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Chương 7 The Confrontation

"Micay, we're here," Louie said, gently patting his sister to wake her from her deep sleep. The girl was amazed by the beauty of their surroundings. She stepped out of the car, her energy radiating with the joy of nature. Even though the sun was hot that morning, the air felt different than when they were in the city. The girl's attention was caught by the people whispering in the distance. She was about to approach them when Louie called her.
"Remember our conversation, Micay?" "Get back in the car," he said in a serious voice.
The girl's smile faded, and she obeyed her brother's command. The young man approached some residents who were crowded there. In just a few minutes, the girl saw that her older brother seemed to be arguing with those he was talking to. Then, suddenly, another young man approached her brother. The girl also saw her older brother's men exchange meaningful glances. Micay lowered the window glass to hear what they were talking about.
"Ne yaparsan yap, bu toprağı sana asla vermeyeceğim (No matter what you will do I won't give you our land)," the young man who had just arrived stated firmly with anger.
"Sahip misin? Ne kadar istiyorsun? You are the owner. (How much do you want?)"
"Para beni satın alamaz" ("I can't be bought with money") The young man came even closer to Louie, looking straight into the young man's eyes, and said, "
"Şimdi gidebilirsin (You can leave now)."
"Sen cesursun (You're brave aren't you)," he competed with the young man's gaze.
"Bakalım cesaretin seni nereye götürecek (Let's see where your courage will take you)."
Then he smiled meaningfully at the young man before walking slowly away from him.
Even before Louie got in the car, Micay heard another young man rushing towards his companion.
"Francis! Francis!" The young man called the man whom Louie talked to a while ago.
"Orhan Dede, çiftliğinin ortasında ölü olarak bulundu (Grandpa Orhan was found dead in the middle of his farm)."
Upon hearing this, a young man named Francis walked quickly towards Louie. The fury on Francis' face was evident. When he caught up with the young man who was about to board the car, Francis violently grabbed him by his left shoulder before punching him with great force.
"Ne tür bir iblissin!" Yaşlı adama en ufak bir merhamet göstermedin! (What kind of beast are you? You didn't show the slightest bit of mercy to the old man!)" he said furiously.
The man named Francis was about to punch Louie again, but Louie's men picked up their guns and pointed them at him. At the same time, the car door quickly opened, and the girl quickly got out of the car and approached Louie, hugging him. "Louie, are you okay?" Louie quickly and secretly prompted Samuel to lower their guns. His younger sister could not have witnessed this kind of violence.
"I'm fine."
The girl turned sharply toward the young man named Francis. "What's your problem?" "Why did you punch my brother?" she asked the young man angrily.
The young man could not answer immediately for some unknown reason; he only stared at the girl for a few more seconds before he answered her angrily. "Your brother is a demon!" The young man replied while pointing at Louie. "
"What are you saying?" Micay asked while feigning ignorance.
"Why don't you ask him?"
The girl turned to his brother, her eyes questioning, asking for an explanation. "I don't know what he's saying," the young man denied.
"Yalanc (liar)," Francis said angrily, and he was about to charge or attack him again. Micay violently pushed Francis away from them while shouting.
"Stay away from my brother!" At the same time as she pushed him, a gunshot fired from Samuel that almost hit the girl. The girl screamed, and Louie immediately hugged her.
"Are you hurt?" he asked her sister worriedly.
"I'm fine," she answered tearfully.
"It's your fault." "Look, my sister got almost hit and is in danger."
"It's not my fault if your man is stupid."
Francis answered him. Louie would have spoken again, but his sister secretly pulled his polo shirt.
"Let's go home," she said while crying.
"We're not done yet."
After saying this, he pointed at the man at the same time. Louie supported his sister's decision to board the car; she was almost unwilling to let go of her grip. While on the trip, the girl was still silent. Louie's sight turned on her, and he found out that his sister was sleeping next to him. Louie slowly moved to his side to give his sister space to lie down. His thigh became her pillow. After lying down for a few minutes, Micay opened her eyes because she wasn't asleep and was just feeling her surroundings.
"Fortunately, I act immediately," she said to herself.
Because what had just happened a while ago was intentional, while she was talking to Francis, she saw in her peripheral vision that Samuel had pulled out a gun to shoot the young man. But even before the gun was fired, she violently pushed Francis away, which caused her to almost be hit by the bullet. Suddenly the girl closed her eyes again when she felt Louie's hand on her head while gently caressing her hair.
"If something happened to you, I don't know what I would do," he said in a sad voice.
The girl continued to feel her surroundings until she was completely asleep. She was unaware that her brother was talking to someone on his cell phone before drawing a demonic smile on his lips.

Bình Luận Sách (467)

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    Delo santosNikko

    nice novella for me read the book


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