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GAP: Our Happy Ever After

GAP: Our Happy Ever After


1. The Family

Sam's POV
"Tee rak! I'm home!"
I announced. As i entered our home, a giant portrait of our wedding photo is seen. The then monochromatic home is now full of colors. Courtesy of my lovely wife of course. I went to my home office to put my bag and some paper works and then walked to the kitchen to put the take out i have for us. Its just the two of us at home, we dont have a permanent helper but some maid from grandma's place would come three times a week to maintain the house, other than that, its Mon and I that is doing the chores.
"Tee rak! Mon!" i shouted again but i cant hear any response from her. "Where is she?"
She went home earlier as i am since she planned to visit the vet with Singha. Speaking of our baby, she's not around either.
A flashback of what happened some years ago happened before my eyes. I rushed upstairs and as i opened the door of our room, the door of our bathroom opened too. I sighed in relief as soon as i saw her drying her hair with a towel.
"Love! Your home---"
I rushed a hugged her.
"Your shaking, what happened?" she asked but hugged me back.
I hugged her more.
"I thought you left. I was calling your name but you are not responding so i rushed up here to check. I thought.."
She broke up the hug, held my face and kissed me. She then wiped my tears. I dont even realize im crying.
"I'm not going anywhere without you. I will never leave you. I am your wife and my place is here with you. Monmon will stay with Chamcham forever." she assured me and kissed me again.
I kissed her back too but before anything goes intense, we heard a bark from our baby that leads us to stop and just laugh. Mon took Singha and hugged them both.
"I love you two."
"We love you more Dada." Mon said
I just nod and kissed her forehead.
"I brought food. Im sure you two are hungry already."
"Go wash up. I'll reheat it." she said and took Singha with her.
After my bath, i went downstairs and heard her laughing. So i rushed to check who our visitor is to see grandma and Khun Neung helping her taking some food containers out of a bag.
"Grandma? Khun Neung? What are you two doing here? When did you two arrived?" i asked as i hug and kiss my wife.
Khun Neung went back home after my wedding. Grandma asked for our forgiveness as well as the promise of just letting us, her grandchildren, to do whatever we want with our lives. The two of them are always together and now enjoying travelling and visiting art galleries around the world. While they leave me and Mon with all the business work. I took over the family business while Mon is now the new Maam Boss of Diversity. And she's doing well with it. Im so proud of her. 
"Khun Sam! Why dont you greet grandma first before questioning her?" Mon reprimanded me.
I looked at my wife but did what she said. After the greetings and formalities, i looked at my elders and asked again.
"What are you doing here?"
I just saw Mon face palmed and looked at grandma as if apologizing. Grandma just smiled at her and looked at me.
"Arent you happy to see us back Khun Sam?" grandma said
"I am." i responded with a neutral voice. 
"At least smile so we will know you are truly happy." Khun Neung said while handing Mon some things.
Grandma just sighed but then held my hand and let me sit on one of our kitchen seats.
"We brought some souvenirs from Europe. Some decors you can put around the house. And some treats your sister thought you two would like. I bought different kinds chocolate for you Mon." she said making Mon smile so wide.
"Thank you Grandma, i will enjoy every piece of it." my wife replied and even hugged my grandmother too.
They are very close now. Close to the point of grandma spoiling her and even siding up with her when we are having soem arguments. Mon decided to forgive and forget the things that happened in the past.
I checked the things they brought and let Mon with examining each of it. I then looked outside and saw its getting dark already.
"Tee rak?"
"Lets eat out. Are you two free tonight grandma?"
"Yes. We are, why dont you invite Mon's parents too? Family dinner, since its been so long since we've had that." Grandma said
"Sure, can you call Mom and Dad, Tee rak? I'll just finish this first." Mon said as she was about to do her chore. 
"You two should go prepare now, i'll finish that Mon. Go now." Khun Neung said
The two of us went back to our room. I finished preparing first so i took both our bags downstairs and put Singha to his playpen. I gave him food and put some new pee pads for too.
"I was about to do that." she said and smiled.
"Dada is here, no worries. We need to use the SUV since Mom and Dad are coming with us."
"Let's pick them up."
After picking up my in-laws, we went to grandma's favorite restaurant. the management welcomed us and gave us a table fit for grandma's standard. Mon's parents are now used to this extravagant things since grandma will always invite them to dine out since our marriage.
"So, how are you two? I enjoyed my vacation with Neung so much that i forget to asked what is going on with you now." grandma started asking when we finished eating. We are now having tea.
"Were happy as usual." I answered earning a chuckle from everyone in the table. Mon just looked at me and shook her head.
"Were fine Grandma. Khun Sam is busy with the family business while i work with Diversity. We both have time to spend for each other, our friends, as well as to visit Mom and Dad too." she explained earning a nod from my elders 
"That's how you should answer Sam. Learn from your wife ok?" Khun Neung said, i just rolled my eyes to her.
"Thats good. Now that we are back, Neung decided to help too so you can delegate some of your work to her after her training." Grandma said.
I looked at Khun Neung with my eyebrow raised.
"Grandma never forced me to, i volunteered, so hold your horses little one. I just wanna help you besides i'll be settling back here also. I will still continue with my art and i will never stop that, im planning to open my own gallery here too. Grandma gave the idea when we visited France. I can work and earn for myself as well as do the things i want to. It's a good reason to settle back here in Thailand. Plus i've met a lot of people back then to help me set up my own gallery here."
"I told Neung that i will help her. During our visit to Europe, i've seen how her passion is in arts. So i will support her. Besides its for a good cause too." Grandma added
"Im happy that you are finally back."
"I am happy too." She answered
"And how about you two? Any future plans?" Grandma asked looking at both Mon and I
"Nothing yet Grandma."
"No plans for little Sam and Mon yet?" Grandma asked again.
Mon and I looked at each other. We've talked about it before but there's no plan about it yet.
"Your Grandma is right kids. We are not getting younger. We still want to chase them and play with them for as long as we are still strong."
I looked at Mon and smiled as i held her hand.
"We've talked about it. We are also open to the idea. But we never really planned anything yet. Now that you've mentioned about that, maybe we'll have a more longer chat tonight." i said with a smile.
Grandma and Mon's parents smiled too.
"I see. Then talk and decide about that sooner. And let me help you find a good clinic for the process. Sam is the last baby i took in my arms and i can still hold a few." Grandma happily added.
"Of course you can Grandma! And be healthy you three so you can carry all the grandkids we are giving you soon. I will give you 3 babysitting duties when i want my wife for myself."
"KHUN SAM!" Mon just said, cheeks red in embarrassment
Everyone just laughed. I looked at all of them and smiled. I am blessed to have this family and i am very happy.
Someone's POV
The couple headed home after dinner. Khun Neung volunteered to bring Mon's parents home. They check on Singha first before going up to their room.
Sam finished first and is thinking of what their parents and grandmother said. Mon who just finished her bedtime routine looked at her troubled wife and smiled. She knew her too well and she knew what she is thinking of.
"Tee rak?" she called
"Hmmm? You said something, Love?" Sam said and opened her arms to Mon.
Mon safely deposited herself to her wife's embrace.
"Thinking about what grandma said?" Mon asked her
"Hmmm. I told them we are open to it but are we really? I don't want to trouble you too." Sam said as she caressed Mon's shoulder.
"Can i ask you something?" she said and looked at Sam
"Anything." she
"Do you want little Sam and Mon ?"
"Of course!" Sam answered without second thoughts.
Mon just smiled.
"Thats what is important. We both want to have little Mon and Sam running and playing around with Singha, right?" she felt Sam nodding. "Then so be it. I want to carry our child first if its ok with you. Then if you want, you can carry the next. I want our child to look like you Tee rak."
"oh? But I want little Mon too." Sam pouted.
"We will have little Sam and little Mon around." Mon said
"Lets do it. I will look for the best clinic for us. How about a british donor? So our child can be just like you. British-Thai. You are so adorable when you were a small kid. I remember wanting to play with your chubby cheeks."
"I know you love me but i didnt know you fancy me since i was a kid Khun Sam." Mon teased her.
"Oh, you're flexing your good looks now?" Sam fired back. "I just wanna remind you who was the one so obsessed with me again my Love?"
"But i admitted it already, now about you?" Mon retorted back.
Sam rolled on top of Mon and looked at her with passion, admiration and love. Sam kissed her.
"I am inlove with you since then. I am inlove with you now and i will love you forever Mon. I promise you that."
"i love you now and forever, my Khun Sam."

Bình Luận Sách (47)

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    no matter what happened this story dont give up just do everything for you only love and tell the end you will be success it


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    Freenbecky love 💋💖


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    queria em português


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