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Chapter 4 The Intruder

Arya and Lary strode into the Sergeant’s office where briefings were being held. As soon as they paced in, Sergeant Rufie stopped his session for a while and welcomed General Lary. 
Lary introduced Arya as his daughter and as a new police officer. Everybody in the room gets confused since they know that Lary doesn’t have his own family. They chatter about the General’s personal life as they look at Arya from head to toe.
“Sergeant, I hope you will take care of my daughter. Please partner her with someone who is skilled and reliable.”
Lary took a glance at the people in the room then he stated, “Corporals and detectives, I have adopted her. I'll clarify this now so stop the blathers. I want you to be friendly to her. She is a rookie and if you are planning jokes and games against her, I am warning you this early. Are we clear?”
Arya was moved by Lary’s gesture. She knows that the first months will be difficult and Lary’s previous statement makes her feel secure somehow. Her contemplative reflection was interrupted by the Sergeant’s sudden announcement of who her partner would be.
Sergeant Rufie smiled at Lary and proclaimed, “Arya, I would like you to meet Ythan. He is one of the most respected detectives here. He will become your partner.”
Arya’s smile swiftly disappeared. All of a sudden her eyes glazed over Ythan who was by that time, standing behind the Sergeant. Arya excused Lary and herself to her colleagues.
While being vexed, Arya still managed to express herself with composure, “Lary, I mean Chief, can I make a simple request? I don’t like to be a partner with Ythan. I hate him, you know that. I can’t concentrate on my job if that person always shows up in front of me. Can you ask Sergeant Rufie to change my partner? Please.”
Lary was about to respond when suddenly someone called on his phone.
“Arya, let's talk about that later on our way home. I have to answer this call. This is urgent. I also have to go. Don’t you worry; YThan will not dare to hurt you. Okay? See you at home.”
“But Lary!” Arya shouted but Lary ignored her. 
Every single person at the station looked at her. She sighs and enters the room again. The briefing ended and Sgt. Rufie asked Ythan to tour and to teach Arya all the necessary things she needs to know about. 
Since Arya is a newcomer, she was ranked as a police officer. A Police Officer serves to maintain law and order in local areas by protecting members of the public and their properties, preventing crime, reducing the fear of crime and improving the quality of life for all citizens.
“Divonne, gather all the recruits. I have something to say.” Sgt Rufie ordered. 
Divonne smiled as she replied, “Yes Sergeant.”
There are three rookies in the station – Arya, Cylon and Eris. They have faced their comrades wearing ironed uniforms and polished boots. They are tidy and organized; the reason why the Sergeant adored their batch. Sgt. Rufie started his statements for the new police officers.
“Police work is precarious and the work is nerve-wracking and can be taken for granted. Yet, it is a vital gear wheel in society, and your decision to serve your community is both honorable and appreciated. As a rookie, you are not expected to know the complexities of patrol work in your first 100 days, but you are anticipated to know the academic side of the job which is the policies, penal and transportation codes. You are probably the ones to rattle off offense levels so, study, study, study. Always remember, our dignity is not FOR SALE. Do your job with love and passion even though people won’t recognize everything. Do you understand?” Sgt. Rufie bellowed.
The rookies answered in chorus, “YES SERGEANT.”
Sgt. Rufie smiled and said, “Okay. You may now proceed in your area.”
Ythan showed Arya the stuff in the trunk of the police car and showed her how to do a vehicle check.
“Arya, you should check any vehicle before you jump up and drive. Anyone can jam you up at every opportunity so you have to cover your butt. Let us set aside personal issues with work. It will not help if we will clash all the time. Okay?” Ythan explained to her with a staid tone.
“I can’t promise you that. By the way, I am surprised to meet Cylon here. I thought he would live in Canada for good. I am frustrated.”
“Arya, it is his choice to work here. I don’t have anything to do with that.”
Divonne interrupted their conversation.
“I’m sorry if I have disturbed the both of you but we are instructed to go to Sico 1st. Burglary happened there.”
“I am curious who it is this time. It’s the third case in that area. We have to put the thief behind the bars. Wait Divonne, let Cylon drive. I bet your arms aren’t okay yet.” 
“Don’t worry about me. Is it okay if Arya will accompany me here instead of Cylon? You are brothers and you’ve been separated for a very long time so I guess this was your first bonding.” Divonne glared at Arya while talking to Ythan.
“Okay no problem.”
Cylon gaped furiously at Arya. He still can’t forget the lady’s wickedness towards him when they were on College. It disgraced not only his name but his whole clan. It is the reason why his father sent him to Canada for years. He couldn't even visit his mother who was sick at that time. He did not take his gaze from Arya until he got in the car.
They arrived at the crime scene after 15 minutes. Divonne’s group (Cylon and Eris) was assigned to interview all the witnesses while Ythan’s group (Arya and Leo) was assigned to find probable evidence.
This is the third break-in in Sico 1st and the culprit is stealing expensive art masterpieces. The police suspected that the thief was selling artworks illegally or he was just a mere collector of expensive oeuvres. 
“Whoever the perpetrator is, one thing is for sure; he is not sloppy.” Divonne utters.
One helper finally saw the face of the thief after his three pilfering cases. Leo immediately asked him if he could describe all the features well and the witness agreed. After waiting for 5 minutes, they finally have the face of the thief. Divonne and Ythan agreed to be grouped into two. They now have three groups –Ythan and Arya, Divonne and Cylon and Leo and Eris.
They searched every establishment nearby. They even asked every household but they still couldn't find the perpetrator. Arya and Ythan take a rest in a convenience store. They bought some refreshments to satisfy their thirst and hunger. While Arya is going to pay for their items, he collides with a stranger. It was a lady in her twenties. Arya became shocked when she was able to see the lady’s past. 
Her name is Hope. She is an artist but her parents didn’t allow her to take fine arts. Due to her dismay and frustration, Hope ran away from their home. She started working as a maid to a rich museum owner to meet her needs. She painted in her free time. When her employer, Madam Wilma, saw her artworks, she was stunned. Later on, Madam Wilma asked her if it would be okay for her to paint more for an art exhibit. She gladly takes the offer since the woman agreed that she will be introduced to the public as a painter. The woman also promised to pay her a big amount of money. Unfortunately, Hope was conned and her employer sent her to jail. They accused her of stealing Madam’s jewelry. She suffered in jail and when his brother saw her having wounds and bruises, he helped her to get out of prison. Due to trauma, Hope wasn’t able to paint again. The museum’s owner ruined her life. Every time Hope sees an artwork, she steals it and treats it as her own. Arya immediately arrested Hope. 
“Arya, what happened? Why did you arrest her?” Ythan bawled at Arya. 
“She is the thief that we are searching for.”
“Didn’t you see Leo’s sketch? We are chasing a man not a woman. Let her go! Don’t cause trouble on your first day as Police Officer Arya.” 
“But Ythan! I can ascertain that she is the thief!”
Hope politely said, “What is your evidence? Have you found any artwork that was stolen in my belongings?”
Arya was left dumbfounded by what Hope said. How can she prove that Hope is the intruder if her only basis is her vision about the girl's past? She can’t even explain the scenario earlier. How can she suddenly read a person’s past?
Even if it is against her will, Arya removed the handcuffs from Hope's hands.
Hope whispers in Arya’s ear, “I don’t know how you guess that it was me who stole so many artworks but I challenge you to catch me. I hope I will be able to see you again. Find some evidence Ms. Police Officer.”
The woman came out of the convenience store with a smile.
Ythan saw what happened and out of curiosity he asked Arya, “What did she say?”
Arya responded, “You will not believe me even if I tell you. You’ll just laugh at me.”
Arya walks out of the convenience store. Ythan follows her. The two continue searching for the guy who is in the sketch. After twenty minutes, Divonne called Ythan.
“We have found the culprit. You should take a rest for now and go here.”
“Thank you for informing us Divonne. Arya and I will be right there after thirty minutes.”
While Ythan is driving, Arya is silent. She is looking outdoors while she is having a deep thought. They have arrived safely at the station. Arya immediately went straight to the alleged thief. She looked at it closely and she remembered it was Hope's brother whom she saw in Hope’s memory.
Cylon is very proud of himself because on his first day as a Police Officer, he immediately caught a criminal. In addition, he has obtained strong evidence against the defendant. Her team leader, Divonne , is also proud of him. Ythan also congratulates his brother for doing well.
Due to sufficient evidence and the confession of Harvey (Hope's brother), he was immediately put in jail. Arya is still not convinced of the outcome of the investigation so she touched Harvey's shoulder to find out if he was telling the truth. Harvey pugnaciously removes Arya's grip on his shoulder. Ythan immediately noticed them. He scolded Arya and asked what the police officer's problem was. Arya didn’t give him a response and left the precinct in a hurry.

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    Hi! Thank you for reading my work and I am sorry If I wasn't able to update everyday since I have a full time job. Kindly leave some honest reviews after reading this. I really appreciate it. Thank you and God bless!


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    to many money


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