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6. Almost Perfect

Some's POV
Time passed by so fast. Their 1st week was spent hanging around with the Armstrongs. They visited different tourist spots around the city as well as do their IVF plans specifically Sam's egg retrieval procedure and fertilization process. Their second week, the family went to visit Edinburgh for 3 days. They visited the famous Edinburgh Castle and enjoyed lots of dining, shopping and just strolling around. The remaining days of the week is dedicated to the resting and preparation for the transfer of the embryo to Mon's womb. Since the third week is quiet a little sensitive, the couple decided to stay in and do their paper works.
Currently, they are on video call with their friends after sending their works back to Neung and Kirk. Jim, Tee, Kade, and Yuki are on a dinner while Sam and Mon are about to eat lunch.
"One more week and you'll be home. I really really missed you two already." Jim stated as she devour her steak.
"One week more P'Jim. We missed you too." Mon replied as Sam put food in her plate.
"Stop being a kid Jim. Its not that long anymore." Sam scolded her friend. She then looked at Mon. "Anything you want to drink or eat?" she tucked a stray hair behind Mon's ear,
"Strawberries? I saw some in the fridge this morning."
"Grapes too. And juice."
Sam just nodded and kissed her head before heading inside.
"Still as sweet as ever!" Kade teased. "You two should enjoy more. Have quality time with your father's family too Mon. Im sure Khun Neung and Kirk can manage."
"You only have a week left there. Do you have plans for the next week?"
"We're going to Wales. Visit some national parks, museums, castles, and resorts. We want out last week to me a more relaxing and calming one. Far from the busy city life we are used to." Sam then handed her a plate of fruits. "Thanks Love."
"A great way to end the month long vacation then." Yuki
"Yes. Coz i know after this month, everything's gonna be so hectic." Sam said while Mon just smiled at her.
"I dont think so, you have Khun Neung to help you lessen your workload. And Kirk will be more hands on with Diversity too. I think its going to be good for you two." Tee reasoned
"I would like that if that happens." Mon said as she ate a strawberry in one bite.
"I think your vacation is really good for the two of you. Look at Mon, she seems glowing and you Sam is blooming. Being in England really gives you two time to rest and enjoy life."
Sam and Mon just looked at each other ang smiled. Sam then kissed her and their friends cheered. They were so used to the the couple kissing but still feeling gooey and giddy with how sweet the two are.
"Ok, ok, respect us singles please." Kade said
Mon just smiled.
"By the way Sam, the Khun Phoom is asking about your attendance for Gala he is hosting. It is for the school building project he is starting. Grandma asked me about it too. Have ever checked the invitation they sent here?" Neung inquired
"Never saw one. When is it?"
"the 8th of next month. I received my own invites too." Neung.
"I received one too and i saw Yha accepting one for Mon. Khun Phoom might asked someone to deliver it to Mon instead since he knew Sam is never good with this kind of events." Kirk added
"Oh i remember it. Yha sent a picture of it. Sorry i forgot to tell you. She sent it before we left for the clinic. Sorry Love."
"Its fine. It still next month though. We still have lots of time to prepare. Besides were both out of our normal selves that day. I would forget about it too."
The day they were talking about it the day of the implant. They are both nervous and worried and really not minding about other things than the process itself.
" Clinic? Why? What happened? Who's sick? " Jim worriedly asked the two. The couple just looked at each other. They were almost caught.
"Nothing serious P'Jim. We had fever and colds so Dad forced us to get a check up. Its just the change of weather." Mon explained
"Are you two fine now?" Yuki
"Yes. The medicines helped a lot. Dont worry we are all good now." Sam assured everyone.
They left London for Wales after that day. They went to lots of nature parks, museums, and castles as planned. Sam and Mon treasured their calm trains rides a lot. There, they talked a lot about their memories together and well as a lot of future plans for their family.
"Are you happy?" Sam asked Mon one time. They were on their 2nd train ride of the day and exploring Snowdon Mountain Railways.
"Very happy." Mon replied as she cuddled closer to her wife.
"Thinking about something or just enjoying the view?"
"Everything here makes me calm. The view is relaxing and you here with me makes this a perfect experience..."
"I can sense a but there." Sam added knowing her wife
"I just can't help thinking about everything."
"What about it?"
"Seems like everything is perfect right now that it feels like a dream. We are happy, our marriage life is perfect. Both our families are very supportive and even very close. Our friends are happy too. And now even our IVF is nearly perfect on first try. Everything is near perfection and i'm afraid that this is just a dream. That one day i'll wake up to see and know everything is gone and it kills me thinking about it."
Sam faced her wife and caressed her face, tapping her wife's nose with her finger to help her wife ease up.
"Then stop thinking about it Tee rak. I think, whatever we are feeling and enjoying right now is real and i personally think we deserve every ounce of happiness we are experiencing. We've sacrificed so much before. We've been hurt a lot before. We've been through a lot of challenges before. We've experienced so much pain before. I think whoever God or Dieties looking at us decided to reward us with all of this to make up to all the things we've been through. We, especially you deserve all the happiness now after all. Lets just enjoy this ok? How about we concentrate with our little one here?" Sam said as caressed Mon's tummy.
Mon automatically smiled and held Sam's hand on her.
" We're not yet sure if it is successful Love." Mon said but still smiling while Sam just looked at her seriously.
" He or she came from me Mon. I know this is a bit off but i know our little one will be as stubborn as i am. And i know he or she will do everything to be with us. To be with you. Im a bit clingy so is this little one here. Right taw lek?"
Sam then kissed Mon's tummy and moved up to kiss her wife too.
"I love you two already." Sam said
"And we love you too Dada." Mon answered
Just like the saying implied, time flies so fast when you are enjoying indeed. Its time to go home to their family and friends. After a visit to their fertility clinic as well as a good lunch with the Armstrongs, the couple left England with lots of joyous memories to treasure and bags full of gifts for their family and friends.

Bình Luận Sách (47)

  • avatar

    no matter what happened this story dont give up just do everything for you only love and tell the end you will be success it


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    Freenbecky love 💋💖


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    queria em português


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