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Tales In A Moment in Time - Black Cat Tales The Best Plans in Eternal Part 9

Tales In A Moment in Time - Black Cat Tales The Best Plans in Eternal Part 9



Somewhere in the dimensions between the rivers of blood, the bloodletting and the dimensional planes.
That world between the dimensional planes, they conspired, were taken between stakes into dark worlds, dimensions that would one day disappear.
Before he traveled somewhere between the present and the past and the future, they had a plan, that plan included traveling through time and meeting the deity of doom, the crimson lady, she was the queen of doom.
Each of his versions took him towards a different world, all to go back to the moment in time, where everything was world.
He went back in an instant of time, in the midst of the battle of all his versions, even the darkest knight, when he obtained all the power of the multiverse, found that this was not how he wanted to win and winning was in a different way.
So, when they went back to a moment in time, when everything changed, in an instant, he let himself be won, so that they could meet again, and they would just be the only winners, because destroying the universe tires, so he should rebuild it. , be reborn and go back to where it all started.
They had a plan, that plan included separating from a wife or husband and investing in Darkness, being the one that would lead them towards the queen of doom...
Many years into the future.
Lovecraft County...
Elton Mendes was an engineer and businessman who was part of the group of executives at the Delphos company, he had been a widower for at least 9 months, but since he met her, they began to argue and fight, the problem was that they could not stay separated, in less than 9 months, they got together, broke up and got back together....
Twice the neighbors called the police, there was even violence and aggression on both sides, both his and hers.
A few days after a meeting they had left a party, no one knew how the argument started but it didn't end well.
A few hours later, the screaming was so loud and the noise and banging made them call 911.
While the police were called towards a couple's fight, according to witnesses, the boyfriend killed his girlfriend in a fit of jealousy.
He stabbed her until she mutilated her chest and sliced her neck off...
At that time, he confessed and was arrested, he seemed to have glazed eyes...
Some time later.
Delphi Mansion...
That was an alternate reality, on his journey through the multiverse, he decided to stop at that mansion, he now, assumed through the dimensional mirrors a version of himself, replacing himself with each version, he was Sasha Delphos resting next to his companion Darkness, the lord of the planet of Akropolis...
They stood together with Sasha on Darkness's lap, kissing, between grasping, sucking his nipples as he ripped his shirt, next to his suit, in between ripping his pants and preparing him, making a ring that left him screaming.
- I always loved your screams. - Darkness said, when placing him in his lap, fucking him hard between thrusts, hitting the right spot, making his mouth a paradise, next to his hole until he passed out.
Some time later...
That was later when he was accompanying towards the mansion to do a scholarship interview, being a millionaire in each of his versions, he had a task to travel some worlds and be the benefactor, in addition to granting donations towards the schools...
He had contact with a teenager who had won a scholarship the year before, was passing by the principal's office to tell how it went, besides being his informant, she had something to tell...
That was Vivian Della, who had long curly hair like a flowing haired lioness, tall, strong and muscular, she was a youth wrestling athlete, with amazing green eyes and amber skin.
- What do you have to tell me? – He questioned her.
- They're breaking into the school at midnight and playing a game of spirits. - She said.
- What's so special about that? – Sasha asked.
- They don't want to take over, but the two girls who played both times disappeared from the school and the janitor found from the previous four times they invaded the school, only 2 students at a time. - She said.
- They're threatening to close.
- And even? – He questioned.
- Do you know who came up with the idea? – Sasha questioned her.
- Tania, her mother committed suicide. – The girl said. – She is the only one to survive the encounter. - She said.
- Tell more. - He encouraged her...
A few days later.
Dell Amour de Maria Preparatory School
In the middle of the night, after school, around midnight, when the school closed, there were no more students or teachers to be seen, apart from the janitor who walked the halls with a flashlight.
Meanwhile, several students were jumping through the gates, looking like they were going to steal or worse.
Some students were hiding in the shadows..., when they managed to get to the other side of the gate, breaking down a back door and entering the school premises, they went through the corridors and up the stairs, in the middle of the darkness of the school, between flashlights and a board game on the floor were two other teenagers.
- You took your time. – The other one on the left said.
- We had to wait for the janitor to leave. - She said.
- So let's start. – The other said from the right.
So, they approached and went to sit down, they were circling the game of spirits, starting to laugh with the usual silly questions,
- Who's here? – The other asked.
Followed by a tug and a push. - Stop doing that. – The other said.
- Sorry, it was unintentional. – One of them said.
- He's messing around on his own. - The other laughing said.
- Stop, I know it's you. – The other said.
When a wind came, the blinds and windows opened, then a hand coming out of the board, pulled the closest ones, when then a portal appeared that pulled them, when bats and monsters chased those who ran through the corridors. .
The janitor hearing the shouting approach them, not before reaching the hallway and then they didn't stop, when a huge claw appeared through the door, they both ran out the door, not before another girl was pulled and disappeared.

Bình Luận Sách (1076)

  • avatar
    Angelyn Halliasgo

    pls give me more balance for my family :(


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    Nousa Douda



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