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Chapter Six - Shopping With Mr. Charming

Chapter Six - Shopping With Mr. Charming
"Leave me alone!" I scream, seeing different sizes of Tom all ganging up on me as I try to scurry with my little feet.
Everywhere is filled with Tom; there's no other way out. Even the walls are imprints of his face--which seriously creeps me out.
    Then he catches up to my pace and grabs me by his hand, wrapping my entire body with his gigantic palm. All I could do is muffle a scream.
I flutter my eyes open, breaking into a cold sweat. I calm down my ragged breathing and let out an almost scream when I see Tom in front me, his eyebrows scrunched up with his face looking concerned.
I pull the duvet up to my face, hiding myself from him. It's quite awkward you know? I just dreamt about him and now he's the first thing I see in the morning.
"Why are you here?"  I grumbled, my voice hoarse as I just woke up from a terrific nightmare--which is relieving to be finally awake.
"Your mother told me I can go up and wake you," he responds casually. "--I did knock on the door and called for your name, but you didn't reply."
  "So I carefully opened the door to find you squirming in your sleep."
  He tilts his head at me. "Did you have a nightmare?"
I sneer, clutching on the sheets. "Isn't it obvious? And what's worse is that it's because of you."
"Why is it my fault?" he inquired, clueless and I feel the weight of my bed shift, probably with him taking a seat at the edge of my bed. "--you know, you might as well blame me for global warming if you want to."
When I didn't laugh at his joke, he proceeds. "Did you dream about me? If so, what happened?"
"I don't have any reason to tell you," I snap, feeling moody already and it's still early in the morning.  "--and can you get out of my room? I don't like intruders going in my room."
  "I'm not an intruder though," he replied, eyes scanning at the entirety of my room without shame that he's inside in some girl's room.
"Your room is really..unique," he tries to find a more subtle word, which he probably meant that my room is weird.
I click my tongue, feeling offended that he's judging my room. "No one asked for your opinion. If you don't like it, then don't."
"I didn't say I didn't like it," he defended, putting a hand up in surrender. "--it's just that your room is dark. I've never seen a room this cloaked in almost all black."
   "Well, now you've seen one," I responded.
I removed my duvet from my face, sneaking a glance at him. He looks well dressed up; as if he's going somewhere--preferably on a date with someone.
    So you hate being judged and now you're judging others. Really now, Avery?
  I cleared my throat, garnerning his attention as he whips his head to smile at me. "I guess you're wondering why I'm here?"
  I nod, motioning him to continue. "So, I asked your mother."
I hope it wasn't what I thought it was. If it was, then this would be a continuation of my nightmare. "And she said she'd love for you to attend the acquaintance party."
I let out a groan, kicking the duvet off me as I sat right-up, eyeing in him annoyance. Damn it!  "Telling my mother, aren't you  such a tattle-tale? I told you, didn't I? I don't want to attend that stupid party."
He ran a hand through his slick hair and responded. "But I knew you wouldn't go if I didn't tell her."
  "Obviously I won't!" I holler, as if he wasn't close enough to me. "--why would I waste my time at some party?"
   "Because it's fun?" he warily replied, as if I was one step closer to choking him with my nails.
"Damn it," I glower, gritting my teeth.
"I'll leave you for now," he motions and stands up from my bed which bounces my bed back to its original shape. 
He glances at me with a small smile. "Get dressed, okay? We're going shopping."
My eyes widened to the size of saucers. I looked at him in disbelief but he waves me off as he opens the door.
"You need a dress, Avery."
I grab my pillow and try to chuck it at him when he closes the door before I could, making the pillow slide and fall on the ground with a missed aim.
I grit my teeth, clenching my fists "that boy!"
(. .)
"Can't I just wear the usual? Jeans and a t-shirt?" I look at him in aggravation.
He only chuckles at me to my expense, then darting his gaze back to the different clothes, running his hands through the fabric. "It's a party, Avery. You have to wear something not casual."
"Do you ever see business people wearing t-shirt to a meeting? If not, then that's exactly why we need to pick a dress."
We've been in the mall for almost an hour now, and while I want to run to the nearest cult store, I couldn't. I mean I don't even shop for clothes; I just pick whatever I see and hope that my mother will leave me alone.
"Who cares about what I wear," I grunt, flashing him a dirty look. "--you're such a stickler."
I will never understand why people take so much time finding just one clothe that they'll wear a few times and then throw it in the dusk. It's stupid. And a nuisance.
He grabs a silver white dress from the rack, then hands it to me without any warning. I open my mouth to protest but he grabs both of my shoulders and leads me to the changing room.
"Hey!" I squirm, trying to halt with my foot but he was too strong to my liking. I eventually gave in, giving him a glare before closing the door.
"Are you done?" he asks.
I open the door with a frown evident on my face as he eyed me from head to toe like he's inspecting me. "It's too bland," he comments and nods like he's talking to himself.
I groan, spreading my arms. "I'm alright with this dress so just buy it and we'll leave."
He shakes his head. "It doesn't emphasize your good features. You'll look better with something else."
"Why do you care so much?" I say in a ticked tone. "--I could wear a jumpsuit for all I care."
"Because this is very important," he eyed me with sincerity. "--and as your friend, I want to give you the best."
I look away, flickering my gaze to the men's section with boxers and underwear. "Your friendship is one-sided, so you can't really call it friendship."
"But if you're really that persistent," I try to negotiate, retreating my gaze to him. "--I'll go to that darn party--but, I want a black dress."
He beams, nodding too jubilantly. "Alright. You better keep your word, Avery."
I huff. "I'm not the type of person to lie, just so you know."
"Wait here," he gives me a look before he walks away and I'm left to my own devices, sitting down while I wait.
I could've used this as my chance to escape and head to the cult store, but since I made a promise and didn't want to lose face to that guy; I stayed.
    The department store reeked of sample perfume and it burned my nostrils, not to mention the song on the aisle that has been repeating for at least three times now.
Minutes later he comes back, panting as he held a black dress on his other hand. He looks up to me and heads close, lifting the dress to let me see it clearly.
It's a black sleeveless dress with frills on the bottom; some silver glitter sprinkled and at the back were those dresses where you make a criss cross pattern of some sort.
He hands me the dress, then wheezes. "Put it on."
I didn't need to be told anymore and headed to the dressing room, putting on the dress, then  I realized that the back needs to have someone to do it for me, but it didn't matter for now.
I stare at my reflection in surprise like it wasn't me.
I....actually looked good.
I didn't want to admit it, but I look like a girl. I've always wore jeans and t-shirt, covered the other side of my eye with my hair as I didn't want people to notice me.
Seeing myself like this, felt like I was on some alternate universe.
I snap out of my daze and faced the door, reluctantly opening it to see him locking gaze with me.
For a split second, I saw his eyes sparkle and I look away, feeling intimidated with his staring. I rubbed my shoulders, mumbling. "Stop staring."
He snaps out of it, letting out a sheepish smile. "It's just that..you look pretty."
I immediately turn red, taken a back but what he said.
I mean no one, not even one guy told me I was pretty. Most of them always told me that I looked like a guy or a scary haggard girl. But him, the guy I least wanted to hear it from; said it.
"S-stop saying embarrassing things!" I say in a squeamish tone, looking away in hopes to calm down my blushing. It doesn't help that I feel so vulnerable in this clothing.
"Let's just buy this and get over with it," I mumble, not waiting for his response.
I closed the door and took off the dress, then stared at my reflection, into my dark eyes.
"Stupid," I say, seeing my flushed cheeks.

Bình Luận Sách (324)

  • avatar

    buku ni best sangat sumpah korang kena bace


  • avatar

    Lmao not the type to read romance but when I read this is actually interesting and funny


  • avatar

    an amazing story! congratulations, I rewarded you, I'm new here. but congratulations!


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