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Chapter 4

Byul had never been so lucky in his life. He always live in a shadow and had never got in the center of attention and was never been able to step out of the dark.
He was like a fallen star, unable to rise again. Still, falling star granted him a perfect path.
Byul was ordinary however, he was good in games. Lucky in tournaments, and always at the top when it comes to rank. He had an insane IQ and had lived up to his name. In the game world he was incredibly famous for his skills.
He had compared his life over and over that he felt that staying inside the apartment all day, playing games was better than going to school.
He would sit in front of his computer for almost the whole day and play online games not caring whether the university was cursing his existence.
He was not bad in his reputation actually, he was still a good student, he excel in his academics. Just an average person living his ordinary university life.
However, when the game world had knocked on his door, his world had change and made a 180° degree change on his personality. The nerd student became a wholesome player. He flipped over from being nerd to being an idol and completely became a different version of himself.
He missed a lot of classes and soon he dropped out of school because of the poor academic performance and finally evolved into being a crooked person.
His parents cursed him so bad that he was sent to the military. After serving hell for three years, he was forced to go back and study his course and was rewarded a new roommate.
His cousin, Jiwoon was an excellent student. It could be said that he was living in the spotlight and whatever he does, he was praised.
Although the gap between them was heaven and Earth, Byul wasn't intimated. He instead admired him and respected him.
However, when Byul found out that his excellent cousin also play games and was very excellent in it. His barrier shook and the feeling of Interiority had enveloped him like a pit has been dug and swallowed him to the ground.
He couldn't accept it.
The fact that he was only best at one thing and someone suddenly barged in and veto him was seriously unacceptable.
Byul had never been so lucky in his life and the only thing that proves his presence was games. He loved games and everything else wasn't necessary for him.
After years of parting from the game world he made a nice come back in the industry and conquered the world of players again.
The years didn't stained his skills and he was still very good.
True, the chair at the top was nice and comfy however, for him it wasn't enough. The thrill had fade and everything fell apart. He wasn't satisfied.
Not until then he came across the game 'Arc of SHION'
In the vast forest of Lunu, prospers a thick bamboo forest. The spring had come and the leaves were lush green. Many birds sang in the wind as the bamboos gently shook in the wind leaving a trail of falling leaves in the air.
A moment later, the fallen leaves was flung in the air as the ragged footsteps echoed throughout the forest.
A group of people ran into the stillness causing the serene environment became chaotic. The leaves hovered in the wind like a drizzle.
Byul swept his hand in front to wipe out the path of leaves. His eyes darted ahead in fear and his norcass was covered with cold sweat.
The young boy was chased by countless guards. Though, he doesn't know what sin he had commit, being caught by them was definitely bad news so he ran with all his might and finally entered the bamboo forest.
After the boy was several people carrying swords. They've searched throughout the bamboo forest and soon dispersed in the wilderness.
"Search the brine! The little rascal ran forth! He must be hiding in the bamboo dwelling!
The leader of the guards shouted and finally the group of swordsmen scrambled to search.
Byul peeked through the bamboo trees. His physique was blocked by the thick pole and his presence was very quiet like a mouse.
After he saw the group of people left he finally relaxed.
Byul sighed in relief.
He got thrown into this world along with the others and now he unexpectedly got separated from the rest. He fell from the sky and landed straightly in a soldier's camp.
As he was dizzy, he saw strange people in a strange attire carrying swords and was looking at him with vigilance.
Damn luck he had to be in the pit before he dig. Byul really wanted to cursed the odds.
Soon the chase happened and he ended up here in the bamboo forest.
Those foolish guards, they can't even think of a possibility of him hiding behind the trees, they went straight ahead not bothering to look around. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Byul chuckled a bit as he finally outwitted the guards.
He crouched on the ground and became concern about his current situation. How could he go back? He had no idea about escaping the world or completing any task. What kind of setting does he need to fulfil?
He ruffled his hair and finally conceded defeat. If he had to find a way then he need to familiarize himself first.
Byul quietly peek at the bamboos and finally squatted to speculate.
After some thinking, Byul comprehended that he got transported in an ancient world. He deduced the surrounding he saw earlier and assumed in his mind that it was indeed the old times. Those swords and armor can only be found in the ancient era thus it must be in the 18th century or so.
"It must be a Historical setting."
He murmured at himself as the gamer intuition eventually sink in his brain. If it's the ancient time then it has to be about strength as everything...
Byul stood up and peek at the path he ran from before and finally revealed himself. From his rear was a soldier's camp and what's ahead was a bamboo house.
If he had to decide on safety. He'll head towards the house without hesitation however, he needs information.
Byul inhaled deep and turned around and decided to head towards the camp. His chances are better there than the unknown dwelling ahead. Who knows who lived there? If the soldier's camp outside then someone who must be powerful lives there that the soldiers dare not to provoke.
Though they could be searching for him there. Why not just willingly present himself?
Byul scolded his past self. If you stayed still and got arrested then you'd take lighter penalty. Why are you so stupid ah?
Byul flinched when he heard some footsteps behind. It must be the troop chasing him earlier. Byul frantically searched a spot for him to hide however, he berated himself again. We have to get caught! Stupid, Why are you searching place to hide for?!
The footsteps were getting near and louder making him giddy. Byul then eventually decided to pretend dead on the road.
He fell down and laid motionless on the side of the road.
Hey soldiers look at me I'm exhausted! Quickly! Bring me to the camp so I can squeeze info!
One of the guards spotted him and shouted.
"The scamp is here! Quick! Tie him up before he escapes!"
The soldiers speedily ran to his side and grabbed the hands, tying him up. Soon he was lifte- no dragged on the ground by two soldiers as the troop finally head back to the camp.
Byul felt his head getting scraped raw and the stones harshly scratched on his back like a torpedo.

Bình Luận Sách (90)

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    Jhecel Reyes



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    Sepp Jenny Bernadas Bayot

    👏👏👏👏👏nice one!


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