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Chapter Three - Double Trouble

Chapter Three - Double Trouble
     I am completely ready for school. It's like a chore; you just have to get used to it. To the the people looking at you like an alien, to avoiding you like the plague.
   I could hear people say things like I killed someone in the dark alley or that I made a deal with the devil to posses my body.
    That was absurd. I get that I'm not the most approachable person and that I acquaint myself with black---but that doesn't qualify me as a witch, you know?
Then again, people will believe what they want to believe.
I grunt as I march my way downstairs and towards the front door. I grab the knob of the door, twist it and flung it open when I find Tom standing on the front porch, hands up in the air since he was probably going to open the door.
He sees me and flashes a darn giddy smile. "Good morning Avery---"
I slammed the door as loud as I could in front of his face. I clenched my fists and grit my teeth.
What the hell is he doing here?! Didn't I tell him that I don't like him?
I take a deep breath and opened the door. I stare at his alluring olive eyes and frown. "What do you want?"
"Well, I want to walk to school with you," he says casually, adjusting the straps of his bag.
I scrunch my face at him, seeing his stupid smile unfaze. "Didn't I just tell you that I don't like you?"
"I know," he nods.
I continued. "But why are you here?"
"I want to walk with you to school. Is that not enough of a reason?" he slightly tilts his head. "---and I want to get to know you better, Avery. You may hate me at this moment, but it won't be that way soon."
"No," I grunt. "--I told you we can't be seen at school. Totally no."
He doesn't say anything as he takes my hand to my displeasure. I grunt as I try to pry my hand away from his hold but he held it tighter while we started walking by the side walk.
"I could literally punch you right now, you know that?"
He looks down on me, considering our height differences, then smiles. "But you won't, won't you?"
I hiss. "You seriously piss me off."
I yank my hand from his, giving him a glare. "I can walk without holding your hand. I'm not some kid who can't cross the street."
"You should've told me earlier," he tells me in amusement, flinging the hand he held me to his side. "---but you didn't."
I narrow my eyes at him in disdain. "You picking a fight?"
"No I'm not," he glances at me innocently.
. . .
We arrived in front of the school's gate and I abruptly stopped, then glanced at him. "This is where we part ways," I mutter, side glancing to the students now entering and passing by without a care.
I narrow my eyes at him. "How many times do I have to tell you?  I told you I'm an outcast, didn't I? Don't you get me or are you trying to push my buttons? We can't be friends--ever!"
"But Aver--"
"Stop it! I don't want your excuse or your annoying reasons like trying to see the good in me!" I screech, pointing a finger at him. "---when someone tells you no, you have to respect it."
He looks at me as if everything I just said was all for naught. "I don't know where's my class."
I wanted to pull out strands of my hair since I was peeved at him. I scoff, my breath now ragged from trying to keep my anger in. "Go ask people, stupid. That's not hard, is it?"
"But it's easier if we walk together, right?" he warmly replied.
He may have a point but I still won't admit that.
I jab my finger at his chest and gave him a warning look. "Fine. But be at least 8 steps far from me."
He doesn't say anything else but obliges while we walk across the sea of teenagers. Some were just hanging by the lockers, catching up to their friends with some getting out their stuff for class and dashing around the halls.
Then I paused, my feet stopping to a halt. A terrible, miserable thought crept on my mind. This was Beckett we're talking about. He couldn't possibly---
I glanced at him and he stops. "You're in the same class as me?"
He grinned, further proving my despair. "Of course. I specifically told them I knew you and they said they'd put me in your class."
You know, murder is quite tempting right now.
"Are you shitting me right now? Really?"
He looks at me innocently, then lets out a sheepish smile. "It's a free country, Avery. I can choose which class I want to be."
  I motion to open my mouth, but clamped it shut since I had nothing better to say. Anything I say would be futile--especially in front of his face.
I ignored him and muttered curses under my breath. Curse him.
I twist the knob to the door and flung it open. Suddenly everyone's eyes dart to my direction and they immediately look away, as their chatter grows louder.
  I sigh, making my way towards my own seat---which was at the back, and surprise, suprise, just me who resides in it. I could feel them murmur at me but I tried not to mind it.
I place my bag on the ground and shuffle around it, trying to find my phone and earphones so that I could cancel out the noises.
I didn't bother looking at Tom or watching over him. If anything, he was old enough to do things himself.
With that looks of his, he could fit in no time and would be friends with everyone by just that bubbly attitude of his. I'd have to set a distance and arrive at different time intervals from him since arriving at the same time will get things fishy.
Whilst my music was blasting on my ears, I hear a creak, more like a chair shuffling closer to mine. I didn't mind it and thought it was my imagination when I felt a hand poke my shoulder.
I glanced from beside me and my eyes widened when I see Tom smiling as he waved his hands at me like a child.
I narrowed my eyes at him and looked away, pretending like he doesn't exist.
I told that idiot that he should leave me alone!
I could imagine their murmurs, even with my earphones placed on my ears. I shut my eyes close, looking away from him and tried to tune out to the world I was in.
Fortunately, Tom didn't bother me after that.
. . .
We were let out for lunch and I stood up, grabbing my bag along with me as I exited the classroom.
A second later, he ushers and walks alongside me. I clutch on the straps on my bag tighter as people's piercing gaze stared at me--more like this guy beside me.
I grit my teeth as I avoided trying to confront him where everyone could technically see it. I grumbled as I walked my way to where I always eat at.
The school's garden. It's kinda nice being here and there's a pleasant background--not to mention it's cold and quiet. I dropped down my bag and picked up a blanket, then placed it on the grass like a mat.
I squat and grabbed my lunchbox whilst I ignored the guy sitting across me.
I would've successfully ignored him only if he wasn't intently staring at me like I was a ghost.
My eyes twitch and I finally snapped, darting him a glare. "Why are you staring?! And why are you here?"
"Because I wanted to eat with you," he replied, quite casually like we were friends and this was something normal--which wasn't.
I rest my lunchbox and crossed my arms. "Look. I'm not your babysitter. You can manage things on your own, can't you?"
"---And if you're doing this for pity, then you're no help at all!" I grit my teeth. "--I don't need your pity! So just go along and mind your own business like people had always been!"
He only smiles at me and it makes me more frustrated. "I'm not pitying you, Avery. I truly wanted to be here and if I didn't, I would've left."
I looked away and opened up my lunchbox, not bothering to say a single word to him as I grabbed my utensils and dug my fork through the meat. Then I placed it on my mouth and started chewing. As usual, my mother's cooking was delicious.
A few seconds later, he speaks up. "Is this where you eat your lunch?"
I snicker. "Obviously. Where else do you expect me to eat, the bathroom?"
"I can tell them for you," he starts, fiddling with his lunch. "--I don't like it when people are misjudged--especially when the person whose wronged does not try to make it right."
  "I don't need your help," I grumble. "--no matter what you'd say, it won't do anything but make it worst"
     "I don't want people saying that I am so pityful that I asked for you help."
I clenched on my spoon. "People will believe what they want to. So if you don't want to end up like me, better leave me  alone."
  "Well, I want to stay," he eyed me with conviction. "--if no one will show you kindness, then I will."
   "Don't mistake it as me pitying you, okay?" he adds, his unruly hair swerving with the cold breeze. "--because I'm not."
   "What else does it sound like?" I sourly remark, dropping my fork. "--you clearly pity me, Beckett. I don't need people like you."
    "Is it a crime for me to want to be friends with you?" he rebutted.
   "You're not normal," I shake my head in disbelief. "--you're crazy, Beckett. Wanting to be friends with a bitch like me?"
      He grins, which leaves me more baffled. "I think we'd make a pretty good team, that's all."
     "You're seriously crazy."
    "If I'm seriously crazy," he trails off, his smile still lingering. "--then all the more to say that we're compatible together."

Bình Luận Sách (324)

  • avatar

    buku ni best sangat sumpah korang kena bace


  • avatar

    Lmao not the type to read romance but when I read this is actually interesting and funny


  • avatar

    an amazing story! congratulations, I rewarded you, I'm new here. but congratulations!


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