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Where You Can Find Me (Ch.4)

~Miwa's POV~
I walked through the dark forest, I was surrounded by thick fog, I could barely see ahead of me, I spun around trying to figure out where I was and how I could get out of here.
'where on God's green earth is this?' I wondered aloud as I moved forward blindly, I walked for a reasonable distance before sighing and lowering myself to a seating position in tiredness, pulling my knees up to my chest, I lay my head on my knees and shut my eyes, contemplating giving up and just waiting right here for whatever was going to happen, but a strange feeling tugged at my heart, pulling me to move in a particular direction.
'why do I feel this way' I pondered, rubbing my chest to ease the uncomfortable feeling, I was unable to ignore it and ended up following it as I began my search through the thick jungle once again.
I sighted a silhouette some distance away from me , it's back turned to me and breathed a sigh of relief, at least someone was here. I tried moving towards the person but my feet seemed to weigh a ton and I couldn't lift them, I pulled and pulled but they seemed stuck to the ground.
'what is happening to me.' I thought in panic when I realized I was also unable to call out to the person, my lips moved but no sounds were coming out. I felt an intense need and urgency to go to that person and my heart ached when I was unable to.
"Where are you Miwa, where are you?" The voice of the silhouette reached my ears, the voice was filled with so much longing, so much pain, it tugged at my heart and numerous questions filled my mind.
'who was this man?"
'how could he know my name?'
'why was his voice filled with so much sadness?'
'why did I feel the need to comfort him?'
But there were no answers to my questions, he couldn't see or hear me and I couldn't speak or go to him, my heart ached at this realization and a painful thought came to mind, a thought I wished he could somehow hear
'I'm right here, just turn around and you can see me...I'm right here my beloved, please turn around and see me.... I'll wait right where you can find me, just search a little longer and you'll find me...'
I woke up with a start, looking around me I realized I was in my bedroom and it was all a dream.
"Urrh, what the fuck was that about? My beloved? I must be loosing it." I muttered chuckling at the strange dream, the stress must be getting to me.
I got off my bed, heading to my closet and changed into a track suit for my morning run , I pulled my afro hair back with a scarf and covered my visage with a mask before pulling up my hood and grabbing my head set as I headed out my room. The mansion was quiet as I headed to the elevator, it was still quite early so it was understandable that Deji wasn't up yet, he had come in really late from work last night and was probably really tired, Dad and Mom were currently out of the country so he had to bear the whole work load, I was worried for him but he had been trained for this all his life and Dad was ready to give him the reigns of Akunna corporation, I knew he'd do a great work though, after all there wasn't a man more capable than my own brother, I kept my steps quiet not to bother him as I headed out the mansion.
I jogged slowly down the long drive way and out the gate, nodding at the guard at the gate house.
"Good morning miss." A voice said as he jogged beside me, I rolled my eyes but kept jogging.
"Don't be mad, I'm just doing my job." The voice said and I sighed.
"It's just my routine morning jog Ty, you don't have to follow me around everywhere, you know I can take care of myself, I don't want your pestering this early in the morning.", I replied, pulling off my headset as I spoke to him, he chuckled.
"Pestering? You wound me young miss, besides I've been tasked to protect you since you were a kid, your safety is the most important to your father, it has nothing to do with how capable or not you are." He said and I sighed again but didn't argue knowing he was right, my brother and I were father's only children, he didn't take any chances when it came to our safety, owning a huge conglomerate like Akunna corporation, it was unavoidable that we would have much enemies.
"I understand...it doesn't mean I have to like it Ty." I grumbled in a bratty tone before picking up my pace to a slow run, Tyson laughed but didn't try to catch up to me, content to run some distance behind me and give me my personal space, having been by my side for about 8 years now, he knew how much I loved my solitary moments.
We had been running for about an hour and had almost completely left Akunna estate, before I came to a sudden halt, frowning and Tyson caught up with me.
"We're being followed." He whispered, and I nodded.
"I noticed, paparazzi?"I asked quietly.
"It seems so, the pesky bastards, it's good you always remember the mask and hood." He said in approval, I sighed.
"I began hiding my identity to get some peace and freedom but it seems I made myself a mystery that must be solved, I have made young miss Akunna one to always be haunted by the paparazzi, either ways at least I can move freely on a normal day without being recognized as an Akunna, it's not surprising that they hope to catch a sight of me should I leave home without covering my visage, it seems I should have to reveal myself to the world soon, I only hope to be able to finish college first." I said, he nodded in understanding.
"You should go and have a talk with him, with how close we're standing, we wouldn't want the headlines tomorrow to be about young miss Akunna and her personal bodyguards secret affair, I'll head back first." I told him, he chuckled but swiftly left to do as I said, knowing my words were a high possibility, the paparazzi just loved scandals and what was more scandalous than a 17 year old rich Lagosian in a relationship with her body guard.
I broke into a sprint as I headed back home, I nodded to the gate guard again as I jogged in, I took off my mask and hood, my lips stretched into a huge smile as I sighted who awaited me at the mansions' doors.
"Deji!, You haven't left for work yet?" I asked my brother who stood casually in front of me, wearing a casual sweater and black jeans, he handed me a water bottle and I grinned, quickly drinking it, I frowned, pulling a face as I tasted the contents of the bottle, I flashed Deji a hateful glare and he chuckled lowly.
"That silly healthy mixture?" I asked in annoyance, he nodded with a grin.
"It's good for children, helps them grow." He said with a lazy grin, I scoffed, throwing a punch at him, he dodged it quickly, throwing a kick at me, I flipped back easily, grinning as he attacked me again, we played around for a while before he managed to get me in a headlock.
"Your skills are now on par with me little sister, I defeated you only narrowly just now." He said with pride as he released me, I rolled my eyes.
"Don't mess around, You're better at fighting than majority of our highly skilled guards, I can't bear to lack too much behind, I still have a lot to learn." I said taking his outstretched hand and heading into the building with him.
"Breakfast is ready, wash up and come eat with me." He said as he headed to his room to wash up, I nodded and did the same.
I stepped into the shower, humming slightly as I washed up, I shut my eyes as the water poured down on me, my mind drifting back to the weird dream from last night, I had always been one to take my dreams seriously so it didn't feel like something to be ignored.
Who was that man and why did I feel like there was something familiar about him? It definitely felt like I knew him but I just couldn't recall where from....
" Where have I seen such a person? I can't recall it at all." I wondered aloud, I truly detested not knowing things, I wasn't one who forgot easily so I didn't doubt the fact that the familiar feeling meant I had truly met that person, but the fact that I couldn't recall this meeting was truly worrying.
"Urrh, whatever." I muttered, pushing the thoughts away, I turned off the shower and headed out, drying myself and getting dressed in a pair of shorts and a huge shirt before heading to the dining room.
"You still haven't told me why you didn't go into work today? The president of Akunna corporation has this much free time?" I lectured, taking a seat beside him, he flashed me a playful glare.
"Did our old man ask you to spy on me?" He asked in a relaxed tone, I huffed.
"It's your Dad who's an old man, not mine." I informed him, he laughed loudly, shoving me playfully.
"Playing the good daughter huh? Well I decided to quit being president and live easy days henceforth." He declared in a serious tone, my jaws dropped in shock as I stared at him.
He burst into laughter and I sighed in annoyance.
"How can you play about something like that?!" I asked in alarm, throwing my spoon at him in annoyance, he chuckled again.
"Why, you're scared all the responsibility will fall unto you if I quit?" He taunted, I sighed looking away, he patted my shoulder comfortingly.
"Don't worry, I understand your heart Miwa, you're still so young and yet you already bear so much of my burdens, it's because I'm too incapable." He said sadly, I lifted my gaze to him with a smile, taking his hand in mine.
"Deji... the blame is not yours to bear, Akunna corporation has grown tremendously in the past few years, due to this we have attracted much competitors and enemies, further more we do not have much people we can trust, you also had to go into the business early to lift some burden off of father....it is natural I do the same, if I can ease your burden even just a little bit, then I'm willing to take on even more, I know my responsibilities to our parents and to you, I will definitely perform my duties and protect you and Akunna corporation, I only ask for sometime, a few more years to put myself together and I will let society know... just exactly who Iretomiwa Vicentia Akunna is." I said with certainty, he stared at me and then nodded in approval.
"Take as much time as you need, however concerning the Akunna scholarship exam for college which you tried out, as expected you came first place, you can pick the university you wish to attend, national or international....but, we have to announce the names of the winners to the media... your name... what should we do about it?" He asked, I pondered over it for a while, some words from my dream kept replaying itself in my mind.
'I'm right here, just turn around and you can see me...I'm right here my beloved, please turn around and see me.... I'll wait right where you can find me, just search a little longer and you'll find me...'
.....I'll wait right where you can find me.....
.....I'll wait right where you can find me..
These words replayed over and over again in my mind, and somehow, I knew the right decision to make.
"For the interview, I will respond from home, my voice can be aired, as for my name...apart from our surname, everything else can be revealed." I decided, he smiled and nodded.
"I was thinking the same thing, we'll do it as you said then, let's eat." He replied, I nodded and began eating but my mind kept drifting back to the words I said in my dream.
....I'll wait right where you can find me....
...I'll wait right where you can find me....
...where you can find me....
....where you can find me.....

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