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That being what he did, he diverted attention, and none of it made a difference, if he wanted the money, he had it, and it made no difference, the ambushes and the interceptions, which were done afterwards when there were wars and robberies. in the open, and often right between their noses and in warehouses.
Those are the sectors in which the mafia operates more simply, and it was easy to steal in the open using even seizures that were never linked to it, but by a police operation, as the maintenance of traditional mafia activities adds up. more discretion in the way of acting today.
The big attacks and murders in broad daylight are less frequent, in which the Mafia was slaughtered and weakened, and this is very important to point out, but it tries to reorganize itself, in my opinion, there were many incompetent people, it's no use having money.
So, even if stolen if you don't know how to manage, and one of the most important strategies is the growing presence of the Mafia in the legal economy, that's what in Italy we call the gray zone, and here the problem is the introduction of mafiosi with relationships of complicity and cross interests with exponents of the legal economy, with businessmen.
However, the boundaries between political and economic corruption and the activities of the Mafia itself are not always clear.
Even those are the business groups that have accumulated resources, including from the past, and that remain active in businesses that we could call clean, but with corrupt methods, which he defines using a specialization of how the Mafia as a pathology of democracy and insists that the problems and democratic shortcomings they have caused.
Just as the emergence of organized crime persists in Sicily and the rest of Italy, whether they were organized or not, but that was what they used as a way of taking advantage of weakness, so despite the optimism in the face of the weakening of the Cosa Nostra, and he agrees, that even with the war, and the power that was weakened, but served for his control.
So they did not lose all their power, and that their ruin was not complete, in which they were defeated in a very important battle, and he was one of the witnesses, who witnessed the events.
When the war, however, continues, there has never been and never stopped happening, it was minimized, there were truces, and minor territorial struggles, in which he saw by witnessing and counting on the fear used against him, and how the country, who feared a Chinese expansion through the Far East, decided to build a transcontinental line 125 years ago.
There was a way to try to maintain power, and he traveled a little further back in time, right in a body that was compatible with an earlier period and using it as a host for an ancestor itself.
It was like a parasite that adapted to a body compatible with its desires, it assimilated itself, took control and directed it to a specific place and created its offspring, in which it traveled a few thousand years in the not too distant past, little more 800 years old...
He was among a few periods in history coming with major changes and using a body compatible with some distant ancestor, in which he had made his nest egg.
Then created a legacy, so for a long time, he assumed a body of a descendant every 200 years, periodically and reincarnated after another 200 years.
So when he rooted his power in the seed and DNA of a blood relative and used it as a host and assimilated and fused creating a perfect copy a clone of himself, that was him, and repeating the process in the same retinue of descendants.
About that...
When he was touring Europe in the medieval period and they were watching the harbor, bustling on a clear day in a sculptural body, a classic outfit from the 1600s period.
That time, it was when he wore long white braided hair that was as long as his height, and clothes adorned in red and black and red colors, in which he climbed into the boats which he saw came out of the harbor, full of people, and he was looking for a certain pirate, he would look and see if he was the same in the paintings.
Although he had a letter of recommendation, not that he needed it, they always needed a surgeon or doctor which was rare on boats, which was the reason he didn't reveal it in the first place, which was why when he saw a look like Hungry grays in search of the bone.
Someone, at that time, questioned him during the course where Cavendish's vessel was, and if they didn't need a surgeon, then he talked about his occupation, in which it didn't take long, he went towards several pirate ships in that narrow anchorage.
You saw everything from beggars, fops, children stealing by the square millimeter, helmsmen, ragamuffins, ragged creatures straight out of some nightmare of hell.
Since he saw men covered in sores, professionals of love, or rather, women of life for coins, cooks who seemed to sell pig washing.
He then met, Thomas Cavendish (Trimley St. Martin, 19 September 1560 – May 1592) was a privateer elevated to English admiral, he saw him twice more and he could call in a favor if he went looking for him again as he was. the case in the future.
At that time, that's when he heard...
Several frightened men running to make way for the men of the sea, and these men sick and cursed for the riches of unbelieving men, they who were superstitious and cowardly religious men, but not villains, only ignorant and uneducated men, because of the time when lived, the passing era did not change much.
When they ran into the Mongols near the strait, and had a spectacular escape, not before and at the end each of them fell ill, in which some years after their second encounter, he found him at death's door, caught off guard with a fever of forty degrees, he landed to hallucinate drinking milk from her hand, thinking it was his mother, and that would be hilarious.
What if it wasn't so tragic, there were sick men coming down from the boats, practically dragging themselves, and the symptoms would be, in his eyes, a strong flu.
It was as he walked along the pier, and he saw that the previous captain was seeking help from some surgeon or doctor, or priest or anyone who would rid them of the plague that was ravaging them.
Lovecraft County
Silver Spring.
In his library he was sitting in his armchair, now he, his own grandfather.
He got up, took dating records and kept investigating, he was also known as a private detective, the greatest detective of his time, the 1920s.
Good thing he was hired, did business with Capone, so no one would suspect him, he made money buying real estate and renting it.
In addition to a large company he managed and had numerous other businesses, construction among others, looking at the agent, he saw that he had a business meeting at the church.
About that.
That neighborhood was very famous among criminals and the police, it is clear that for more than sixty years, not even any authority was able nor had the courage to enter the territory of crime.
There was a tacit and implicit agreement between the authorities and the mafia that had an agreement to divide the place between criminal groups, in addition to being the base of money laundering and a famous neighborhood where there was a secret bank under the church, which was a facade , the law did not enter there.
For many years until his death, a major mob boss attended church every morning.
What happened there, stayed there, he always found them, between the morning hours, taking them towards the underground of the church that would be enlarged to a cathedral, those were golden times, so he accepted.
According to the altar boys, one thing he discovered in his investigation in the future was that at that time secret passages were built that ran through the entire neighborhood, in addition to underground passages that cut through the entire city.
In the midst of passages that had under the church, in addition to that there were corridors and tunnels that were built at that time with a contractor, which he saw that there was a criminal engineer, who by chance...
He was the owner of the company that would build the place, his ancestor must have helped to build the cave and the hidden passages, so there were on his desk, in his library, two copies of each, there were schematics, plans, maps.
Andreas unbeknownst to them when he was hired, in which he secretly built a blueprint on top of another hiding that he would lead them through hidden passages, he would give them a blueprint and under the hood make his own alterations.
The missing mafia gold...
During the various slaughters that took place at that time, he was engaged in building the underground tunnels, to keep the mouths shut of all the bricklayers and builders, there was a high pay, as well as a considerable threat to them and their entire family. .
Meanwhile, they roamed underground making buildings and hidden citadels between the tunnels that were parallel to the sewers, and they roamed all the cities up to Golden Valle, between four more cities, until they came to a hidden, underground pier they built.
They used it to smuggle it out to the high seas on a route that he also became known to know was in a country in a tax haven, what they didn't know was that for every map and every blueprint, he made a pass, in addition to of hidden corridors, which led to other cities and towards his cave.
So, without knowing what he did, there were even railway tunnels and that led to another city where the highway ran through tunnels from city to city with secret passages, he knew that by increasing the value, Mr. Capone,

Bình Luận Sách (386)

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    so much ❤️ good


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