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Chapter 5

Chapter 5
I felt my blood rising up to my cheeks and up to my head as people stared at me while laughing. Some showed concerned but they didn't even bother to make an action to help me up. Angrily, I got into my feet and screamed my lung's out at the retreating Rizer motherfucking Rutherford.
I balled my fist and my jaw clenched. All I could see was fucking red. I wanted to fucking kill this douchebag and hang him on the ceiling.
Students step-aside as I walked towards Rizer. Their faces has a mixture of fear and excitement as the two leader of both best sports in this campus was about to kill each other.
I will fucking kill him!
His eyes widened as he saw me making my way towards him. I gritted my teeth and fasted my pace.
"Fuck," he cursed under his breath as he took another stepback. I walked faster when I saw him beggining to stepback a little rusher.
I smirked in mischief and through gritted teeth, I said, "I. Will. Murder. You!"
Just like that, he started running away as I trailed after him.
"YOU MOTHERFUCKER ASSHOLE!!" I yelled. We both are fast runner as we are athletes. So I could cope up his pace like a cheetah. He ran and pushed some students blocking his way and I did the same. I couldn't care less much of the consequence of my action as I was eager to fucking kick his ass.
Fuck the consequences, I will face it later. Now, I would just break his bone to limp.
He was only few distance away from me when I jumped and kick his butt and he fell, face down.
He groaned loudly and cursed in pain.
I let out a pant as I chuckled darkly. "I told you I will fucking kick your ass, Rutherford."
He grunted and rolled on his back as he held his nose. He glared up at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed my hand to his. He held it and helped himself up.
"I was just making fun of you!" He whined. "Aww, my nose!"
"That's what you got for being so stupid."
"Goodness! It was a just fucking fake snake! Sorry but I didn't know you were that gay!"
I glowered at him and was about to throw a punch on his annoying face when Lyra came with her hands resting on her hips.
I paled as my eyes widened. I took a step closer to her as I gulped hard. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I gulped once again as I took another step. She held her hand up, stopping me. She glared at us. I smiled nervously, showing my white pearls to her. She narrowed her eyes to me then to Rizer. I glanced at Rizer and he was as pale as me. Our eyes met and an idea pop in my head.
"W-We are just playing!" I exclaimed and laughed fakely as I went back my gaze at Lyra. "Ah, yes! Playing! We're playing! Like... l-like... K...Kung Fu Panda!" I let out a chuckle and massaged my nape. "Right, Rutherford?" I glaced at him and warned him through my eyes.
He smiled almost mockingly as he nodded his head like a good, obedient boy. "Ah, y-yeah. Kung... Kung Fu. Ha-ha."
I struggled not to roll my eyes at his stupidity.
"I don't believe you!" Lyra exclaimed, stressed was evident on her face. "God! When are you gonna grow up?!" She said to herself. Wow, rich coming from the mature one. "You know what? I'm gonna call Aunt Kaycee and Mrs. Styles! As in, right now!"
She took out her phone and we immediately stopped her.
"WAIT!" We said in unison.
"Lyra, no, don't! Mama will going to kill me!" I exaggeratedly said.
"You know mom, Ly-ly. She's gonna murder me!" Rizer said, the nervousness was in his voice.
Lyra seemed to realized what she was about to do and what was about to have it affect us. She sighed and rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms around her chest.
Her lips protruded. Good, she's back to her usual self.
"Fine..." she said. "But please, no fighting today. Your bruises haven't even healed yet and you guys are already fighting. Gosh, aren't you two worried you might get kick out of this school and have your dreams get shatter away just because of your nonsense egotistical selves? You are not thinking, idiots!"
I lowered my head on the ground as I bit my bottom lip. She's right though. We might get kick out of this school and if it happened, then goodbye earth.
My dream is to become one of the players in NBA soon and made a name in that industry. My dad and I idolized Kobe Bryant and our dream was for me to be able to enter international basketball team. I knew my father wasn't pressuring me but I felt like doing it to make him proud at me. I wanted to make my parents proud at me. And this, what I'm doing right now, was some sort of suiciding.
Lyra's rant ended when the school bell rang. I sighed a sigh of relief. I could finally get away with this.
It wasn't until I remember that Rizer and I was going to the principal's office to have our schedule. I cried inwardly.
"Lyra, let's go?" Lyra's classmate appeared and dragged Lyra with him. She glanced over her shoulders and glared at us both. I smiled cutely and waved my hands. Rizer did the same.
As soon as she wasn't in view, I faced Rizer and held my fist up, threatening him. He rolled his eyes as he lifted his middle finger and showed it to me.
The bruise on his face was now clearer than yesterday. It wasn't that big but it was noticeable enough that he had been punched yesterday. The cut on his lips was red it started to cloth. I bet it was painful. I ain't sure if I got his teeth broken due of my hard punch but it doesn't matter. As long as I got even, it's enough.
I glanced at his outfit. He was wearing his uniform underneath his black sweatshirt and a black sacks. The collar of his uniform was neatly folded around his jacket's neckband. His shoes was white; I bet dirt would probably get shy to get it close to it. It's a shame that his shoes was contrary of Rizer's personality. Dark, ugly, and demonic. Yikes.
"So, this is gonna be your schedule," Ms. Maggie said as she handed us two bond paper. We took it and read. "Don't worry about your class time 'cause I've already gotten it for you and had it adjusted. Therefore, you have no excuses and alibi not to attend it. Well, except if you have an excuse sick letter."
We nodded in agreement. I rose my head up from the paper and looked at Ms. Maggie. "What if we have a game practice, Ms. Maggie. Are we excuse to join it?"
"Of course," she replied. "That too, was already fixated." She smiled. "Read the number 8 rule,"
We did as what was told and read it.
8. You shall not be absent during your time of cleaning, otherwise the punishment will get extended.
"Don't you think it's unfair? Extension, really? What if there's really an important thing we have to do and our schedule isn't favour of it? What should we do then?" Rizer asked.
"Please do resume examining it. In the 10th regulation, you will see that 4:30 pm are the end of your classes, is also the time that you will start going to the soccer field to begin doing your task. Though isn't really necessary, you can do what you have to do in that time. You can start cleaning in 5 pm or so. But you have to make sure that you will do what was told to because I will do checking. And once I saw you didn't follow, then you know what'll happen. Now, are we clear?"
I took a deep breathe and exhale it harshly as I nodded. Taking the pen from Ms. Maggie, I've put my signature on the lower part of the paper with my name in it. And with a scoff, Rizer did the same.
We got off from the room with sagged shoulders and dissatisfied face.
I have no choice but to agree unless I want to purposely get kick out of this school. I'm still unsure about my decision. I wonder if I could survive a month seeing and being with Rizer. I doubt it. What if we already killed ourselves before the month end? What if I got killed? All girls would probably cry. And I am not that heartless to break their hearts.
Hay... handsome problem.
Without uttering a word, Rizer and I took a path away from each other to go in our classes. I don't really know if we have a some same subject 'cause I haven't finished the day yesterday.
When I got in the class, I saw Trisha authomatically. She wasn't that hard to notice though. She stands out.
She waved her cute hands at me as she flashed a girlish grin, which I returned with a snicker. I sat beside her in the back of the room and I leaned back as I whispered, "I'm sorry about yesterday."
She waved her hands in the air dismissively. "Nah. It's okay. Fighting isn't longer new to me. Back in Russia, I also have some friends just like... you. I mean, who often get into trouble." She laughed as she shook her head. "Ah, I could still remember it like it was as though it happened just yesterday..."
She sounded like a grandmother reminiscing her past.
That intrigued me. "Why? What happened?"
She shrugged off her shoulders as a giggle escaped from her mouth. The teacher was still doing her lecture and wasn't aware that we're talking in the back of her class.
"You wanna know?" Trisha asked with a smirk. Her accent made me grimace.
I nodded my head, eager to know. Something the way her eyes sparkle tells me that it was the happiest days of her back when she was still in her own country.
"Tell me,"
"Okay," she chirped. "But promise me first you won't get disgusted, okay? I'll get mad at you if you do. I support LGBTQ with all my heart."
She doesn't look like one...
Nevertheless, I nodded. "I promise."
She broke a smile as she turned to face me. I shifted on my position to have a better view of her beautiful face. I admit it, I find her beautiful. Not just pretty like other girls out there, but stunning. Her face was small and it's so lovely.
I wonder what her parents looks like. They said Russian dads were strict and scary to approach with especially if you are interested on his daughter. Well, almost all fathers were strict when it comes to theur daughters, just like my father to my sister. But Russians dads, as what I heard, was overly protective of their daughters. I meant not all though.
I do have a little crush on Trisha but I probably has no chance. And the picture on her lockscreen yesterday...
Does she have a boyfriend?
I shrugged it off and continue to stare at her as she readied herself. She first cleared her throat before she began talking.
"So, I met them when I was still thirteen and they are like 16 that time. They are teammates and one of the best players," she said, her eyes glowing in mischief as she wiggled her brows at me, like she's... teasing me? "However, the two dislikes each other. As in, they haaaaaaate each other and they are very much opposite towards each other."
I blinked as I nodded. "Hmm," I responded.
"Then one day," she trailed off. "the two of them suddenly stopped hating each other. Like, as in OUT OF THE BLUE. Then later did they realized that they liked each other since then. Like AS IN! They cared so much of each other that it came to the point that they are so comfortable to tease, provoke, or even make fun of each one. Ya-ya-ya~" she said in a sing-sang voice. "As the saying says; there's a thin line between hate and love. Ahhhh, I'm so kilig!" She giggled and cupped her flushed face. "I am no clairvoyant but, but, but, my instincts are always right."
I stared at her in disbelief.
She continued, "And trust me, once I prove myself right," she winked. "you'll thank me later."

Komento sa Aklat (90)

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    nice grammar and nice story I like the scenario and scene I hope many people enjoy this and I hope many people realised this morning and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be


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    Rêäl Dëlâ Çrûz Ygøt

    nice apps


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    hai super Ganda


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