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- They've already been evacuated. – The new god said, receiving an affirmative nod from the great beast of the end, he let time proceed, then swallowing what was once a huge and destructive dark entity a wandering black hole.
Anyway, he ate energy and returned towards the planet, Darkness on the back of a dragon, when he returned to human form, he fell naked into the arms of Darkness who carried him to the ground, receiving the robes of Desaad, who accompanied them in towards the fortress.
- Are they still alive? – Darkness questioned him.
- Aging as if taken by the sands of time. – Desaad said, while the new god put him down and Sasha followed them.
- Our. – Sasha said as she saw countless humanoid beings aging in seconds, dying and their bones turning to dust.
- Could the technology, data and information be saved? – Darkness asked.
- We did it, my lord.
- At least that. – Darkness said.
In the midst of looking at the data, they were resting, cataloging information, when they were once again called upon by the priests of Zarathanis.
Current models of planetary dynamics show that planets must travel in a spiral towards their stars as they evolve over time, particularly towards the end of their lives.
This process causes the planets to heat up, and can even inflate their atmospheres, although another consequence is that the orbits of the worlds around the star end up being approximate.
What increases the chances of collisions happening, your stars become black holes more quickly, in which they age in seconds.
In the midst of this, they become full plates for the great beast of the end, which devours worlds that come to an end.
The wide variety in the density of the planets discovered in this study suggests that the trio was defined by chaotic planetary interactions, which may have caused unpredictable rates of warming and resulted in the observed density variations.
Even those with water or carbon dioxide present in the TOI-4329 system are collected in their primary forms.
Akropolis and the agents, in turn, are in charge of cataloging the information left by beings that lived thousands of years in seconds, some of them in which the greatest scientists, have their brains kept in ecstasy and cryogenic tanks.
If these molecules exist there, the data could shed light on how the planets formed and what kind of interactions took place to produce the observed orbits.
Since giant planets move throughout their lives, how does this affect their surroundings and inflate them during a death dive, towards their stars.
Upon returning to a space sector closer to Earth, they used the blast tube towards another dimension of Earth, in a parallel reality.
Worldfalls occur when ripples of planar energy allow a large portion of land from one plane to shift to the other.
The Eladrun galaxies, which usually "navigate" through these ripples, suddenly appear in the mortal world in a flash of sunlight and petals thrown into the air, and to travel to the Feywild, being a galaxy of an unstable reality, being able to jump between dimensions.
In which all the traveler needs is to enter the gates of such a galaxy of Eladrun and wait until it returns to its plane of origin. Every world fall is different.
A galaxy of Eladrun can appear regularly like clockwork or once every century, in which the planets of Shina Delestra appear in the mortal world every midnight, taking the place of a clearing in the deepest areas of the planet of Jurna, towards the great planet called the Howling Forest
It then returns to its borders with the Faerie dimensions and enters the Feywild just before dawn. The towers of Astra-Adzalian stand on the hills of a truly beautiful, verdant planet in the galaxy of Anura, which has countless natural resources and primeval worlds.
Since it lasts throughout spring and summer, returning to the Feywild with the arrival of autumn and winter, among plants that can bring health benefits, some of those planets do not have humanoid inhabitants or organic life other than plant life, which can be colonized and explored without ever dying under the dominions of Zarathanis and Darkness.
The few inhabited planets have a few intelligent races who do what they can to make Feywild the place they want.
The main rivals who try to rule the Feywild are the nobles of the Eladrun galaxy in their shining cities and the Fomorians in their subterranean strongholds.
Since other races remain on the fringes of conflict, and the unpredictable nature of the fae keeps the balance of power in balance, when dealing with politics in the Faerie Plane, only one thing is certain: half of what appears to be true is not the same. it's difficult.
Even so, it was when amid the disputes and bets, that Darkness, Zariel and his avatar Sasha were negotiating a truce and forging some alliances.
Some are nobles of the Eladrun galaxy who are so old and powerful that they have transcended the bounds of mortality, such as a former sovereign of Adiandra, the Queen of the planet of Verano, or the Prince of the planet of Ice.
Some are awakened from powerful galaxies of riches who are only born on their own planets that arose in their own forests, mountains, or rivers, such as the Green Lord Oran or Scamander, in which the Guardian of the River.
Each of them, come into conflict on whim, greed and at times, trying to steal or usurp such belongings that are only born on another planet and not yours, purely out of envy, take what is yours for me.
Using the power and influence of Zarathanis and the powers of the Beast of the End, in exchange for his alliances, to soften his ego, Darkness offered that he could use the power of the Beast of the End to create on his own planets something as beautiful, as great as on their rival planet that would leave them dying of envy.
Each of them, being rich planets that emerged from their natural riches, being that they are native only appeared on their own planet, and others are conscious formations of different types of animals, such as the Lord of the Cats or the Primate King.
Some races originated from the various versions of humanoid races in various historical periods, who fled their version of Earth, in search of a new home towards space, such as the ancient demons, and even angels, vampires and some elves.
Being that they were each of them, Archduke Fairies are fairies of other races who migrated in the midst of persecutions to other planets that managed to reach great age and power - such as, for example, the witch Baba Yaga or the satyr prince Hyrsam.
Even though Archfeys range from kind to malicious and compassionate to indifference, they are gripped by envy and greed and the same goes for every race.
Most pose a lethal risk to mortals who attempt to trade with them, but some of them view mortal heroes with fascination and sometimes favor them with gifts of power or knowledge.

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    Angelyn Halliasgo

    pls give me more balance for my family :(


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    Nousa Douda



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