they waited for their Maam Boss' reply.
"I'll do it for my wife rather Kirk. She's more important than the company." Sam said gaining the attention of everyone.
"Love?!" Mon absent-mindedly said. Her wife is there and is listening to everything they are discussing. She looked so beautiful in jeans, white shirt and sneakers.
Sam then joined her wife in front but decided to smack Kirk at the back first before going to hug and kiss her wife
"Eh, Sam!"
"You should be the one standing here not my wife. Or at least stand up and write on the board. What's the use of having you here?" Sam scolded her friend.
"What are you doing here? We don't have any plans today right? Or did i forget something?" Mon asked
"Nothing planned for sure. Just finished early for work and went home. I got bored so i decided to come hoping you would join me for lunch but i think a late lunch since you all are still busy here."
"Where just finishing here. Can you wait for a while? Maybe in the office?"
"Sure. Take your time. See you in a while." She kissed her wife again then looked at her previous employees. "It's nice to see you all too. Have a good day."
"Nice to see you too Khun Sam." everyone answered still not use with this kind of Sam.
"And it's a yes for the anniversary content. Just send the schedule to my secretary so she can adjust my own schedule." she said and left.
Mon just looked at everyone and smiled.
"That's it then everyone. You have 1 month to prepare. Lets meet and discuss your ideas next meeting. Thank you." Mon said and followed her wife too.
Sam is entertaining herself with her phone when the office door opened and her wife came in a blur. The next thing she knew, her wife is on her lap and kissing the hell out of her.
" If this will welcome me everytime i visit, i would gladly be here everyday." Sam whispered when they stopped to catch some air.
"Thank you for saying yes and saving me of wasting my afternoon brainstorming with everyone." Mon said
"The pleasure is mine Tee rak. And Kirk is right, i love to tell the world about you and us. If such opportunity happens again, just tell me and i will always be available for you." Sam said and kissed her softly. "So? Are you done here?"
"Yes. Lets go home first i wanna change into something comfortable."
Sam held a bag and gave it to Mon.
"Go change. I brought you something comfortable. You're ok to walk around Tee rak?"
"I wanna go somewhere quiet and calm."
"I know somewhere."
After changing into an almost same outfit as Sam. The couple left the office and had lunch and walked around the park hand in hand.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Mon asked as they walked to the bench. Both holding milk tea to cool themselves.
"Very. How are you feeling?" Sam replied
"Nervous but ready, also excited."
"its the moment of truth tomorrow. Im not getting al hopes up but i really want to have a positive result tomorrow."
"I do too."
"But what if there's none? I dont want to disappoint you." Mon whispered. She knew how excited her wife is. She loves to caress her tummy every night even talking to it and kissing it before sleep. And she's not ready to see how disappointed her wife will be if the test get back negative.
" Whatever happens, i will always be here for you Tee rak. Were all in this together and you will never disappoint me. If its a negative, then we can always go for another procedure. You are healthy as i am. If there no fetus tomorrow then its not yet for us. Whatever the result is, we will face it tomorrow, together. Ok? "
Sam hugged her wife and kissed her not minding the people around. She's proud of them and no one can ever stop her.
The next day, the couple woke up early and prepared for their medical appointment. They scheduled a VVIP appointment to keep everything a secret. With Sam's status, they were immediately approached and attended by the staffs.
"Khun Sam, Khun Mon, good morning and its been a while." Doc Fah welcomed the couple ko
"Good morning. Yes its been a little while P'Fah." Sam
"Your doctor in England sent me everything i need to know about your condition. Shall we start?"
"Yes please Doc."
While Mon is taken for the blood test since its still early for them to do a scan. Sam is just busy pacing back and forth.
"I never saw you this nervous Khun Sam. How about you take a seat and wait calmly for your wife?" the young OB-GYNE said while preparing tea
"Im not comfortable with Mon being there alone P'Fah." Sam said. They are very familiar with each other. Doc Fah is Khun Neung's best friend and she's very familiar with Sam too.
"I know but that will never help Mon either. Now sit down and drink this. Mon will be out in a while."
It took some minutes for Mon to get out. Sam helped her sit down and saw a bandaid in her wife's arm.
"Are you ok?"
"Im fine Love." Mon assured
"Let's talk about your vacation."Doc Fah said. She served Mon a cup of tea too
The result will be out the following day. Since its still early for a urine test to show them results, the couple decided to go to home and spend some time together. They finished having dinner and just watching TV when Fah called Mon to inform them that she'll deliver the lab results herself that night. It's around 8 when Fah arrived.
"Thanks for doing this P'Fah. Its actually nerve-wracking waiting for this." Mon said with a nervous smile. She's holding Singha too.
"I understand that's why i decided to personally deliver it tonight when they handed me the results. If this turns out positive, i wanna be the first to congratulate you but when its negative i want you two to understand that things like that happened even for the healthiest woman. Sometimes its not just the right time yet. Dont loose hope and try again. I will always be here for you two."
Sam and Mon looked at each other and nod. They were holding each other's hand so tight. Fah then took the papers out of the envelope and checked on the results and put it back again inside. She then looked at the couple in front of her and smiled.
"Hello mommies, your family of three will be of four soon. You are indeed pregnant Mon. Congratulations you two!"
Sam hugged her wife and kissed her head. Mon is on a crying fit now. All her inhibitions and thought of disappointing her wife is washed away with the happiness that they are feeling now. They are pregnant. Their baby is coming. Their taw lek.
Even Fah is crying as she felt the happiness of the couple. She kept on wiping her tears but as her doctor, she has some things to say.
"Ok, i know you two are ecstatic right now but i just need to say something before going." Fah said with a laugh
The couple laughed with her two as they sat back.
"The first trimester is very crucial for the babies development. Things are going well but i still want you to be careful Mon. During this time mostly miscarriages and birth defects occur but i know Sam will take good care of you. Right Sam?" Fah looked at the other.
"I will, don't worry P'Fah."
"Good. Pregnancy symptoms will start to show up too. Morning sickness, breast tenderness, sleepiness and tiredness, frequent trip to the comfort room and everyone's favorite, cravings."
The two are attentively listening to the things she is saying that made Fah smile.
"You need to be present for your monthly pre-natal check. I will send you the schedule. On your 10th week, i will schedule your first scan to check on the baby's development and such. Always eat healthy and balanced. Drink lots of water Mon. Limit your coffee and milk tea intake, more on water or fresh fruit juices." Fah is now busy scribing something to her prescription paper.
"Here are the list of supplements she needs. All should be taken every night. Drink your milk every morning and night. No alcohol and Caffeine please." Fah looked at Mon and the other smiled and nods.
"And no tiring activities yet! Wait until further notice. Are we clear Sam?" Fah asked looking at Sam again.
Sam pointed at herself then looked at Mon then back to Fah. Then she realized something that made her blush but nods in agreement to the doctor. Fah really loves to tease her best friend's sister.
" Thats it for now. Just follow what i said and everything will be fine. Now let me hug you two." she said. "Congratulations again. I am very happy for you."
"Thanks P'Fah. But please keep this a secret for now."
"You dont need to tell me that. Now let me leave you two to celebrate."
"We'll see you out P'Fah." Mon
"No need. I can see myself out. Its getting late too, go take a rest Mon. Sleep well mommies."
Fah then left the two. They went to bed but the excitement cant leave their system yet. They were very happy and excited. They were just on bed holding each other.
"Im very happy." Sam whispered
"Me too. Our little one is inside me now."
"Out very own little one." Sam leveled faced Mon's tummy. She opened her wife's clothes and kissed it. "Im excited to see you taw lek. Dont give your Mommy a hard time ok? Dada will always be here for you too. Hang in there tight ok? Mommy, Dada and your older brother Singha will always be here for you." she kissed the exposed skin again.
That scene warmed Mon's heart. She knew how happy her wife is and that made her very happy also.

Bình Luận Sách (47)

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    no matter what happened this story dont give up just do everything for you only love and tell the end you will be success it


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    Freenbecky love 💋💖


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    queria em português


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