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I woke up early the next day to cook breakfast for me and Royce as I knew he would wake up with a hangover. In the hallway, the phone I’m holding vibrated. It was mom. The thought of my dad speaking again was at the forefront of my head. Mom told me last night that dad’s speech has improved.
I answered the call immediately, excited to finally talk to dad again.
“Hello! Good morning, mom.”
“Good morning, Nelly. Did I wake you up?”
“No, mom, I’m about to make breakfast. How’s dad? Can I talk to him?”
“Yeah, he’s here with me. Your dad is so excited to talk to you.”
A silence followed on the other line before a manly voice was heard. It was my dad. The wordings aren’t so clear enough like the way he speaks before but I could understand what he was trying to say unlike when he didn’t undergo therapy.
I had to stop myself from crying aloud when dad was still on the phone. Tears were forming in my eyes while I continued talking to dad. I asked how his treatment was and the whole experience of staying away from our city for a long time.
Dad pointed out that he’s happy that he had a big improvement. I longed to be with mom and dad again, to hug and kiss them. I miss them so badly. I get so emotional that I can’t longer hold a conversation with dad.
“Dad, I’ll see you soon, I’ll find ways to get to Manila. I miss you and mom so much.”
I had to cut the call before dad heard my cry. I didn't want him to worry about me and just wanted him to focus on his speedy and full recovery.
My tears escaped as I walked to the kitchen. I rested my hands on the countertop, contemplating how to leave my job for a few days. I was hesitant to ask for leave since I was already absent for a few days after Royce’s birthday.
I didn’t want to appear abusing Marica because she is my best friend. I decided to wait for a few weeks before asking for leave again.
It was 6:15 in the morning when I started preparing for breakfast. I had my favorite pancake, Omelet, corned beef, and salad for me. There are too many recipes I can make in Royce’s kitchen but I don’t know how to cook them.
Lastly, I prepared ginger tea for Royce’s hangover. It should help him as I knew it would be a hassle while working if it was not alleviated. I started preparing the table for breakfast when I heard the noise of flip-flops on my way.
And yes, it was Royce. Holding his head as I expected. He was only wearing boxer’s shorts without a top, showing his hard 6 pack abs.
“I’m having the worst hangover.”
“Nobody said they had the best hangover. Here’s your tea. Drink it. Mom said it’s good for a hangover.”
“OH…baby, you prepared this for me?” Royce asked happily. His face lightened as he held the teacup and sniffed it.
“No more questions. Drink it and then let’s have breakfast.”
“Alright, ma’am.”
Royce sat opposite of me while I’m having breakfast and he was sipping the tea I made.
“What?” I answered, not giving him a glimpse. I was focusing on my food.
“Why can’t you look at me?”
I rolled my eyes as I looked at him. “What is it to look at?”
I was met with his wicked smirk that he loves to show when he wants to annoy me.
“Nothing. Probably, you want to take a clear look at me naked. I don’t know. Do you want me to stand?”
“Stop it. I’m warning you. I have to be early at work. I’m taking my car to work, you don’t have to drive me.”
He put the cup of tea on the table.
“No. Baby, I’ll drive you there. It’s not safe for you.”
“I’m fine. If you want you can follow me to the Salon before you go to your office. I have to bring my car to easily move to the events. Besides, I'm not alone, some of the organizers will be with me.”
“That’s good enough. You keep me updated with your location.”
"No need."
"Fine, I can track your location anyway."
I rolled my eyes at him once more.
"Now, eat your breakfast, I have to prepare for work.”
“Alright, sexy. Your wish is my command,” Royce said in his smoky voice. He threw me a wink before I left the kitchen. Royce knows how to annoy me.
As we agreed he followed me to the Salon before he went to his office. We had a short meeting with my team on our latest event and then we went to the venue to prepare. The event will be in the evening so we had to hurry in decorating before 5 in the afternoon.
Halfway on our job I received a text from Marica reminding me about our lunch date. If she didn’t text me I wouldn't remember what we agreed on at the party.
On my way to meeting Marica, I remember the investigation Royce had about the accident. We haven’t seen it yet. We have been postponing it for a few days and something doesn’t feel right about it. It was strange Royce didn’t mention it while having breakfast. Possibly, because he had a terrible hangover. I let it pass, hoping Royce would open up about the topic when we are settled at night.
“Besty, here.” Marica waved a hand to get my attention as I entered our favorite cafe.
“Hey, how was your trip home last night?” Marie asked, kissing me.
“It was fine. Royce fell asleep the whole drive to his condo. I had to ask for help to get him up to his room. This morning he complained about a terrible headache. What does he expect? He had too much liquor last night.”
Marica laughed like she was entertained by my rants.
“Nelly, you sound like an angry wife. Funny.”
“Don't start me, Marie. Let’s just have our lunch while talking about your love life.”
“My love life? Wait, I remember you inviting me last night because you want to share what I missed after Royce’s birthday.”
“Fine, we’ll talk about it later.”
“Besty, I’m so proud of you. You’re back driving again.”
“Thanks, it feels great. It was like a burden lifted off of my shoulder. I was healed from that certain trauma, driving and riding fast. If Royce drives fast, I’m not scared anymore.”
“That’s great.”
“By the way, Marie, I’m on cloud nine," I said, cheerfully.
"I talked to dad this morning. He was able to talk a bit, his words were a bit clearer. His therapy is working, he told me that he can manage to stand for a few seconds now. I don’t know what to say; I'm so emotional about it,” I said, wiping a tear forming in my eyes.
Marica reached out my hands and squeezed them.
“Nelly, I understand, you have no idea how happy I am to hear this good news.”
“I know you will. Just in case you call mom or mom calls you, please don’t tell mom I live with Royce temporarily. I don’t want them to worry about me when they learn the reason why I live with Royce.”
“Sure, but you can't hide this from them for a long time. Sooner or later you have to tell them the truth, Nelly.”
“I know, I’m trying my best to fix all these things, especially dad’s accident.”
“What do you mean?”
I jolted when I almost told Marica about the investigation that Royce and I had. Marie shouldn't have learned that I asked for help from Apple in solving dad’s case. She will surely panic, especially the incident in the cafe. Someone tried to abduct me.
“Nothing. I was referring to dad’s recovery. The bills and all the expenses they have while staying in Manila.”
"If you need help, don't hesitate to ask."
"No, I can take care of it, besty. Nothing to worry about."

Komento sa Aklat (72)

  • avatar
    Ness Galleto

    Interesting story! Highly recommended! 🔥😊


  • avatar
    Daisy Jane Saycon Buglosa



  • avatar

    The structure of the story was well the words that the writter used was easy to understood


  • Tingnan Lahat

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