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Chapter 4: The vampires

"Can I help you?" Gabe ask his classmate sitting next to him it keeps on starring at him he must be new this is actually the first time seeing him in our class.
"No, I just love starring at you" he responded
" Hmmm okay" Gabe response and tried to sit properly
"There is something very different about you, you know?"
"I just can't tell what for now" the guy added
Gabriel look him in the eye and suddenly he feel uneasy, there is something about the new guy that give him chills, he look very familiar, he remember now he is one of the guys that they saw earlier. He was about to say something when he hear a voice inside his head.
"Ignore him Gabriel" says Amado
"Control your facial expression play it cool as if I am not talking to you, same with others" Amado added
Gabe turn around to check on Abby and looking on Abby's expression he knew that she heard him too, they look at each other confirming that they are hearing the same voice.
"Children, my name is Amado one of chief of all angels in the realm, listen to me very carefully we are aware that some of your angelic traits are showing you need to keep in mind that these traits also expose you to any danger, wherever you angels go do not use this traits anytime and anywhere not until you will learn how to shield your own telepathy to others, it is not safe specially that you are living in this world together with the dark forces" says Amado
They just listen to him
" You don't have to say anything for now it is the only way to keep your thoughts secure as of the moment" Amado added
" There are seven of you here on earth" joonmin started to talk
Gabriel is now wondering "how many are they talking using telepathy right now? Are they having a meeting inside their heads? he is not the only one thinking the same thing looking on the twins facial expression he knew, how inconvenient having this kind of meeting while they are on their class...on Gabe's mind
" I'm joonmin like Amado I am also a chief, I would like to address this to the angels who are with me in the same place. Kang Eun hye and Kim Jun-so you only have each other, there are lots of dark angels in a human form Surrounds you, keep each other close and help each other I will keep an eye on you two but unlike all of you Amado and I don't have physical body to fight them, it would be best to be extra careful at this stage"
" Kim Jun-so that's the name of the guy she spoke to earlier? Inside's Mikaela's mind
None of them say a word they have a lot of questions in mind but for now they have to do what they are told for their safety, none of them are safe,they don't know what to believe anymore, for 16 years they thought they are just like everybody else a normal human being now looks like those days is over.
"We will teach you on how to use your skills, we will be the one to arrange the location and time for you" says Amado
"We have some few rules for all of you
First: never use telepathy in public places you can only use it when you are alone
Second: keep your identity a secret,never share it to any of your friends, family or relatives
Third: don't let anybody see your angelic traits
This is for your own safety not until you will learn how to protect yourself" says Amado.
As they are talking Amado and Joonmin see a lot of demons and black angels roaming in the campus, Inca is using his men to find the children, they need to keep an eye closely to them now.
Kang Eun hye is on her way home when someone bump her on her shoulder, she just look on the guy's face and bow, her mind are full of thoughts right now, she was about to ride a bus when Kim Jun-so grab her wrist and drag her
"Ya! What are you doing?" She ask
"Don't ride that bus" he said
Eun hye take her arms off from his grip
"Those commuters gives me chills" he pout his lips to the commuters direction. Eun hye see a bunch of students their uniform belongs to different school. Two of the guys are looking at them, their eyes looks creepy as if they wanted to kill a person on the spot. One of the female is looking at her, she look away when their eyes meets unknowingly she holds Jun-so's hand, he was puzzled
"Sorry" she say she cross her arms and started walking, she needs something to drink.
He followed her quietly she was really bothered about what they have learn today, she never say a word, they just keep walking until they reach to a store, she grab a drink and pay it to the counter, he really want to ask her through mind but they are not allowed to do that.
"Eun hye?"
" I'm hungry do you like to eat spicy rice cake?" He ask
She just nod, they are sitting in a park eating quietly
"we are the only ones here I guess using our power here is safe" Jun-so stated
"Hmm?" Eun hye response he look at him in the eyes up until now she can't believe that the guy Infront of him is a celestial being, like her he is just a human teenager every flesh and bones.
Jun-so meets her eyes
"What?" He ask
"Do you think its funny? " She ask
"After hearing everything my brain is having a hard time digesting all the information, I don't know what to believe anymore" Eun hye added
Jun-so look at her seriously
"Ara! I feel the same thing before we talk to the so called chiefs I know I wasn't normal, I'm dying to death thinking who or what am I " he says Eun hye is looking at him
"Now that I learned who or what I truly am I wish I just didn't find out, I just wanna be like everyone else but I would love to keep the intelligence and the ability heal quicker" Jun-so added.
Eun hye take her eyes off him and started eating, he saw her smile before she put the food inside her mouth
" So you like it ? Being the smartest kid in school? " She ask
" Oh! I love it at least I have something I'm good at " he answered
She smile at him
"since when did you notice that you are not normal?" She ask again
" 2 days ago, I am hearing voices inside my head even when I'm asleep, I thought I suffer from head injury until one woman's voice is very clear inside my head, like me she was confuse as well asking herself why she's hearing voices, if she's the only one who can hear her" he answer
"then I answered her question, surprisingly she heard me and responded at first I thought I was crazy and then on the next day she calls me, like me she's confirming it if what happened is real or not" he added
" And the healing thing?" Eun hye ask
" Oh am I accidentally cut my finger while chopping onion, I see my wound Heald faster the cut is gone in just a second"
" It's like you're watching an avenger movies or you are one of the avengers with super powers and stuff" he laugh slowly
Eun hye staring at him smiling
" I see you enjoy your gifts" she exclaimed
" Ne, if you watched too much sci-fi movies and you experienced it first hand, you'll know hahaha"
Eun hye was about to say something when cold air blows towards them,both of them stop smiling they both feel danger is coming not too far from them they see the students that they saw at the bus stop.
"How did they got here so fast?" Eun hye ask
"I never seen them walking towards here, have you?" She ask Jun-so
"Anio" he answered
3 of the guys looking at them and walk towards them, they felt cold and nervous at the same time
" Mind if we join you guys? " The guy ask with a smile
"No" Jun-so answered
"We are almost done eating anyway we will be heading home after" he added
"Home?" One of the girl ask. She was standing besides Eun hye now, Jun-so can see the fear in Eun hye's eyes
"This is what I love about humans they have this so called home" she added she lower her face down to see Eun hye's face
"You are so pretty , you caught my attention earlier " she added
Jun-so grab Eun hye's hand then stand
"Sorry, it's time for us to go home now" says Jun-so
" Uh uh!" The guys block their way
Joonmin and Zico are watching Eun hye and Jun-so from a distance they knew that the little vampires will going to follow them.
"do not be afraid what you have Infront of you are forces in the dark, a vampires"
Eun hye and Jun-so heard chief joonmin's voice they look at each other, vampires do exist? inside Jun-so's head
"Dont let them bite you, one bite is fatal to angels enough to keep you paralyzed in hours" Joonmin added
Great! Inside Eun hye's mind she felt annoyed now she took her hands off to Jun-so and grab his wrist, she really hates someone treating her that way
"Move!" She said to them Jun-so stare at her, they're laughing at her, the laughing stops when she kick one of the guy and fell in the ground, the girl grab and hold her shoulder but Jun-so kick her hard, Jun-so hold her tight and they run as fast as they could they need to go to a crowded place to stop them, he is sure they won't harm them Infront of others, like them those blood suckers are living secretly as well. In the blink of an eye the vampires are Infront of them now
Oh yeah he forget sure they are fastest killing machine of darkness Jun-so's thoughts, the guy grab his arm he punch him in the face before he can punch him he uses his skills to protect Eun hye, the girl pull Eun hye's hair they are pulling each other's hair, Jun-so was about to help her when Eun hye managed to punch her in the face to his surprise he has no idea she can fight , one of the vampire grab his legs and throw him in the corner,
"Jun-so gwaenchana?". Eun hye ask she help him get up
Their appearance change they can see their nails grows long and their fangs are out, Eun hye was startled to what she see, she grab Jun-so's school uniform, Jun-so grab the pole slowly in his back. The vampires attack them suddenly there is a strong force push the vampires away from him and Eun hye enough for him to stab one of the vampire using the pole, he stab him directly to his heart, the vampires were shock to what they see they step backwards and run away leaving the dying one behind.
Joonmin is right on time when the vampires started to attack he cover Eun hye and Jun-so to his wings he was about to use his power when Jun-so stab one of the bad ones directly to his heart they see him slowly dying, slowly turning into a ash, Jun-so's hand are shaking. Joonmin show himself to them to comfort them.
Jun-so and Eun hye are pinned to their ground when the wind blows the ashes away,a ray of light shows Infront of them the light form a shape of a man with wings it's beautiful something about the light that takes their fear away
"Do not fear my young ones, I'm always with you, I admire your bravery and what both did was right, those group are not humans they are forces of the Dark that you need to fight"
It's the chief talking to them using telepathy he hugged them and before they say a word they lost consciousness.

Komento sa Aklat (92)

  • avatar
    Teresa Mae EL



  • avatar
    Nhora Gonzales

    very good paragraph


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    Rachelle Boo Escabusa

    it sees that good is better than bad


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