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Old Friend

I wake up at the smell of roasted bacon and garlic fried rice. What a great way to start anyone’s morning. I slowly sit up from laying down the bed. Darren’s not in this room anymore.
I decided to use his bathroom since he’s not here and I wanted to prepared myself before seeing his Dad. I grabbed my towel and toiletries before opening the bathroom door.
“What the hell?!” It was Darren, half naked.
My eyes widen as I saw his wet masculine body. The water streaming down from the shower also make an intense effect to the view I am seeing right now. I can’t help but to bit my lower lip.
“I’m s-sorry.” I stood there like a statue, unable to move my feet.
“Stop watching!”
I closed my eyes shut and run as fast as I can away from him. I slapped myself several times after realizing what I’d just done to him. I nearly saw his whole body! Thank God that the water coming from the shower is making a blurry effect on the private parts of his body.
A few moments later, he got out from the bathroom wearing nothing but a bathrobe just like the other night.
“Why didn’t you just say that you wanted to join me in the shower room? I would have gladly accepted it if you asked me earlier.”
“In your dreams. That was an accident, Darren.”
“Really, huh? Then why did you stood there like a pervert looking at my perfect body?”
“Stop being so full of yourself. I need to use the bathroom now,” I said as I was about to get inside.
“Are you inviting me to come?”
“Not even in your wildest dream, Mr. Herrera.”
He just chuckled as an answer.
“And one more thing...” I continued. “Learn how to lock the doors. That might be useful someday,” I said as I rolled my eyes on him.
I slammed the door shut and locked it once... Twice... Or maybe thrice, just to make sure. After that I remove my clothes. I felt alive as the warm water touched my skin. I just sighed while shaking my head. I could still hear his arrogant voice inside of my head. I quickly finished cleaning myself before dressing up in a normal shirt and jeans.
As I stepped out, I saw Darren fixing his hair, wearing a pants and an unbuttoned shirt in front of the mirror.
“Why are you dress like that?” he asked, confused.
“It’s my normal outfit.”
“That won’t do. My Dad likes a very girly woman. Wear this one.” He gave me a paper bag printed with a designer’s name.
“Did you buy this one? When?”
“No. I didn’t buy it. I ordered it online. I’m glad it arrived earlier than scheduled. Just wear it. Dad will be here soon.”
I nodded before going back into the shower room. I change into this white floral halter dress. It is too short for my taste, above my knees. I wanted to wear my normal clothes but there’s no point in complaining. Darren will never let me win in our arguments anyway.
“It’s too short,” I said as I stepped out of the door.
He looked at me from head to toe and then, he smiled widely. It was as if this was the first time he saw someone on a dress like this.
“It’s perfect... You’re pretty.”
I blushed because of his comment.
“Let’s go down, shall we?” he asked as he lend his hand.
I slowly put my right hand at the top of his. He smiled as he held it slowly before intertwining our fingers. I looked away, afraid that he might saw my blushing cheeks.
We climbed down the stairs and as expected, the maids look at us with a mixed reaction on their faces.
“Look at them! They’re so cute!”
“Sir Darren finally met his one true love! How envious! ”
Those are some of the few whispers I heard as we passed them by. We stopped at the dining room, where I can smell the delicious food again.
“What do you want for breakfast, Sir Darren?” one of their maids asked.
“Anything. Whatever it is that you prepared.”
He pulled a chair for me and I gladly took it as a part of our show. After that, he sat beside me and we started to eat. In the middle of our show, he suddenly put his utensils down before asking a question to one of their maids.
“I thought Dad’s gonna be here for breakfast?”
“Sorry, Sir Darren. We forgot to tell you that Mr. Herrera called earlier this morning. After his flight, he went straight to your company. He said that he wanted to meet you there.”
Darren just nodded. He looked at me, and I could read in his eyes that he wanted us to go there. I just smiled as a response.
After our breakfast, we prepared everything including how we will act when his father is around. And then, we drove ourselves to Herrera Corp., the largest company in the country.
“Welcome to Herrera Corp., wife.”
I looked up, amazed at how tall this building was. It was huge, and most of the people here are wearing a formal suit or attire.
“This is amazing.”
“I told you, you would like it in here.” He smiled at me.
“You are indeed rich... Crazy rich.”
He chuckled before holding my hand. I couldn’t complain because some of the people are already watching us and also, I was too amused by this building. This infrastructure is indeed great.
“I tried convincing Elijah to work here. But he didn’t want to. He said that he loves teaching children.”
I smile at that thought.
“Same as me. I really love kids.”
“Really? What’s so great about kids, anyway? They are very loud and annoying...”
“Yeah. That’s true... But once you saw them smile, I’m sure it will melt your heart.”
He just looked at me, amused. He shook his head before pulling me inside the elevator. Thirty seconds later, we arrived at his desired floor number.
“I’ll go talk to Dad at his office. I’ll invite him to have a lunch with us. Just wait here, okay? And please don’t talk to anyone.”
And now he’s treating me like a child. I just nodded at his demanding request before sitting down in the waiting area. I saw him opening the door of the largest office in this building. It was marked by CEO. It was his Dad’s, probably.
I sighed, waiting for him to comeback. Out of boredom, I play my fingers before hearing a loud noise coming from someone’s stilettoes. I looked up, stunned seeing the ghost of my past. The girl I treated as my bestfriend during high school. The girl who loathed me the most.
“K-Kate? Is that... R-really you?” I asked, still couldn’t believe of what I’ve just saw.
“Well, well. Look who’s here. Long time no see, Claire, my old friend.”
“I can’t believe it! It’s really you, Kate!”
I looked at her in disbelief. She’s still as beautiful as ever. With her sophisticated look, I highly doubt that anyone could resist the beauty of this intimidating woman.
“Why are you here?” she asked, arching one of her brows.
“I’m here because of–”
“Oh, wait! No, please don’t tell me. I want to guess it. You’re here to apply for a job right? Still poor, huh?”
“Kate... I’m sorry for what happened back then.”
“Don’t apologized to me, Claire. As if I’m still affected by that. Like, no way! In fact, I already move on. I’m here to meet my future father in law.”
“Really? Are you getting married?”
“Yeah. But I highly doubt that I would invite someone like you.”
I looked down, feeling sorry for myself. She was already successful... While here I am. Still struggling like a worm on a hook like what she said.
“I’m sorry for making you wait.”
I felt someone grabbed my waist and pulled me closer into his body. I was shocked at first, but after a few moments, it faded away when I realized who’s the man behind that action. It was Darren. Thank God he’s already here.
“And what is the meaning of this?!” Kate asked with her shocked tone, removing her eyeglasses.
“Hi, Kate. I’m pleased to know that you already met this lovely lady, Mrs. Claire Braganza Herrera, my wife.”
“What the hell? Is this true? How come? Would someone please explain to me what’s going on?”
She looked shocked, same as me. I didn’t know that she was the one who supposed to be Darren’s fiancee. If only I’ve known it earlier, I wouldn’t have accepted the deal. I already ruined everything for her before. I didn’t know that history will repeat itself and this time, it was a bigger problem than before.
“I’m sorry, Kate. I wanted to tell you this a long time ago but... I’m afraid you would be mad.”
“Mad?! Damn it, Darren! I’m not just mad! I’m badly hurt! How can you do this to me? To us?!”
“There’s no us, Kate. That was just our parent’s imagination. I barely even know you! And I love Claire. I met him five years ago and we’re already married now. I’m really sorry.”
Tears was started to fall from her eyes. I wanted to apologized but I couldn’t say a word. I was frozen there, still don’t know what to do.
“I want to talk to Mr. Herrera!” she shouted as loud as she can before stomping into the office where Darren went earlier.
“Don’t bother to come there, Kate. You’re just wasting your time. My Dad’s not there.”
She stopped, turned around and looked at us with her very angry eyes. She run towards our direction before attacking me. I felt her hand on my cheek before hearing a loud banging sound, only realizing that she already slapped me. It hurts so much that I wanted to cry but I try not to.
“Stop it! Kate! I said stop it!”
Darren pushed me aside and grabbed Kate away from me.
“You bitch!” she shouted. “You’re always ruining and taking away everything from me! First it was Gabriel, and now... How dare you took Darren away from me?! You’re a slut!”
She tried to spit on me but it didn’t reached me. I’m very thankful for that but still, I couldn’t suppress my conscience that pushing my tears outside of my eyes.
“Security! Please take this woman out and never let her come here again!” Darren shouted, before handling Kate to the guards who’ve just arrived at the moment.
“Don’t touch me! I can walk by myself!” Kate shouted before removing the hands of the security guards on her arms.
She madly walked away before disappearing on our sight. After that scenario, my knees trembled, unable to support me anymore. I was shaking badly on the floor, crying while reminiscing our high school memories together. I ruined everything. I ruined her life.
“Claire! Are you okay?” I heard Darren rushed to me.
He kneel down on the cold floor, looking at me with his worried eyes.
“It was all my fault...” I finally looked up on him with my eyes still filled with tears. “This is all my fault, Darren... If only...” I couldn’t pronounced the next words anymore. I started to sob.
“Claire... It’s okay. I’m here,” he said with his soothing voice. “She can’t hurt you anymore. I’m here to protect you.” He hugged me, and I felt his warmth for the first time.
“Shhh. I won’t let this happen again, Claire. I promised you, no one will ever lay even just a finger on you anymore.” He looked at me, before wiping my tears away using his thumb. “As long as you’re mine... You’ll always be safe.”
Again, I felt his arms wrapped tightly around my body. It was as if he’s right. He’s definitely right. In his arms, I felt safe and secured. I felt treasured.

Komento sa Aklat (139)

  • avatar
    Mat Daud

    very good sentence and the story very interesting also good plot.


  • avatar
    Nat Nat

    butiful story


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