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Welcome Party

Roel left Manila for Gio's graduation while his friend Dominic was also graduating.
"Bro, did Auntie Aurora attend your graduation?" Gio asked.
"No bro, she said permission to me because she's not allowed to travel because she had surgery last month and the doctor said after two months she can travel so I understand Mommy."
“Oh! Yeah, that’s okay. Dad is coming now. He said he will try to catch up with my graduation so that I can reach it. ”
"Of course Uncle Roel will come too. Just trust me," Dominic replied.
“Bro, do you notice that woman in the third seat? Now I just saw her face. Is he studying at the university we went to?
“Ah! Yes, that's right! In fairness, she is beautiful. Haha!” Dominic replied.
“Haha! You are crazy. Of course, she is beautiful. What is her name? ”
“Hey! Gio, there you are again, establishing your femininity. Come on, I'm always touched by your antics. Be sure because next month you will go to America to study there. ”
“Oh! You’re too bad to judge. I’m not a woman, I’m just a little haha. I don’t think if I study abroad I will miss you in case Dad wants so no choice.” Gio answered jokingly.
“What are you? That’s an opportunity to hone your skills. Maybe you will run your dad’s company, so he wants you to study in America.” Dominic’s answer was serious.
“Hmph… I am satisfied with my life now. What else can I look for? ”
“Haist... I don’t know about you Gio, I can’t get what you want. Oh! Dad and Uncle were there. They are together.” Dominic replied.
Gio and Dominic have been best friends since they were in college. Gio is with Dominic whenever he gets into trouble. So that’s just how close they are.
“Hello Gio, how are you, son? Has graduation started yet?” Her daddy asked.
“Not yet, Dad, but soon. It’s good that you and Uncle Ramon are together. ”
“Yeah! I saw Roel entering the stadium,” so I called him.” Ramon replied.
A few minutes later, graduation had begun. Everyone is glad, especially Gio and Dominic, because they have graduated. They also saw the woman they were talking to. He was on another campus, so they couldn’t see him. The university has combined all the campuses in one venue, so they have many graduate students.
The four of them celebrated after graduation. Roel immediately returned to the province because he was taking care of something again. Dominic and his dad Ramon went home to the province together to visit his mommy before he left for another country to study. Gio did not go with his dad because he was still processing his papers for a student visa.
“Hello, Natasha! This is Aurora. By the way, my son’s welcome party is tonight. Please, just remind Louie and Abigail! You should be here. ”
“Oh! Sure, I already told them. We’re going there to your party. Do you have many visitors?” Natasha asked.
“It’s just close relatives and friends. Ramon’s brother, Gilbert, will also come with his wife and son. ”
“Okay, thank you! See you later. ”
“Oh! Honey, who called?” Natasha’s husband asked.
“Aurora, she just reminded us, honey, about the event later with them.”
“Oh! Ok all right, where is Abigail? Hasn’t he come home from Gilbert’s house yet?” Louie asked thoughtfully.
“Not yet, wait I’ll just call him so he can be ready.”
Aurora’s caterer said they needed someone to help them. So she wondered where she would get another one. She remembered that her brother-in-law had told her they had a new maid. So she immediately called her brother-in-law.
“Hello, bro Gilbert! Sorry for disturbing you. I wish I had a favor. Can I borrow one of your new maids for a moment?” Because my staff needs one, can I just get her from you?” please Aurora.
“Yes, I can. Let me tell her now to get ready.”
“Thank you bro, as long as you and Ate come here later!”
“Yes, of course we will go so we can see Dominic.”
Naneth became their assistant one day because it was a request when they catered to their food. Everyone was busy. There were many people in attendance, especially Aurora and Ramon’s families. Relatives and close friends of the Tan family were also there.
“Oh! It turns out that bro Gilbert is Dominic is getting adult now. ”
“Is that you Dominic? The size first, I remember I was still carrying you and you were crying when I didn’t buy you ice cream every time we went for a walk.” Uncle Gilbert answered him.
“Oh! Am I that naughty haha!” felt, Dominic laughed.
“Yes, shocks! I will never forget that.” Neva said to her auntie.
“Excuse me, can you bring us a drink here?” said Aurora to Naneth.
“Yes, madam, I’ll just deliver,” Naneth replied.
Dominic was staring at Naneth. He didn’t know how he felt, so he couldn’t help but ask.
“Mom, who’s that girl?
“Ah! Is she? She’s your Uncle Gilbert’s assistant. As far as I know, that child has been with them for two years. Why do you ask?”
“Ah! Ok, I just didn’t ask. ”
Neva’s sister of Louie and his wife Natasha arrived with their daughter.” Abigail.
“Hi, is it true that we used to be Aurora?” Natasha asked.
“Oh! Yes, it’s just the beginning of the party. It’s good that Louie and Abigail are coming.” Aurora replied.
“Yes, because I told them in advance so they can cancel their appointments.”
“Oh! By the way Dominic, this Natasha my friend and her husband Louie and only child, Abigail.” Aurora introduces Dominic.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Roa and nice to meet you, Abigail.” Dominic greeted with a smile.
“Nice to meet you, too!” Natasha replied.
“Nice to meet you, too Dominic,” Abigail answered.
Everyone enjoyed the welcome party, and they also met those family members who had not met before. Abigail went to the dining area to get some wine. She saw a woman arranging plates and glasses.
“Excuse me, may I ask for a wine please?”
“Ah! I’m sorry Ma’am, I don’t know where they put the wine. ”
“Oh! C’mon, you’re a helper here and you don’t know where they put their drinks.” Abigail’s voice rose a little.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am, I don’t know,” Naneth replied.
“Are you stupid? Why don’t you look, or if you still want me to look for you?”
Naneth didn’t say a word, but inside she was irritated. Naneth searched for what she said was a cause she couldn’t find, and Abigail found it. She opened the wine and called Naneth to face her.
“Hey! So what’s in front of me isn’t this wine.” Abigail suddenly poured the wine on Naneth’s head, her white t-shirt soaked it.
A man came and saw what Abigail had done to Naneth.
“Hey! What are you doing to that woman? Turning around, they both saw a tall, handsome and elegant-looking man. They were both stunned when they saw the man.
“Are you alright?” the man asked.
“Yes sir, I’m fine,” Naneth replied.
Naneth left the kitchen, and Dominic noticed that her white dress was wet. He saw Gio followed him. It surprised him why Gio was there. He knew he was still in Manila.
“Hey! Are you sure you are okay?” Gio asked worriedly.
“Yes sir, don’t worry.”
“Oh! Just call me Gio. I’m a friend of Dominic, the son of the one who held the welcome party. May I know your name? ”
“Okay, my name is Naneth.”
“Oh! Nice name. Nice to meet Naneth. Do you know the woman who poured you wine? Gio asked.
“No, because I don’t work here. My boss is different. He is Mr. Gilbert Tan. They just hired me for one day because the caterer requested they lack people.” Naneth replied.
“Oh! I see. Maybe they’re just relatives of your woman. Why did she pour wine on you? ”
“Because I can’t find the wine she says, do I know where they put Mrs. Tan? They have two wines. ”
“Is that so! She was rude. Let it go, it’s over. ”
Dominic saw Gio and Naneth talking.
“Gio, I thought you weren’t going home to the province,” Dominic asked.
“Yes bro, in case Dad said something urgent, so I came here. I also came to you because I want to see you in case there is a welcome party for you. Earlier I was here. The guard only let me into your village because he already knows me.” Gio explained.
“Why are you with her!”
“Her name is Naneth, bro. Don’t you know her name? ”
“Ah! Yeah, mommy told me her name.. But just forgot. Hi, Naneth. Nice to meet you. ”
“Nice to meet you, sir Dominic. All right, I’ll go first. Maybe they’re already looking for me. ”
Naneth left, and Dominic and Gio followed when they looked at her.
Abigail suddenly arrives…
“Hey, didn’t you pour wine on Naneth?” Gio asked.
“What? Did Abigail pour wine on Naneth? Why did you do that, Abigail? ”
“I am, so what if I did that? She’s stupid because she doesn’t know how to find wine. I’m just looking for her.” Abigail answered boldly.
“You’re serious, you shouldn’t have done that to Naneth.”
“Duh! Who cares if I want Dominic, and then that’s done. Who is this shining in the armor of Naneth? ”
“He’s Gio, my friend.”
“Nice to meet you Gio. I’m Abigail Roa. I am the son of a friend of Dominic’s mom. ”
“Okay, nice to meet you, too. All right, Dominic, let’s talk later. ”
“Hmph, your friend Dominic was very arrogant.”
“Gio is kind. Maybe he just doesn’t like your attitude. All right, I’ll come in, maybe they are searching me. ”
Abigail was very upset at what Dominic said. She blames Naneth because Gio made a terrible impression on her.
They all had a party. Good, Dominic introduced Gio to his family and relatives and close friends of his family.
“Good, that you are all here. I want you to meet my best friend, Gio Reyes. Dad already knows his father, in case his dad isn’t with him now, because someone seems to take. They care for him.” Said, Dominic.
Natasha dropped the spoon when she heard the word Reyes. They were all surprised.
“Hon, are you okay?” Louie asked her husband.
“Yes, I’m fine. I’m sorry. ”
Dominic continued speaking. Neva suddenly asked Dominic what his father’s name was.
“What is the name of Gio’s father?” Neva asked.
“He is…” Gilbert’s phone rang, so he left first to answer the call.
“My father’s name is Roel Reyes,” Gio answered.
The glass Natasha was holding broke when she heard the name Roel Reyes. Suddenly he remembered something, but could not understand why it was dark for him to see. Natasha was stunned...
“Natasha, are you alright? Aurora asked.
“Ah! I’m sorry, I feel a little bad. Hon, can we go home first? ”
“Okay, go ahead. I’m sorry if we go first. Natasha is in a bad mood. ”
“It’s okay, Louie, no worries. Take care.”
“Honey, what happened to you and why did you suddenly feel worse?” Louie asked his wife.
“I’m sorry honey, I always have a dream. I don’t know what a dream means.”
“Is that so? You may have forgotten to take your medicine.”
“Sure, thanks for understanding me,” Natasha replied.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you talk. There is something urgent in the office, so you need to answer the call. By the way, where are Natasha and Louie? ”
“They’ve left because Natasha is feeling bad,” Neva replied to her husband.
“Just say hello to your dad Gio, please tell Roel that we hope to meet again,” Ramon said.
“Wait! Do I hear it right? You said Roel? ”
“Yes, Roel is Gio’s father’s name.”
Gilbert can’t keep quiet. He’s confused who Roel is referring to Ramon” Gio’s father. Couldn’t he have been his man then Roel?
What else can each character discover in this story?

Komento sa Aklat (282)

  • avatar
    Apple Tandayag Arreglado

    very nice story 😁


  • avatar
    Nhe Flor Briol

    I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby may have a good night love youuu to be fun to see tour face and I will be there in a few min late for me first thing in condition is the quickest way to lose my mind and I will be home tomorrow morning and I can you show an email from Philippines i always love youuu you too baby may have a great weekend and happy Birthday sa ana


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    Thank you readers for reading and give support to my story. God bless.


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