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Chapter 5: Party I

I got up from bed, brushed my teeth and washed my face. My mind kept thinking back at the Great Hall with that strange guy. Who was he? Is he even real? Or am I just imagining him? Am I really going crazy? Maybe this dream game something is just a part of my imagination?
"-Trish?" Ella suddenly appeared beside me.
"Sorry, what were you saying? I did not hear you." I got myself a towel and dried my face.
"I just asked if this top goes with my pants? I don't know what to wear." Ella said as she scanned through her cabinet to find the perfect top.
"Anything looks good on you Ella. You got the height, the perfect body, and got beautiful skin. Also your hair is so stylish. Nothing ever looks bad on you." I said as I put on my pants and exchanged the blouse Ella gave with a t-shirt.
"Wait, wait, wait, you're wearing that?" She motioned towards my t-shirt and made an expression as if it is made of dirt.
"Well, yeah? I always wear this you know? Why are you reacting that way this time?" I asked her wondering why is she questioning the way I dress myself.
"Trish, we are going to a party, you know that?" She picked something inside her cabinet and hand it to me.
"Here try this, I bet this looks good on you." She handed me a black casual straight cut dress. It is actually loose and at my knee level.
"But it is a sleeveless Ella, I can't wear that." I gave her the dress back.
"Why can't you wear a sleeveless?" She is now shaking her head in disapproval.
"I just can't because I do not want to." I sat back at the bed and lied down again when she grabbed my arm.
"Oh no you don't. Don't lie back down again. I know you. Once you lie back down, it's hard for you to get back up again. Now stand up!"
She pulled me up pushed me in front of the mirror. "Here wear this top underneath then wear the dress over it."
I examined the top and the dress. I guess this will do. The dress is not too short and the top will make up with the sleeveless issue. I put it on and turned to Ella.
"Now what do you think?" I motioned up and down indicating my outfit.
"It looks perfect. Now wear your sneakers. It would look nice on you. You'll look like a person from a Korean or Japanese drama."
She is now applying lipstick and other stuff on her face. She is wearing a black cropped top and white high waist jeans and her black sneakers.
"What do you think?" She showed me her back, side and front.
"You look hot. You really got a nice body figure." I told her as I put on my shoes.
"I know Trish, I know." She said as she made flying kisses towards me and wink.
"Yeah, guys would be swarming around you tonight and would be asking for your number."
"Let them, I don't care. I'm only interested in men who can become my barkada not men who will be romantically involved with me."
Well that's Ella. She don't want to be romantically involve with men. For her, men are only her friends. Even when she likes someone, when that guy will become close to her, she will no longer like him. Instead she'll treat him as a brother or someone part of her family.
"Yeah okay, okay whatever. Where are we going anyway? Are we going to the soccer field?" I asked her as we went outside our room.
"Nope, we are going upstairs to the rooftop. Aiden and the other guys are having a movie marathon. Of course there will be food but no liquor, we'll get banned out of campus if ever we get discovered." She went to the elevator and pressed the last floor.
"So why are we so dressed up? When we are only just hanging out at the rooftop?" I asked thinking back at my jeans and shirt. It's more comfortable wearing them than wearing this dress.
"That is because even though we are only still at the same building, we still need to look fabulous as we can, okay?"
"Okay?" I only agreed with her because what can I do? Also, she likes to dress me up and I must say she knows what looks good on who. So I'll just give her the chance to be happy and satisfied, for now.
The elevator opened up to the last floor and we headed towards the stairs.
"Hey Ella, do you know who else is attending this movie marathon?" I asked her as we climbed up the stairs.
"Nope, maybe just Aiden and the rest of his roommates." We climbed the stairs towards the rooftop.
We opened the door towards the rooftop and found a table with chips on it. Someone even ordered pizza and carbonara. There's a projector near the wall, I guess that's where will be viewing our movie. Good thing the wall here in the rooftop is white. The guys utilized the space.
"Welcome Smith, Petersen! So glad you can make it." Aiden greeted us with a hug. While Jesrael offered as a drink.
"Drink up guys, it's coke! We did not prepare any alcoholic beverages, in case the guard would come up and check on us. Also, we don't want people crying over something because they're drunk, right?" Jesrael chuckled. "Though...that's something good to look forward to, man! We should've prepared alcohol. I'd record anyone crying because they're drunk!"
He elbowed Carmela. "Right Carmela?"
"Yeah, that's something funny to see, too bad we can't see people getting drunk tonight."
"But! We can see them cry over the movie." Inserted Aiden.
We looked at him with an expression questioning him what kind of me we're watching.
"...well, if that's what you guys wanted?" He added hurriedly.
"What did you prepare Aiden?" Asked Ella.
"I prepared lot's of movies. Horror, romance, tragic endings, rom-com. You name it!" He lead us towards the area where we would sit to watch the movie.
"You even prepared cushions for us to sit unto, huh?" I noticed the colorful cushions lying on the floor.
"Actually, Jesrael prepared those." Aiden said pointing at Jesrael as he welcomed other guests.
"Hey Jes! Where did you get the cushions?" Aiden shouted at Jesrael.
"The guys in the soccer field got those." He jogged towards us again after letting the others get anything they want to eat at the table.
"The soccer team?" I ask surprised.
"Yeah, they got the whole 2nd floor all to themselves. They just moved in before the semester started." Jesrael stated as he gave chips to me and Ella.
"Oh so we got new company for this semester huh?" Ella said, being curious about the soccer team. "I've always wanted to be friends with them ever since freshmen year." Carmella said while smirking.
"Will they come tonight?" I asked Aiden and Jesrael.
"Yeah they will. They're a little bit late tho but it's okay." Aiden said.
"Only the 3rd years and above are coming, other years are not residing in this dormitory with us." Jesrael continued.
"Why Trish?" Jesrael asked.
"Yeah, why Petersen?" Aiden looked at me raising an eyebrow.
"Hmmmm are you interested in someone in the soccer team, maybe?" Ella asked me teasingly.
"No, not really. We took the same course and the same block, that's all. We'll be together for the rest of the semester." I said confidently, not give them a hint about me crushing on Christopher.
"Hey! Sorry we're late!" Someone from the door said while panting.
"Hey Daniels! Good to see you here!" Aiden ran towards the door.
"C'mon man, you can call me Chris." Christopher said while shaking hands with Aiden.
"We're sorry we are late." Fernandez went through the door and towards Aiden.
"I should also greet them, I'll leave you two be?" Jesreal asked for our permission.
"Yeah, sure go ahead." Ella said. While walking towards the food. I followed her.
"We're sorry we are late." I told Aiden. "A certain someone overslept, and won't wake up." I added, referring to Chris.
"C'mon man, I'm sorry. It's just I had a nice dream, that's all." Christ defended himself.
"Oh, was it about a girl?" Jesrael came and teased.
"Sorry, but can't tell you." Christopher said while walking towards the table where the food is located.
"C'mon guys, come in!" Aiden told the other soccer team. Dylan and the rest of the guys mingled with other people.
"Enjoy the food then, we'll continue setting up the projector and the movie. Excuse me." Aiden excused himself together with Jesrael.
I looked around the rooftop. The rooftop was wide. Well of course, the building itself is wide. One side of the rooftop is covered with a canopy while the other side is not. You can really see the sky from up here. The night breeze can also be felt. I feels cold to the skin.
There are also cushions lying around the floor. These are the cushions we got from some cafe. Of course we dry cleaned it. The owner said the team could have it. This is the first time we used these tho.
I looked over the table and saw Chris chatting with Trisha and another girl. I don't know that girl but I've seen her around Trisha since freshmen year.
The girl is tall, slender and has curly black hair. While Trisha is somewhat short, tanned-skin, long silky hair. Trisha is cute while her friend is hot. Well, both are actually beautiful in their own ways, I guess? I dunno, I don't really have any kind of relationship with a girl, well besides my mom and sisters.
I found myself staring intently at them while they are laughing at something. Should I approach them? Nah, never mind it's not worth the hassle.
I went to find a place on the floor and picked a pink-colored cushion. It's so soft and warm and it smells nice too.
"Hey man. Wanna have a drink?" Dale sat beside me and offered a drink.
"Thanks. So what are we watching tonight?" I asked Dale since they were talking earlier with Jesrael.
"I don't have a clue. Anything is fine by me tho. I just came here to chill because I know this semester is going to be hell." He said jokingly.
"Yeah, hell. And we got to train too. Seeesh, should've quit soccer and focus on my program." I said as I sipped the canned coke.
"Well, maybe after this semester I am going to quit." Dale said as he ate some chips.
"Wait, you're joking right?" I faced him now.
"Nope, I need to focus especially when our OJT is coming this summer term." He said sadly. "How about you Art?"
"Me? I don't know, I'm still thinking about it."
"Mind if Trish and her friend join us?" Chris suddenly came asking for our permission.
"Yeah sure, come here there's still a lot of space." Dale moved to make room for the new comers.
"Sure." I said without looking at them.
Chris sat next to me while Trish sat beside him looking uncomfortable with the dress she's wearing. Why is she even wearing one tho? I've always noticed her with pants and a shirt but never with a dress. Dale is at the other side of me while Trish's friend sat next to him.
"I'm Carmela, by the way." Trish's friend introduced herself to us. Dale looked like he is uncomfortable now that he realized he's sitting next to a girl.
Dale haven't talked to girls for too long ever since his girl friend broke up with him during high school? I don't really know the whole story but that's that.
"Uhm, I'm dale and this is Art." Dale referred to me.
"Fernandez." I said briefly.
"Sorry, what?" Carmella asked.
"Call me Fernandez, not Art." I said coldly. I don't really like it people calling me Art unless we are really close or we are family.
"Oh, okay." She said while she got her phone to check on it.
"Hey Trish, wanna get some food on the table?" Chris asked Trisha
"Didn't you got one already?" I asked eyeing the plate of chips in his hand.
"Well, yeah, but we'll get some more and also drinks." Chris said as he gave me the plate and assisted Trisha up.
I looked at them as they went towards the table. Trisha looked back at me for a few seconds then looked away. Wearing an unreadable expression.

Komento sa Aklat (456)

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  • avatar

    omg..is it done already...who will Trisha choose 😔😔 i dont really like the ending though but still can understand the story just fine 👍🏻👍🏻


  • avatar

    love your story.. love the way portray their relationship between Trish and Ella in this chapter.. keep going.. i love to read more story from you..


  • Tingnan Lahat

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