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Chapter 7: Continues Lies

Jj's POV:
Jj couldn't shake off his feelings for Cally, and he felt compelled to reestablish their forbidden connection. He mustered the courage to invite Cally for a ride, hoping to spend some quality time together and rekindle their connection. They set off on a journey to a serene and picturesque location, Davilan Trails in Carmona, Cavite.
As they arrived at the tranquil setting, the beauty of the surroundings took their breath away. The lush greenery, gently swaying trees, and the soothing sound of a nearby stream created an enchanting ambiance. Jj knew this would be the perfect place for them to have a deep and meaningful conversation.
Sitting on a wooden bench overlooking the scenic view, Jj turned to Cally with a hopeful smile. "Cally, I've been thinking a lot about us lately. I can't deny that I feel a strong connection between us, and it's been consuming my thoughts."
Cally, unable to resist the pull of their chemistry, looked into Jj's eyes and replied, "I've been thinking about it too, Jj. There's something undeniably special between us, but we need to be cautious about the consequences."
Jj nodded in understanding, his gaze never leaving Cally's face. "I know, Cally. We're both aware of the complications and the hurt it could cause others. But being here with you, in this moment, feels so right. I can't ignore these feelings."
Cally sighed, torn between her emotions and the potential repercussions. "Jj, I won't deny that I feel a strong connection to you too. But we need to be honest with ourselves and consider the people we may hurt in the process. We can't let our desires overshadow everything else."
Jj reached out to hold Cally's hand gently, his touch comforting and warm. "You're right, Cally. We have to be responsible and considerate of others' feelings. But I can't ignore the depth of my emotions for you. I want to explore this connection, even if it means taking things slowly and being mindful of the consequences."
Cally, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and attraction, squeezed Jj's hand. "I understand, Jj. Let's take it step by step, and promise me that we'll communicate openly and honestly. We can't let this affect our friendships or hurt anyone else."
Jj nodded, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I promise, Cally. We'll navigate this carefully, and I'll do everything in my power to protect the people we care about. But right now, let's cherish this moment and see where our connection leads us."
As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape, Jj and Cally sat in quiet contemplation. They knew that their journey was just beginning, and the road ahead would be filled with challenges. But in that serene place, surrounded by nature's beauty, they found solace and hope for what the future might hold.
Together, they vowed to cherish their connection, honor their commitments to others, and allow their hearts to guide them on a path of understanding and growth.
As Jj drove Cally home, she couldn't help but feel a mix of happiness and a lingering sense of guilt. The conversation they had at Davilan Trails had stirred something within her, reigniting the spark between them. Despite the ethical dilemma, Cally made a conscious decision to embrace the connection she shared with Jj and see where it would lead.
Arriving at her doorstep, Cally turned to Jj with a soft smile. "Thank you for today, Jj. It was a beautiful and memorable experience. I'm glad we had this time together."
Jj's eyes gleamed with affection as he replied, "The pleasure is mine, Cally. Being able to spend this time with you means a lot to me. I hope we can continue exploring this connection and see where it takes us."
Cally's heart skipped a beat, and she nodded, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and caution. "I feel the same way, Jj. Let's take it one step at a time and be mindful of the consequences. Our friendship and the people around us are important, and we have to handle this with care."
Jj reached out and gently brushed his fingers against Cally's cheek. "I understand, Cally. I promise to be considerate and respectful of everyone involved. We'll navigate this path together, supporting each other along the way."
Cally leaned into Jj's touch, finding comfort and reassurance in his presence. "Thank you for being understanding, Jj. Let's cherish the moments we have and make the most of this connection while being mindful of the boundaries."
With a final glance filled with unspoken emotions, Cally bid Jj goodnight and entered her home. As she settled into her bed, her mind buzzed with thoughts of the day's events. Despite the lingering guilt, a sense of excitement and curiosity blossomed within her. She knew that their journey would not be easy, but for now, she chose to focus on the joy and connection she found with Jj.
Cally drifted off to sleep, her dreams filled with possibilities and the warmth of their shared moments. The road ahead may be uncertain, but she was determined to embrace the journey and see where their connection would lead, hoping that in the end, it would bring happiness and fulfillment for both of them.
Trina's POV
As Trina prepared for work, a sense of unease lingered within her. Something felt off, and she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story. Determined to uncover the truth, she went about her morning routine, trying to focus on the tasks at hand.
Just as she was about to leave for work, Trina's phone buzzed, indicating a new message. Her heart raced as she read the words on the screen: "Jj is cheating on you. With Cally."
Surprised and shaken, Trina hastily typed a response, her fingers trembling with a mix of anger and desperation. "Who are you? What proof do you have?"
Minutes passed, but there was no reply from the sender. Trina's mind raced with questions and doubts. Was this some cruel prank or a malicious attempt to ruin her relationship? She couldn't let these accusations go unanswered.
With a deep breath, Trina decided to confront Jj directly. She dialed his number and waited anxiously for him to answer. The seconds felt like an eternity, and when Jj's voice finally came through the line, Trina's heart sank.
"Jj, we need to talk," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of worry and determination. "I received a message claiming that you're cheating on me with Cally. Is there any truth to this?"
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, followed by Jj's response. "Trina, I swear it's not what you think. I would never cheat on you."
Trina's emotions surged, torn between her trust in Jj and the unsettling message she had received. "I need to know the truth, Jj. Can you explain what's going on? Is there any basis for these accusations?"
Jj's voice carried a hint of urgency as he spoke, trying to convey his sincerity. "Trina, I don't know who sent you that message, but it's not true. Cally and I are friends, but there's nothing more between us. I would never betray your trust."
Trina's mind raced, grappling with conflicting emotions. She wanted to believe Jj, to trust in their relationship, but the doubt planted by the mysterious message lingered. "Jj, I need time to process this. We need to have an honest conversation when we see each other. I want to hear the whole truth."
Jj's voice softened, filled with a mix of understanding and reassurance. "I understand, Trina. Take the time you need. When we meet, I'll explain everything. I love you, and I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have."
Trina nodded, even though Jj couldn't see her. "Thank you for understanding, Jj. We'll talk soon."
As Trina ended the call, a whirlwind of emotions engulfed her. The truth remained uncertain, and she knew that their upcoming conversation would be crucial in determining the fate of their relationship. With a heavy heart, she set off for work, hoping that clarity and resolution would emerge from the shadows of doubt, and that she would find the strength to navigate the challenging road ahead.
Jj's POV
After their time together, Jj knew that Trina might confront Cally about their relationship. He felt a mix of guilt and apprehension, aware of the potential consequences. He approached Cally, his voice low and serious.
"Cally, we need to talk," Jj said, his eyes searching hers for understanding. "Trina might ask you questions about us, and you need to be prepared."
Cally's heart raced, uncertainty clouding her thoughts. She nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I understand, Jj. What should I do?"
Jj's gaze held a warning as he spoke, his words laced with a sense of urgency. "Remember our rule, Cally. Never admit anything. You have to convince Trina that there's nothing between us. It's the only way to protect both of us."
Cally swallowed hard, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. She knew that the truth could destroy everything, but the weight of the situation bore down on her. "I'll do my best, Jj. But it's going to be difficult."
Jj nodded, his expression pained yet determined. "I know, Cally. We're in this together. Just remember, Trina is important to me too. We can't let this ruin everything we've built."
Cally's heart sank at the realization of the gravity of the situation. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. "I understand, Jj. I'll try my best to convince her."
With a silent understanding passing between them, Jj and Cally prepared themselves for the impending storm. They knew that their relationship was at stake, and they had to navigate through the challenges ahead with caution and resilience.
Cally's POV
Cally's mind raced as Jj warned her about Trina's potential questions. She felt a surge of shock, realizing the magnitude of the situation they were facing. But she had to stay calm, composed, and ready to face Trina's inquiries.
As Cally gathered her thoughts, she reminded herself of the rule Jj had emphasized - never admit anything. She knew that she had to convince Trina that there was nothing more than friendship between her and Jj, even though her heart felt torn and conflicted.
Taking a deep breath, Cally prepared herself mentally for the encounter with Trina. She knew that her ability to stay composed and persuasive would be crucial in protecting the fragile balance of their relationships. With her mind focused and her emotions hidden beneath a facade, Cally braced herself for the storm that was about to descend upon them.
And just as Cally tried to steady her nerves, the door of the café swung open, revealing Trina's entrance. The air seemed to freeze as their eyes locked, leaving Cally on edge and uncertain of what would unfold in the moments to come.

Komento sa Aklat (485)

  • avatar
    Rubina Lastimoso

    interesting story


  • avatar

    Good novel


  • avatar

    its good


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