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Chapter 2

His heart was pounding as he crouched behind the massive trunk of an ancient tree, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. The sound of a wolf's howl echoed through the night, sending shivers down his spine. He could hear footsteps approaching, but they were not the stealthy movements of a predator on the hunt. It was a hesitant gait, the sound of a timid creature.
He clutched his chest, trying to calm his racing heart. He had known it was dangerous to venture out after dark, but he had been desperate to leave the confines of his small cabin and experience the beauty of the forest at night. Now, he wasn't so sure it had been the right decision.
The howl suddenly went out of hearing, and Mr. Fergus lifted his head to listen. Before he could even take a breath, he found himself face to face with a massive black wolf, its eyes glowing a fiery red in the darkness. Fear gripped him, sending shivers down his spine.
As the wolf approached, Mr. Fergus could feel his heart pounding in his chest. This was no ordinary wolf - it was a beast of pure terror, with fangs that glinted in the moonlight and drool dripping from its jaws. The old man knew that he was facing certain death if he didn't act quickly.
He clutched his shotgun tightly, his fingers trembling as he tried to steady his aim. But as the wolf drew closer, he realized that his weapon was useless against this monstrous creature. He was defenseless, at the mercy of the beast before him.
The wolf sniffed him, its hot breath washing over him. Mr. Fergus could feel his body go numb with terror. He knew that this was the end - that he would meet his maker at the jaws of this fearsome predator.
But then, something strange happened. The wolf seemed to hesitate, its red eyes softening ever so slightly. It sniffed him again, but this time there was something almost curious in its behavior.
Mr. Fergus didn't know what to make of it, but he didn't dare move or make a sound. He simply stood there, frozen in place, as the wolf continued to sniff him.
As the moments ticked by, Mr. Fergus couldn't help but wonder what this all meant. Was the wolf simply playing with him, toying with its prey before delivering the final blow? Or was there something more to this encounter, some greater meaning that he couldn't comprehend?
The wolf stepped back and suddenly shifting. The transformation of the wolf into an old lady left the observer in awe. It was a sight that confirmed the existence of werewolves, a topic often discussed in the village. The sudden change in form was almost magical, and the once ferocious wolf had become an old, weak-looking woman.
Mr. Fergus eyes widened with amazement and fear. The old lady appeared helpless and senile, and her eyes were full of bitterness and agitation. Despite her frail appearance, there was an underlying sense of danger emanating from her. It was a reminder of the mysteries lurking in the world, waiting to be discovered.
"I'm Luna; don't be afraid," she said in a sad yet welcoming and friendly voice. "I was chased by the ruthless hunter, and they fired me." She showed him her deep wounds—on her belly, on her shoulder, and her hands.
Mr. Fergus let out a sigh and spoke. "Then why don't you attack me since I'm also a hunter too?" His lips trembled as he spoke.
"I know your good deeds, old hunter." The old woman took a deep breath. "The day will come when the inhumane acts of those hunters who chased me will be regretted. Old man, you have to do me a favor. Those hunters are looking for me because of my child; they want to kill him. I ask you to take care of him; I already placed him in your room while you are here." She added in a soft and sad voice.
"Please, Mr. Hunter. "I can't live long." She pleaded. "My day has come; I have been living here for centuries. My soul will imminently return to the place where my ancestors gathered. I know when he grows up he will understand his nature. He was the Alpha son of the wealthiest pack." She roughly wiped her wet cheeks with the back of her hands. Deafening silence fell.
The tranquility of the moment was shattered by the sound of approaching voices. Mr. Fergus's heart raced as he heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire. He looked over at the old lady, and his heart sank as he saw the blood spurt from her belly.
The old wolf woman's blood splattered on everything around her - her clothes, the leaves, the grass, and the ground. Mr. Fergus felt helpless and unable to move, frozen in shock at the sudden turn of events.
Another gunshot rang out, followed by a mournful howl. Mr. Fergus knew that the silver bullets had found their mark, burying themselves deep in the chest of the old lady wolf. He watched in horror as the life slowly drained from her eyes, replaced by a look of profound sadness.
He wondered who had fired the shots and why they had been so quick to take a life. As he stood there, surrounded by the aftermath of violence, he knew that he would never forget the sorrowful look in the old lady wolf's eyes.
"Flee and please take care of my child, named Liam," she bellowed before shifting into a black wolf again and going scudding away as the hunters chased her. Mr. Fergus continued to hear the sound of gunshots until he heard a voice whose sounds were celebrating.
Mr. Fergus ran home quickly. When he checked his room, he saw a jubilant little young boy in it. He felt sorry for the boy, and he lifted him into his welcoming arms. He knew that boy was a werewolf. He promises to take care of him, and Mr. Fergus named him Liam because that is what Luna told him. He felt sorry every time Luna's pitiful look tempted his mind. He couldn't protect her against the greedy hunters. He couldn't protect Liam's mother. His chest was tight, and his tears fell incessantly.
Liam grew up because of his care and guidance. He cares for him sincerely, even though he knows nothing about the life of a werewolf. He allows Liam to play with other children. He doesn't want him to grow up with envy of himself, his heart, and others. He wants to show Liam that life on earth is equal and that it is up to man to change his life's viewpoint.
It's heartbreaking every time he sees Liam playing with other kids. He was perplexed by what Luna had mentioned. Liam is, according to Luna, the only son of the wealthiest Alpha. But where is Liam's real father? Alpha? He asked himself what that word meant. He just nodded, as the Alpha was probably the most powerful leader of the werewolves.
Every day he witnessed how Liam grew, just like Liam was his real son. Mr. Fergus has no children of his own, so he poured out his love on Liam. He didn't go out hunting either because he didn't want to be separated from Liam. The latter does not yet know his individuality or his nature. But the time will come, and he will know and understand that soon.
Days become weeks, weeks become months, and months become years. Liam becomes a handsome ten-year-old boy. He's a perfect boy. One night, Mr. Fergus went out hunting. He left Liam in his room in his deep slumber. The night was serene, and the moon was full and bright. While going out, Mr. Fergus didn't know that Liam was awake.
As Liam stepped outside, he was hit by a blast of cold air, causing him to shiver and pull his coat tighter around his body. The sky above him was clear and serene, with the full moon shining bright and casting a pale light over everything. As he gazed up at the moon, Liam felt an unusual sensation all over his body, as though he was being pulled towards it. He stood there rigidly, unable to take his eyes off the moon, feeling almost frozen to death.
As he continued to stare, something strange began to happen to his eyes. The golden-brown hue that usually characterized them started to shift, slowly changing into a vibrant green shade with a hint of chartreuse. It was an odd transformation, and Liam couldn't explain it, but he felt a strange sense of power coursing through him as it happened.
Why? What's happening? Why do I feel strange? He asked himself a series of questions. Liam's body seemed to be going through a transformation, one that he couldn't explain or understand. He felt a heaviness that he had never experienced before, as though his bones were made of lead and his muscles were being stretched to their limits. Every movement was accompanied by pain, a deep ache that seemed to be coming from deep within.
As he tried to stand, Liam felt a strange sickness creeping through his veins, something that seemed to be moving and shifting inside him. It was a feeling that he couldn't quite describe, but one that made him feel both powerful and vulnerable at the same time.
Suddenly, the pain became too much to bear, and Liam let out a cry as he fell to the ground. He writhed in agony as the pain coursed through his body, feeling as though he was being torn apart from the inside. It was a sensation that he couldn't understand, and one that left him feeling helpless and scared. Despite the fear and pain, Liam couldn't shake the feeling that something incredible was happening to him, something that he couldn't quite comprehend.
He felt his bones shifting and breaking, contorting into strange new shapes that he couldn't understand. His spine was the first to go, bending and twisting in ways that no human spine should be able to. His arms and legs followed suit, inverting and stretching in impossible ways that made Liam's screams echo through the night.
As the pain continued to wrack his body, Liam watched in horror as his hands grew covered in white fur, and his fingers transformed into sharp claws. His teeth began to ache, and he could feel them stretching and changing, growing into sharp, pointed fangs.
Despite the agony, Liam couldn't help but feel a strange sense of wonder and excitement at what was happening to him. The pain was overwhelming, but there was something incredible happening to him, something that he couldn't quite comprehend.
And then, as if in response to his thoughts, Liam's screams slowly turned into a deep, guttural howl. Soft white fur sprouted from his whole body, covering him in a thick layer of warmth that seemed to soothe the pain. His clothes tore from his body as his muscles increased in size, growing stronger and more powerful than they had ever been before.
Liam looked down at himself, marveling at the creature that he had become. He was no longer a mere human but something new, something wild and untamed. It was a thrilling sensation, one that filled him with a sense of awe and wonder at the mysteries of the universe.
The time has finally come.
Ten years old, Liam had undergone a remarkable transformation and no longer resembled the boy he once was. His features now mirrored that of a magnificent white wolf with piercing green eyes that seemed to glow in the dark.
With a swift leap, he bounded off into the dense, foreboding woods, his powerful legs propelling him forward with ease. As he moved deeper into the woods, the only sound that could be heard was his haunting howl, which echoed through the trees and seemed to reverberate through the very air itself.
The each passing moment, Liam's howl grew fainter and more distant, a testament to the vastness of the wilderness he now called home.
Deep within the forest, where the canopy of leaves obscured all but the faintest sliver of moonlight, Mr. Fergus felt an inexplicable sense of unease settle over him like a shroud. Though he couldn't quite put his finger on what was causing this feeling, he knew in his gut that something was not right.
With a sudden surge of worry for Liam, who was alone in their home, Mr. Fergus wasted no time in turning on his heel and making his way back through the treacherous terrain of the forest.
With each step, his feet nimbler than they had been in years, he ignored the rocky, slippery path that threatened to throw him off balance, his sole focus on reaching his destination as quickly as possible.
As he closed in on the house, his chest tightened. He hopes everything is okay. He hadn't prepared for that one thing that he thought of every day. He wished that Liam was safe; he ran faster and faster, and he was speeding.
Upon arriving at his house, Mr. Fergus frantically searched for Liam but found no sign of him. Instead, his eyes fell upon the tattered remnants of Liam's clothing and the unmistakable scratches of a wolf's claws etched deep into the wooden floorboards.
It was then that Mr. Fergus realized that Liam's true nature had finally asserted itself, and he had embraced his inner wolf. Despite the shock and sadness of this realization, Mr. Fergus remained rooted to the spot, unable to move or comprehend the sudden absence of his beloved companion.
Each passing day was a painful reminder of the moment Liam had vanished from his sight, and Mr. Fergus was left to grapple with the reality of life without his Liam—his son by his side. Though he had always known that Liam was destined for something greater, he could never have been prepared for the heartbreak of his departure.
He knew that Liam would never return to him. Because of that thought, his eyes were warm, and what followed was the trickle of his tears. Liam had left him; that was a fact that was too hard for him to accept. He bitterly looked into the dark woods, and then he heard a howl in the distance.
He took a deep breath, and what followed was his scream. He didn't want to think about Liam's life in the jungle. He needed him, but it seems Liam no longer needs him. Liam will be a rouge in the meantime and soon belong to a power pack. He wants Liam to come back, but that seems impossible.

Komento sa Aklat (129)

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    Good story


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    Eiramesor Kom

    good 😊😊😊


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