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Chapter 4

Yesterday he left a killing trap in the forest, for the past years his trap was effective and it's called a killing trap since when big animals like deer are trapped in his killing trap, it is expected that they couldn't live for a minute they will immediately die.
As he made his way down the rocky path to the forest, his feet moved with an unexpected nimbleness, as if they knew the way before him. He walked with an urgency, as though he had a purpose, and nothing would stop him from reaching his destination.
It was strange, he couldn't explain it, but every step he took seemed to make his heart beat faster. It was as if his chest was filled with a wild energy that threatened to burst out at any moment. The feeling was familiar, like he had experienced it before, but he couldn't quite place it.
Then he remembered the night he had seen Luna many years ago. The beat of his heart that night had been like a race, and he had felt something sad and nostalgic. It was a feeling that evoked a sense of deja vu, as if he had been there before.
For the most part, he was a fearless person. He had faced many challenges and had never backed down from a fight. However, there were individuals who instilled a deep sense of fear in him - the inhuman hunters from the neighboring village. These hunters was known for their brutal tactics and uncanny ability to track down their prey.
Despite this fear, there was one thing that terrified him even more. It was a fear that he couldn't shake, no matter how hard he tried. It had to do with his own trap. What if one day, Liam, was caught in his trap? The thought was almost too much to bear.
He couldn't explain why this fear gripped him so tightly. Perhaps it was the knowledge that his trap was one of the deadliest around,
He felt like Liam was right next to him and watching over him. And even if they meet in the village and the market or even if Liam is one of his trustees, he won't be able to recognize him because it's been a long time. But he couldn't help but think Liam was dead. That kind of thinking was not new to him. What made him think about that? Is it because Liam doesn't appear? Oh, no the more he thought about Liam's absence the more he was broken and too dismal.
Mr. Fergus stopped in his tracks, taking a moment to observe the world around him. As he glanced down at the brown leaves scattered across the ground, he noticed something that sent shivers down his spine: a sizable pool of fresh blood. Without hesitation, he knelt down and reached out to touch the crimson liquid with his bare hand. The warmth of the blood was unmistakable - it was clear that this was a recent occurrence.
Feeling a growing sense of unease, Mr. Fergus stood up and began to cautiously make his way towards his trap. Despite his attempts to focus on his task, his mind kept drifting back to the blood he had found. Who or what could be responsible for this? Was someone hurt or worse, dead? The possibilities were endless, and each one seemed more terrifying than the last. As he walked, his imagination ran wild, wondering about the source of the blood and what it could mean for him and his safety.
A wave of shock washed over Mr. Fergus eyes his eyes locked onto the lifeless body of a young gray wolf, ensnared in his trap. He stood there, frozen, unable to find the words to express the sorrow he felt at the sight before him. Looking at the wolf, he realized with a heavy heart that it was his fault - he was responsible for the death of this innocent creature. His mind raced with regrets and self-blame, berating himself for having set the trap in the first place.
As he stared at the wolf, something about its size and shape struck him as unusual. A creeping feeling of dread began to take hold, and he couldn't help but wonder if this was more than just a mere animal. The idea that it could be a werewolf crossed his mind - a supernatural being that had not yet returned to its human form. The thought of having killed a creature that could have been more than just a simple wolf added another layer of complexity to his already overwhelming emotions.
The sight of the trapped wolf left him feeling suffocated, as if the air had been sucked out of his lungs. He couldn't understand how a creature as intelligent as a werewolf could fall for his trap, which was meant for wild pigs and deer.
It was a bad day for Mr. Fergus, who knew very little about the life of a werewolf, but was aware of their cunning and adaptability. As he observed the poor creature struggling to break free, he couldn't help but wonder how it had ended up in his trap.
Perhaps it had been driven by desperation or a lack of options, or maybe it was simply a stroke of bad luck. Whatever the reason, Mr. Fergus couldn't shake the feeling that he had stumbled upon something far beyond his understanding.
Tears welled up in Mr. Fergus's eyes, blurring his vision as he gazed upon the lifeless form of the wolf trapped in his killing snare. He was overcome with a sense of sorrow and anguish, his emotions roiling within him like a stormy sea.
Mr. Fergus couldn't help but wonder what the wolf had been feeling in its final moments, as it struggled and howled for help, its breaths growing more labored with each passing second. The sheer desperation and futility of its struggle left him feeling helpless and powerless, as if he had been witness to something far beyond his control. In that moment, Mr. Fergus was acutely aware of the fragility of life, and the delicate balance that exists between predator and prey in the natural world.
As Mr. Fergus examined the trapped wolf more closely, he noticed what appeared to be a gunshot wound on its shoulder. His mind raced with possibilities - had the wolf been wounded by another hunter, only to stumble into his trap by chance? Or had it been deliberately placed there, as some sort of twisted message or warning? Whatever the case, Mr. Fergus couldn't shake the feeling that something ominous was afoot.
He knew all too well the dangers posed by werewolves, having lived through an attack on Ark Ville a decade ago. The memories of that horrific night still haunted him, and he couldn't help but worry that history might repeat itself. But there was hope - rumors of a powerful pack of werewolves known as the Wildfang Shadows had been circulating, and some believed that they might be able to help keep the more ferocious werewolves at bay.
Suddenly, a distant rumble shook the ground beneath his feet, and he realized that it was the sound of footsteps. The sound grew louder and closer, until it seemed as if a giant was approaching.
Mr. Fergus' mind raced as he searched for a place to hide. His eyes darted around, scanning the area for any possible shelter. Finally, he spotted a small hole under a nearby tree. Without a moment's hesitation, he scrambled towards it, his heart pounding in his chest. As he squeezed himself into the cramped space, he pulled the dried foliage over the entrance, hoping to conceal his presence.
For what felt like an eternity, Mr. Fergus lay there in the darkness, listening to the sound of his own heartbeat. He wondered what kind of creature was walking nearby, and whether it was dangerous.
Mr. Fergus cautiously peered through the small opening, his eyes widening as he saw a group of burly men with rippling muscles. They sniffed the air around them, their senses on high alert. It was then that he realized with a shudder that they were werewolves, creatures of the night that he had only ever heard terrifying rumors about.
He recognized a few of them from the Ark Ville market, where he had glimpsed of them. Suddenly, the tallest one in the group bent down to a lifeless wolf lying on the ground. Mr. Fergus could see the tears streaming down his face as he wept and cried, his sorrow palpable even from a distance. It was clear to Mr. Fergus that this was the Alpha, the leader of the pack, and that the fallen wolf was one of their own.
"Son!" He cried and wept.
As Mr. Fergus lay there, his heart pounding in his chest, he suddenly felt something cold and slippery slithering across his back. Panic coursed through his veins as he realized it was a snake, and he couldn't help but fear for his safety. The thought of being bitten filled him with dread, and he held his breath, trying not to make any sudden movements that might provoke the creature.
The snake continued to move across his back, its scales rustling against his clothing. Mr. Fergus could feel his muscles tensing up in fear as the snake made a sharp, sibilant sound near his head. He could practically feel the venom dripping from its fangs, ready to strike at any moment.
Slowly, with every ounce of self-control he possessed, he closed his eyes and waited for the snake to pass. His entire body was rigid with fear, and he couldn't help but wonder what other dangers might be lurking in the darkness around him.
Finally, the snake slithered away, its cold presence leaving him in an instant. Mr. Fergus let out a deep sigh of relief, his heart still racing as he opened his eyes once more.
"We are sorry for what is happening. We know you are hurting and your staff is sorry for this. But we cannot bring his life back. That is beyond our ability and power." A handsome man said sweetly and he was Liam's age at the moment.
"Brien, do you know he is my only child?"
Brien the messenger of the pack nodded. "Yes, dear Alpha, but this did not only happen to you but to the other pack as well. Face facing seeing the only child die because of the werewolf war. It's bittersweet, and I understand everything, but it's horrid and gruesome what happened today took the life of your only son in a heinous way."
He was lucky. He knows when those men turn into wolves he was sure they would see him. They're only sniffing in the air without confirming that there is someone hidden near them. They don't look scary. They have muscular bodies and wear decent clothes.
The desire for revenge burns fiercely within the leader of the pack, driving him to inflict grief. His fierce and brutal appearance reflects the intensity of his emotions, as his teeth grit and his jaw tightens with anger and determination. The thought of putting an end to his quest for vengeance never crosses his mind, as he is consumed by the need to avenge his son's suffering.
"No one else is doing this to your son but Mr. Fergus, dear Alpha." The other one announced in a foghorn voice.
Mr. Fergus knows that guy. He always buys meat and vegetables in the market.
"Who is he?" Alpha asked.
"He is the good hunter in the village of Ark Ville and the owner of the turnips where Cain often buys." The Cain he refers to is the chief of their pack.
He wants to come out and defend himself with an explanation. He wanted to explain that it wasn't in his intention to hunt for a wolf or catch something similar to one of them. That was not his purpose as a hunter. He knew that was what other hunters often did to hunt down unopposed werewolves in that forest. The mountain is known as the mountain of the werewolves. Or the home of the Wildfang Shadows. But if he went out and showed them he was sure he wouldn't be able to survive the Alphas who were currently sad and angry.
The Alpha nodded. "I will show no mercy in his bloodline, I will tear his body apart and drink his blood. I will bring terror again in the Ark Ville." He was Maximo the Alpha of the Wildfang Shadows. One of the most feral leaders of the werewolves and among other packs and rouge scared of him. He can break their leg using his only hand and strength.
Mr. Fergus was scared and hearing what the Alpha of Wildfang shadows had said scared him to death. How will he save the village now against the powerful Alpha? He was just an ordinary man relying on his shotgun. Because of what he heard he trembled with fear. He doesn't know what he can do.
Maximo the Alpha roughly wipes away his tears and lifts the lifeless wolf and he carries it away. The other men followed him and kept looking around.
He immediately got out of the hole and ran full speed following the route back to the foot of the mountain. He was panting as he got out of the forest and he was out of breath walking slowly down the hill. He could barely take another step, but when he took another one his knees were trembling. His legs are giving out, no strength left for the old man. While walking, sweat and tears mixed on his cheeks. What the leader of the werewolves said thundered in his mind.
He heaved.
He sat on the rock and lay on the earth looking at the peaceful horizon. He was tired of walking, he has an overburdened brain and a painful heart. He could not accept what was happening that day. He knew that his defense was that he didn't mean it. It was not in his damn intention to kill the wolf because the werewolf since then has never been his enemy. He respects them.
Maximo desire for revenge is all-consuming, and they crave nothing less than bloodshed to appease their anger. He is a ruthless Alpha who takes pleasure in inflicting physical harm and pain upon others. His penchant for violence and brutality is a threat to the safety and well-being of the entire village.
He thought about Liam again, what if he died as that innocent wolf died earlier? What if he dies bitterly? He doesn't want to think that he's already died but since Liam doesn't appear for a decade, therefore, he concludes that Liam was dead. He hopes he is still alive. Because he would never stop finding him, or does Liam belong to the Wildfang Shadows pack? He hopes Liam didn't die that bitter way. He has a big hope that Liam is in Wildfang Shadow.
Mr. Fergus slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. Damn, when he was opening his eyes again the sun began to sink in the east. He's been sleeping there for almost two hours.
With his heavy heart, he began to walk again. There's a time that he stops and cries. He walks slowly and he feels that the weight of the world is on his shoulders, it saps the strength and courage in his heart. When he reached home and when he checked his mobile phone. His eyes widened in shock.
Hi Uncle Brad, this is Keiran. Mom finally gave me permission to move to your village and live with you for a while.
Keiran had no reason to live in that village. He needs to return to the city.
Hi, Uncle. I'm on my way to Ark Ville. I took a bus...
Why Keiran? You can't, please, just go back to the city Mr. Fergus's mind shouted. Keiran can't go there because Maximo's revenge has already begun. His life might be exposed to danger. But how could he explain it to him? Keiran was on his way to Ark Ville. He shook his head in despair and took a glance at a clock, it chimes seven in the evening.
He thought that if only he received that message this morning he would ask Keiran not to continue his plan to move with him. How could he say 'Keiran, You can't, it was dangerous'
He sighed and opened the door wide and he leaned himself there waiting for Keiran or Kai's arrival.

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    Good story


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    Eiramesor Kom

    good 😊😊😊


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