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Your Friends?

AFTER a hundred billion years, Nathan finally decided to show up in school, making my heart jumped in excitement as well as happiness. I badly wanted to tell him everything that happened to me these past few days. And also, I wanted him to meet the new friends I found, Becca and Scott.
Well, Becca often told me that we are friends now, so I guess it was official. And she often hang out with me as well so that’s it. Second, for Scott. He didn’t say anything that may lead me into this conclusion, but yeah, I think we are now friends right after he helped me from that “accident” that Tyler did the other day.
“I missed you so much, Nat!” Nathan stated, pinching my cheeks tightly.
“Stop it! It hurts, you idiot!” I got my revenge by doing the same thing to his cheeks.
Now we are both walking down the hallway like we put on some blush on to our face right after what we did. Thankfully, I’m a girl so I guess there’s nothing wrong with it... But with Nathan, I badly wanted to laugh at his face.
“Stop laughing if you don’t want your cheeks to suffer again,” he threatened.
I laughed at his statement, but before I could say another word, someone pulled my arm before I heard her high pitched energetic voice.
“Natalia! I have something to tell you! The Cafeteria decided to removed the spoiled chicken soup on their menu!” Becca stated, clapping her hands out of joy.
I did the same, for I’ve been wishing for this day to come. No more awful smell coming from the steaming casserole of the contaminated chicken soup.
“That’s so great to hear! We can finally eat at our Cafeteria without covering our nose!” I stated.
As time passes by, I already got the hang of Becca’s attitude and I finally be able to became more comfortable around her. We are both jumping up and down when I remember that Nathan is still here, just by my side.
“Hey, Nat...” he nudged me.
“Oh! I forgot to tell you about Becca...”
“Who’s that? Is that Nathan?” Becca asked curiously.
“Yup, my bestfriend. Nathan, this is Becca. She’s super nice and she’s helping me a lot for more than a week now...” I explained.
“Yeah, we are very much like besties... You know, a girl needs a girl sometimes, so yeah...”
Becca smiled at me and I did the same. Nathan is looking so confused with his brows furrowed, still unbelievable to the fact that I’ve made a friend at school... Or should I change it to a plural form after including Scott? Well, maybe later.
“Come, we are going to be late soon...”
Becca tugged me along and Nathan followed our footsteps.
“Wait, you have the same classes together?” he asked, sounding jealous.
“Yeah, we have the same exact classes at our first period,” I stated.
“Well... That was unfair.”
Nathan pouted, and Becca and I just laughed at him. We made our way towards our respective classroom, and Nathan has been separated to us since he got a different schedule.
“So that is your bestfriend, huh?” Becca asked, looking excited.
“Yeah,” was my short reply.
“He’s cute... And super nice. I can’t believe that I finally got the chance to talk to him.”
I chucked to myself. Becca sounds like she’s pretty much attracted to my bestfriend, but I decided to keep that thought to myself for now. I don’t want to tease her for it can lead Nathan and her to have an awkward encounter later on. I’ll just observe from afar for now and ask them later if ever that I notice something weird again.
Our classes started as usual, and when the bell rings, Becca and I decided to went to the Cafeteria where we will meet Nathan.
“Natalia, that guy who helped you last time, Scott is his name right?”
Becca is starting to throw another random questions towards me again. Though it wouldn’t hurt me if I answer, so I decided to tell her the truth. In fact, Scott looks nice and I hope he wouldn’t get mad at me if ever.
“Yeah. Why?”
“I found out from the internet that Tyler and that guy is cousin.”
It was not so surprising that she found out about that at all. Tyler and Scott has the same surname, so I guess that was a freaking spoiler to her story.
“Uhm... Yeah. I heard about it.”
“I thought you haven’t yet. But anyways, your bestfriend is there...”
She pointed Nathan, who’s now currently sitting on one of those tables with a lunch tray on it. Nathan averted his eyes towards our direction and he instantly waved at us. I did the same, and from the corners of my eyes, I saw how Becca blushed because of his simple way of greetings.
I sighed, before we walked towards Nathan. We sat up, me on the opposite side of the table while Becca chose to sit beside Nathan.
“Hey, Nerdy Nathan!” she greeted.
“H-Hi...” Nathan stuttered, scratching his nape.
“So! What do we have for lunchtime?” I asked, trying to avoid having a dead silence between the three of us.
“I already ordered salad.”
“Wow. Such a vegetarian... I will order one too,” Becca stated. “How about you, Natalia?”
“I guess I’ll get one too...”
“Great! Can you get me one? My feet is aching so I can’t fall in line for a long time...”
I was surprised when Becca said that to me. I mean, is she doing this on purpose just to get some alone time with Nathan?
“Please, Natalia without H?” she fluttered her eyelashes.
“Sure, I guess.”
“I’ll do it,” Nathan stated, standing up.
Becca grabbed his arm and pulled him down, making the both of us shocked for a moment.
“Natalia can do it, right?”
“Uhm, yeah...”
“I’ll do it,” said an unfamiliar voice.
The three of us looked up to the person who said those words. It’s Scott! I knew it. He’ll probably talk to me again.
“Hi, Nat,” he stated before winking at me.
“Hey, Scott... Want to sit with us?” I invited him in.
“Sure... But first, I’m going to get a lunch for all of you...”
“Really?” I asked in amusement.
Scott is too kind for all of us. I mean, he helped me a lot during that time when Tyler bullied me and now he’s letting himself serve us out of nowhere.
“Yeah. Two salads, coming right up!”
He waved at us before going away. Nathan looked at me in confusion, before saying another word. I saw Becca rolled her eyes, maybe disappointed at the fact that she didn’t get the chance to be alone with my bestfriend.
“Uhm... What was that?”
“It’s a who, not what, Nathan,” I stated.
“Whatever. So who is that guy?”
“It’s Scott... He helped Natalia when–”
I cut Becca’s statement before I widen my eyes towards her direction.
“Oh, sorry.” She put on a peace sign.
“We met him when we were playing volleyball.”
“You, Natalia Carter, are playing volleyball? Since when?”
“Since she met me!” Becca clapped her hands in enthusiasm.
“Yeah... Becca did teach me how to play.”
“And that guy... Did he just stole our nicknames?” Nathan complained.
“Come on, Nat. It’s nothing...” I assured him.
“I guess I will call you Nat too, so I wouldn’t be left out... Since Scott is already using it, so why not me?”
“Sure,” I answered.
“Great! Wait, I’m just gonna go and get something on my locker room.”
Before we could say a word, Becca already left, running. Nathan looked at me in disapproval, and I wanted to laughed at his face.
“What’s wrong with you?” I asked.
“I thought her feet are aching?”
“Give her a break, Nat.”
“Your friends are weird.”
“So what? We are also weird so yeah, I guess it wouldn’t hurt us having them as our friends.”
“Your friends, not mine.”
“Yeah, you can say that for now. But I’m sure you’re going to like them pretty much sooner or later.”
Nathan just sighed and rolled his eyes. In the back of my mind, I’m smiling for apparently no reason. Maybe because I’m enjoying Becca and Scott’s company too. Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt me having some friends besides Nathan.

Komento sa Aklat (323)

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    Good story


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