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Storm's mother received a text message on his phone. She removed it right away because she knew Ashy enjoyed it. They snatched his phone in order to learn more about their relationship.
He can't continue like this since he has to marry Girlie. Storm is his mother's and another man's son. He had to sacrifice the happiness of the child as a sign of appreciation to his current wife.
Storm rushes to get his things ready for Ashy's appointment with him.. His parent's were completely unaware that he was departing.
When his room door unexpectedly opened. He couldn't hide his backpack any longer.
"Storm? What is it?" while looking at the clothing strewn on her bed. She already understood what that meant, but she was too preoccupied to notice. "Are you going to leave?"
Storm can no longer hide it. No matter how she wanted to do so its too late for him to make excuses.
"Mom, you know why I have to do this. Mom, please, just let me go." he discuss this with the mother.
"Storm, your uncle Arman's son, has cared about you since you were a youngster, taking on all of the obligations of a father without expecting anything in return. Will you let him down now? Will you let him left hanging? You're the only one he expected to continue what he had been started."  His mom tried to wake his conscience.
It's true once more. Arman, his uncle, is now his father. He spoke to him as if he were a child. Yes, as well as his own child if he thinks about it. Will he be able to disappoint it now that it needs his help to avoid losing the firm that has provided them with a wonderful life?
"Mom, I can do anything. I can do anything you want me to do. But I have to take on responsibility that isn't mine. I have to sacrifice my entire life. Mom, I don't think I can do that. I love Ashy Ma. She is the lady I want to spend the rest of my life with. Let me be happy." But he can't afford to stay bound to someone he doesn't care for any longer. He simply sat on the bed, rearranging his possessions.
"Can you leave your family for only one lady? Can you leave everything you know to be with the woman you're not sure you can fight? You're not sure she'll pick you over her family," it reminded him.
"Mom, whatever decision I make, we've already discussed it,  I'm confident she won't let me down.  She's not the type of lady who expects me to do nothing."
"All right Storm, do whatever you want. You're big, you already know what's right and wrong. But I guarantee you'll come back here disappointed. Because the woman you're fighting can't fight for you. And just in case you fail, this house is always open for you to come back to. And hopefully when you come back, you'll realize the value of the family you almost gave up."
Storm left after arranging his items. He had to hurry because he wasn't going to let Ash go.
Storm had no idea how he would feel when he got at their meeting location. In his old age, he will finally be able to be with the woman he desires. One, two, three, and four hours have passed. There hasn't been any Ashy yet. He attempted to phone it but was unable to do so. He became perplexed. The afternoon passed, the sun began to set, and Ashy had yet to show up for their meeting. He wondered aloud what had happened; had Ashy suddenly changed her mind and not shown up? He didn't do anything. He flung aside the telephone he was carrying, much to his chagrin.
He attempted to print it at their residence, but no one was present. He became much more despondent as time went on. What else would he do if he couldn't find Ashy?
He felt as if the sky was enveloping him at those moments, and he had no choice but to return home. He returns home dissatisfied. He has nothing to prove to himself when he returns home. He has a lot of questions, but who will he ask them to?
His mother, who was still in the living room at the moment, asked him, "Why did you come back?"
"Are you pleased now?" he questioned strongly of his mother. He couldn't look at it since what it stated was true: he'd be disappointed when he got home.
"No parent will be happy with his child's failure, but if your failure teaches you which road to choose, maybe I will be happy," she replied honestly as he glanced at him.
"I'd want to relax, mom," he said, "since I know I'm not going to win you this time."
"Go on, son, you have the entire night to slumber... rest well because in the following few days you must chose what life you must confront, life should be for you and a kind of life that you deserve." This is a thoughtful response to the child.
He paused in his conversation and walked up to his room. He intended to rest, but when he chose to visit Ashy the next day, he wanted to know why he hadn't shown up to speak with them. What was he thinking when he did this?
He really misses her. He is desperate to be with him. He longs to hold her once more, to taste her lovely lips, and to reclaim the body that originally loved him. Most importantly, his dream is to spend the rest of his life with her and start a family with her. But how could this be if it hadn't come to him at those times? He had no idea where it had gone. If she is still interested in being with him. Ohh, he doesn't want to think about it, but it nags at him. Is it possible that he was paying her back for hurting him so long ago? Is it true that he wished for it?
During those times. Ashy looked perplexed. Because her father had a flat line, they were taken aback by what the doctor said. They needed to make a decision straight away. They had to transport her father to a different hospital because it was too late to operate at that moment.
That is exactly what they did. But the battle is far from over. Because the hospital's equipment was still lacking, the physicians opted to transport the patient abroad.
They were fortunate in that they immediately obtained a passport, allowing them to obtain a ticket.
Ashy isn't sure how she'll feel during those times. Sh couldn't even tell Storm, and she couldn't even reach his phone number to let him know.
She assumed he was annoyed because she hadn't shown up for their talk. But for the time being, she is more concerned about his father's safety. Her father is on top of her priority.
She took her mother's hand in her and asked, "Mom, why don't I just go with dad and leave you here to rest?" she rested her hand on her shoulder. She just wanted to leave it since she didn't want to deal with it any longer.
"No Ash  I'll come with you,  I also can't move here until I'm sure your father is okay," her loving mother replied. "I still want to be with him and take care of him," she replied with tears in her eyes.
They flew to America, where they had to transport her father as soon as possible so that the operation could be carried out. It is possible fpr them to do so coz her parent's earnings just gave them the chance to cure her father.
The operation went well by God's grace, and her father only has to be strengthened before they can return home. They stayed in the country for a few more days before returning to Ashy. He had been thinking about Storm for a few days now. If it irritates him? What may have happened here, because he couldn't name it because it was no longer news to him?
Storm went back and forth to their house without Ashy's knowledge, but he never saw it again. Even Jem has no idea where she is because she didn't inform her because she was concerned about his father.
"Perhaps you know where she is," Jem says. "Please speak with her once he sees it at the university where they both attend."
"So you mean your escape plan didn't work?" She was perplexed by the question.
"No, if we go on, do you think I'm here now?" his the response.
"It's not like she changed her mind,"  Jem said in a bit surprised.
"Shee will not be able to change her mind. If Ash had changed her mind, she would have informed me, just in case, I'm sure about it. " He nodded and shrugged his shoulders as he spoke with his companion.
"I also went to their house in case there isn't anyone there," he complained as if he were a child.
"You know Storm, I'm not sure. The last time we spoke was when he stated you were going to avoid each other, and then he was gone. I called her to be reached."
He couldn't do anything about it. His companion had no idea.
Storm was severely harmed as a result of what occurred. He begins to feel awful about it because it does not even inform him of his location. It registers in his head that it just truly rewarded him, and she has no intention of taking what they said seriously.
Storm figured out how to drink and not just drink. There isn't a night when he isn't inebriated.
"Bro, that's right, I'll deliver you tonight because you can't drive," Mark volunteered his companion. This is the one that accompanies him while he drinks, and it assists him in being delivered anytime he is inebriated.
"I can still do it, man. It's not there yet," he said, his tone clearly indicating that he was inebriated.
He said, "There's still tomorrow, bro."
"There isn't going to be another day... Nothing is wrong with you, man... I'll believe that he only wished for me...Broken I wouldn't shut her up if she didn't want me. That's something easy would have said. I wish she had told me straight up that she doesn't like me. It's not as if she said yes and then nothing happened. Nothing... She's a coward, a coward... She's so weak, she never fights for me bro. "He sighed... while holding the beer bottle, and then he was going to toss it. Mark said, before apologizing to his friend and taking it home.
His mother welcomed them into their home by opening the door.
"Ma'am," he said when he saw his dad in the ' living room. "Sir, I delivered Storm because he's so drunk," he explained.
"Thank you, Mark," his mother said, before assisting Storm to his room.
He bid goodbye to the two, "Ma'am, Sir, I'm leaving first."
The parents said, "All fine, thank you again, be careful."
When he got to his room, he was ecstatic.
"Storm, what do you think you're doing with your life? Is this the effect of that woman on you? To wreck your life? To make you miserable? Look at you!" her mother exclaimed, her hand on his son's brow.
"Let me go first. I want to be alone. I can handle it," he smiled, unsure whether he could handle it at all.
"Come on Storm, the people around you don't always understand you," his mother said angrily.
It only makes his eyes narrow.
"Let him rest," his father replied, "speak to him tomorrow."
"So his head is growing because you just let him do what he wants," his mother responded. "Someday he comes home drunk. Because that is all he wnated to do with his life."
He didn't know what to say to his father-in-law because he was so grateful..., so he began to think of ways to repay him with compassion.... Will he be able to complete the task? Is his resentment powerful enough to drive him away from the woman he loves?

Komento sa Aklat (217)

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    Sät ŠeÿHaa



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    Jefrix Sacki

    so good story


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    Salve Brenches

    good 💯


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