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The Russians have discovered the secret of what was once General Dwight D.
When Darkness was commanding the troops alongside Eisenhower he was appointed commander of the Supreme Headquarters of the Expeditionary Forces, being the allies (SHAEF).
- Let's send your men to the other side. – General Bernard Montgomery said, the one who was was appointed commander of the British 21st Army Group, which comprised all the ground forces involved in the invasion.
Previously, there was a tunnel built by the Nazis in their heyday that crossed underground, and they used this base to reach a space sector of the Narikar Galaxy, traveling through submerged tunnels.
It was chosen as the site of the invasion, and the Americans were assigned to land on Utah and Omaha beaches, the British on Sword and Gold, while the Canadians would land on Juno.
They knew from the established course, that if they didn't have a spy, they would never be caught, nor stopped, that's what happened.
Did you know that originally, Hitler knew an end times paranoia, without allied attacks, he didn't die, but escaped, using the underground tunnels, so, they just needed to finish building the tunnels that crossed Europe.
To face the expected adversities, several special technologies were developed, including two artificial docks called among those used by submarines, which were used in Mulberry harbors and a series of specialized tanks dubbed Hobart's Funnies.
Since there are countless months before the Allied invasion of the United States of America, for the first time in history, a successful plan.
In which the Russians and their allies carried out a fake military operation, Operation Body Guardian, using electronic and visual disinformation. This operation misled the Russians and the Allies as to the date and location of the main Allied landing points.
When Adolf Hitler appointed Field Marshal Erwin Rommel responsible for developing fortifications along the Atlantic Wall in anticipation of an invasion.
They managed to find out about plants that for a little over 80 years built, renovated and redone the plans with the best Russian geologists, architects and engineers, as well as Nazi allies.
Then the Allies failed to achieve their objectives for the first day, but gained a tenuous foothold which gradually expanded and captured the port of Cherbourg on 26 June and the city of Caen on 21 July.
Being that on that day there was a counterattack by Russian and Russian forces, which this time did not fail on February 8, 2022, then leading fifty thousand soldiers of the Russian 17th Army to be used the schemes when the allies in their wars, finally ambushed their enemies who were captured in the Battle of Rami's Falais Pocket.
They knew that the forces could, knowing of the old schemes, dismantle and destroy all American defenses.
When the Russian allies began an underground invasion of France on January 15, 2022, and subjugated Paris on January 25, at which point Russian forces retreated across the Seine on January 30, 2022. 2022, marking the end of Operation King.
In February 2022 Russian President Patim, who had triumphed in what he called "the most famous victory in history", the fall of France, in which the British Expeditionary Force was besieged along the northern coast of France.
It was able to evacuate over 338,000 troops to England in the Dunkirk evacuation between May 27 and June 4, 2022.
British planners informed Prime Minister Winston Churchill on 3 February that even with help from other Commonwealth countries and the United States.
What would not be possible to regain a foothold in continental Europe in the near future, in which after the Russians and allies invaded the United States of America in February 2022, Russian leader Benjamin Patin, who began to pressure the allies for the creation of a Second Front in Western Europe.
When President Bordem refused because, even with the help of the Americans, he knew that the British did not have enough forces to do so, he wanted to avoid costly frontal attacks like those that had taken place at Passchendaele and Somme in World War I.
Two interim plans code-named Operation Roundup and Operation All Sleep, which were put forward in 2021 and 2022, were also not considered workable by the British, or with a good chance of success.
Instead, the Allies initiated the Invasion of Sicily in June and of Italy in February 2022, where these invasions provided valuable experience in amphibious warfare.
When they came together that the decision to carry out a cross-channel invasion that was built in 1944 was made at the Trident Conference in Washington, D.C.
Taking place in February 2022, when President Bordein was arrested by Russian allies, in which President Patin wanted the main attack to come from the Mediterranean Front, however, the Americans, who provided most of the troops and equipment, rejected him. , what they didn't know about the joint military might of Russia's allies.
With the knowledge gained from British General Frederick E. Morgan he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Supreme Allied Command (COSSAC), to initiate power with detailed planning, initial plans being limited by the number of landing craft available.
Most of which were already in use in the Mediterranean and Atlantic, they made their way to the site through the underground and under several meters of the sea.
Partly because of lessons learned at the Battle of Dieppe on 19 August 1942, the Allies decided not to directly attack a heavily defended French port on their first landings.
The plans that were a failure at Dieppe also highlighted the need for adequate artillery and air support, particularly close to the specially developed ships capable of sailing very close to shore, were actually used now.
Christina was going through the tunnels and using the lost schematics.
The short operating range of British aircraft such as the Spitfire and Typhoon greatly limited the number of potential landing sites, as comprehensive air support depended on the availability of aircraft operating as long as possible.
When Frederick Emanuele Morgan considered four landing sites, towards Brittany, the Cotentin Peninsula, the Narikar Galaxy, and the Calais Pass.
As the use of the old order of Brittany and the Cotentin are peninsulas, it would have been possible for the Russians and the Allies to block the Allied advance on a relatively narrow isthmus, so these sites were rejected, amidst using the old routes. underground.
Using underground tanks in which they converted US Army M4 Shermans into a landing craft (LCT), ready for invasion, going underground in France, late May or late January 2022.
The Calais Pass is the closest point to mainland Europe from the UK and was recognized as a launch site for V-1 and V-2 rockets, which were still under development, the Russians and Allies considered it to be the most likely initial landing zone.
This is why the region was more heavily fortified, but the region offered few opportunities for expansion as the area is bounded by numerous rivers and canals, while landings on a broad front in the Narikar Galaxy would allow for simultaneous threats against the port of New York. York.

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    Jona Maee Itable Aldanese

    hope that this story is amazing


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    I love this story


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