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Chapter Two.

The morning was bright, flowers were blooming, birds were chirping, and our house was surrounded by flowers, my grandma loved them, and I also loved them. The drive to work was a quiet one because I had no one to converse with, everyone was minding their business, either on the phone, talking to friends or family. I worked at a pet shop, during the day, then at a bar down the street at night, it sounds stressful but it's not, I loved pets so it's a great advantage working there and the bar is just well ....a bar. We needed the money so I had to help grandma.
I arrived at my workplace and my boss Mr. Douglas was already there, a great worker I was ..... NOT the open sign was already displayed so I walked in, he was writing on a paper, when I came in he looked up instantaneously with a face that says
"Is this the time you're supposed to be at work Luna?" oh that tone was anything but friendly and I knew I had to apologize immediately,
"Sorry boss, I slept in, " I said with a face, I hope is convincing to him.
" Luna I Know you work a lot but you need to understand that you have to be here on time, he said with a very agitated tone I mumbled a little
"Yes sir" not sure if he heard me. He stood up from his desk with his car key and I knew he was going out for the day.
"Okay, I have a very important family meeting, so I won't be around today, take care of things here Luna"
" Yes sir " I answered this time with a dramatic salute he looked at me and Shaked his head, wondering at my silliness.
I took my hair up in a ponytail, getting ready for cleanup and feeding the animals when suddenly I heard a clanging sound outside but I didn't see anything that fell, only a few passersby, I shrugged it off as nothing and went back inside, but yet again that same sound still came this time I did a full search round the shop but still couldn't find anything .... Well that was strange... By the time I was done with feeding and cleaning I was exhausted so I got to rest on my desk to wait for anyone with a request or needing service
I was thirsty after everything so I got up and went to the little fridge to get water, it was really too cold but I was so thirsty to mind, as my hand went into the fridge, suddenly it became really hot, my eyes were wide with surprise, I yanked my hand out immediately and it was back to normal, I put my hand back inside and the temperature became hot again, I repeated this many times until I became speechless and...... Scared, first it was the unknown clanging sound now this, I couldn't drink the water again I rushed back to my desk and sat down to take a breath, then I searched my bag for my cellphone to call my best friend, Amelia, I needed company right now or I was gonna go insane. In the third ring came Amelia's voice
" Hey Luna what's up, " her ever concerned tone asked
"Uhmmm media? Are you busy now?" I asked speedily and shaky
"Just a few things to do and I'll be free"
" Could you please come over to the shop"
"Yeah I could, need me to grab anything from grandma?"
"No Melia, just please come to the shop"
"Okay Luna stop freaking out and tell me what's wrong, you sound off"
"I'll tell you, once you get here, okay, Melia please I just need company right now"
"Okay I'll be on my way, be there in half an hour "
This was hitting me as Deja Vu, like all those horror movies I loved watching at night, maybe it has gotten to my head, I should stop watching those.
Thirty minutes has been up and that was when I heard the opening of the shop and in walked Amelia with beautiful dark skin and her hair in a french braid with skin tight jeans and a white t-shirt, I must be having a face full of terror because the first thing she did was coming around the desk I was sitting to hug me, full tight hug. I put my hands around her, Amelia and I have been best since we were three years old, grandma seem to know so much about her family, maybe Amelia's parents knew my parents, I don't know, we were separated for some time, but her family decided to move to this town with us, so we could see each other more often, to cut the story short, Amelia is my soul sister.
" Come on girl, spill it, I don't know what got you this scared but it has to be something serious to get you this way ."
She said grabbing my chin and forcing my eyes to meet hers while stroking my hair, I took a deep breath and explained everything that happened, maybe it was not something to be freaking over ... Right?
"Hmm ...." She paused thinking, trying to come up with a reasonable assumption or theory of what happened, maybe enough to reassure me that I wasn't running insane.
"Hey ..." I said bringing her out of her thoughts "it's okay, right, may .. maybe I just scared for nothing, yeah I think it's nothing serious, I've got to take a breath," I said placing my hands in front of my chest and breath in and out trying to calm down
" Yeah maybe, know what, just look out for anything weird that happens today, we'll see if it's something serious or not" she suggested.
I nodded to it, silently praying that nothing weird happens again.
"Well I'm gonna go to college now, seriously Luna I wish you were there with me, it's boring without you" she whined, I let out a light giggle
"You know why I'm doing this Melia, and besides I need a break from school don't you think, " I said sarcastically
"Yeah miss break from school .." she laughed out, standing from the sitting position, "come here," she said opening her arms and waiting for a hug, I leaned in and we wrapped in a warm embrace.
" And I'll meet you tomorrow, Jason and I, so keep up popcorn and pizza okay "
She whispered in my ears and we both burst into a fit of laughter
" Yes ma," I said faking seriousness, Jason was Amelia's boyfriend and my only make friend, I needed no one else but these two.
"Okay bye" she greeted moving for the exit, I replied and waved her goodbye before going back to work.
It was time for me to close the pet shop, and start moving for my night shift at the bar, I said goodbyes to the animals and called my boss to tell him that I was closing up, he sounded tired on the phone so not much was said. I closed the shop and then stepped out for the bar, the night breeze was a bit chilly but aside from that it was good, the streetlights gave me a morning to the night and let me not forget, the moon too. I was walking with a modified pace on the sidewalk, I still had an hour before my shift, I just felt guilty about going to the pet shop late so I decided to go to the bar early, I normally went home to grandma before going for the bar, today just had to be different, great, it's called loyalty and conscience, so much for that.
I was was wrapped up in my thoughts that I never noticed the light blinking above my head , I looked around and noticed I was the only one walking on the street at the moment not a surprise since this was a small town after all but what left me speechless was the fact that the other street lights were not having the blinking action as this one blinking above me, I was getting scared but decided to ignore it and Continue walking , when I got to the next street light , I stood there for some seconds to see if it would blink like the other one , I almost let out a sigh of relief , but then it started blinking rapidly and then I turned to the former street light and gasped when I noticed it wasn't blinking again , I looked up at the current one and it was still blinking with more more intense speed and velocity that I had a feeling it was going to explode any moment , I quickly stepped out of it and that was when it exploded with a loud crash , immediately I turned and started running like my life depended on it , which it did.
By the time I arrived at the bar, I was panting heartily and was on a high paranoia, when I was trying to fix my hair since it was disheveled due to the run, I heard footsteps behind me and so I acted on instinct and turned to see who was coming but I saw no one, but I could still hear the thumping of shoes till it suddenly stopped in front of me, but I could still see no one, I shrugged it off to turn back when I felt a pull at my left arm like someone was holding it, I gasped, terrified, I tried pulling my hand back when I heard a voice that I think belonged to a male, a young male, although I couldn't see, I knew.
" You have to know, you have to hide, they are coming!"
The voice said more like whispered and after that, I no longer felt the pull at my hand and then I knew whoever was here had gone, I pulled my hands to my chest as I did a glance around my environment if I could see anyone but all I could see were a few bikes and cars and hear the faint sound of music from the bar, I took a step back and quickly ran into the bar with these thoughts in my head, what is happening to me? And mostly who are "they"?
Hey, guys thank you so much for reading and yay 1753 words, am really on a roll... Sorry for any grammatical error...
Love you
Stick around for more
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    Duming Ambong



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    Deden Alcoser

    please help me


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    Mark O. Arcilla

    nice one


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