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Chapter 13

I woke up feeling a little groggy and a bit feverish. I can hear loud voices from outside discussing something. They were shouting at each other, “ssshhh! Keep it down! She’s still asleep,” I heard Azriel telling the two men bickering. Wait. Azriel spoke but there are two others bickering. Collin. I stood up immediately and opened the door. I silently walked towards them.
Merikh passed from the kitchen to the living room, revealing Collin standing there. “No, she can’t stay here,” it was Aunt Russo. “She used her powers last night. A lot of them knows she’s here. Those monsters last night, they probably knew she’s here,” she continued.
“Unless someone gave them a tip,” Merikh said while glaring at Collin. “If you think I did it, you’re wrong. All I ever cared about is her safety. Always was,” Collin responded.
“Yeah, sure. But let me remind you one thing, if you care about her then why did you leave her to fight alone?”
Collin retaliated by grabbing Merikh’s shirt, pushing him hard on the wall. Azriel, Rory, and Aunt Russo ran towards them to break them off each other. Collin showed his fangs, eyes glowing ice blue.
“Cute,” Merikh smirked then his eyes glowed. They were red.
“Boys, come on, just – aaah!” Rory yelled, clutching her stomach. The baby, I thought, I was about to walk towards them, but Azriel got to her first. “The baby’s in distress. I need you to calm down, Rory. And you,” he said sternly, looking at Collin and Merikh, “cut the macho showdown. That toxic masculinity you two are showing, that’s not gonna land you a date with Mia, so, cut it out.”
He helped Rory sit down on the couch, and I looked down, walking back to my bedroom.
I stood in the middle of my bedroom with my hands on my head. I can’t be here, I thought, if it’s going to make it worse for Rory and Aunt Russo, I need to leave. I put my hands down, and quickly looked at the closet. I walked towards it and started getting my stuff out on my bed. I didn’t hear my door open then a soft hand was over mine. I looked up and saw Rory, she gave me a sweet smile. “Come on,” she guided me to the bed, and we sat down. “I know I told you we’ll talk but a lot has happened in the last few days,” she said.
“Few days?”
“Yeah, you were knocked out for almost 6 days. That’s what Collin and Merikh were arguing about. Collin wanted you to stay here and have a life outside of hunting, but Merikh suggested you move somewhere safer because everyone, I mean everyone, knows you’re here. You used your powers, Mia, and that became a beacon to monsters and gods. They will either manipulate you or decapitate you.”
“And it’s not safe to be staying at one place,” I continued for her. Rory just nodded. I looked at her and she was crying. I gave her a hug and she then told me that the baby she’s carrying is my dad’s. I guess I’m gonna be a big sister.
We both went out of my room with my duffel bag in tow. Collin, Azriel, and Merikh stopped conversing altogether when they saw me with my bags. “Hey,” I said softly. I looked at Azriel, thank you, I thought. He just smiled and nodded then he clapped his hands together, “alright then. I guess I’m gonna pack my stuff.”
“Stuff? What stuff?” Merikh asked in confusion.
Azriel lifted his ukulele up, “stuff. This is my stuff. And you brother, you need your staff.”
Merikh just rolled his eyes. “Wait,” I held both hands up, “you are not coming with me. You two are staying here and keep Rory, my brother or sister, and Aunt Russo safe, so, no. You can’t go. No. It’s too dangerous out there.”
“Exactly,” Merikh said, “it’s dangerous out there. So, you are going to need me and my brother.”
“Don’t worry, she will be safe. She’s with me,” Collin replied as he carry my duffel bag.
“Yeah? Well, where were you when we were fighting off that werewolf that snatched her? Where were you when those aswangs attacked? You were not there. We were.”
“You know, you better back off right now. You’re not her boyfriend, alright?”
“Why? Are you?”
Collin and Merikh were inches from each other’s face and stared at each other. “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Merikh suddenly said. Then he turned to the door, he was the first to go outside.
I said my goodbyes to Rory and Aunt Russo, both assuring me that they will be safe. Doubling the protection spell and enchantments. Aunt Russo even packed some “food for the road” and enchanted it to last for a few weeks. Collin closed the back of the truck, all my things in there including my dad’s old hunting tools and sat on the passenger side. Azriel shouted, “shotgun!” when he opened the door, he was met with Collin’s confused look, “not shotgun then.” He closed the door and went to the backseat. I opened the door on the driver’s side when Merikh closed it again with his hands open, “I’ll drive,” he said.
“Uh, no. This is my dad’s truck. I drive it.”
“You’re not that well to drive.”
“Yes I am. Now, just sit beside your brother. Go on. Get!”
He rolled his eyes like a teenager and sat on the backseat. I entered the truck and started the engine. I waved goodbye to Rory and Aunt Russo before driving off.
“Where are we exactly?” Azriel asked while looking outside the window. The town we’re passing through is a ghost town. “It’s like Silent Hill over here,” Collin stated. “What’s Silent Hill?” Azriel asked, “is that a real place? Or it’s a movie?”
“It’s a movie. Why? Haven’t watched it?”
“Nah. I’m not pop culture savvy or anything.”
“Yeah, well, you’re still caught up with Twilight Zone,” Merikh mentioned.
“Well, at least it’s Twilight Zone. You’re still not over Derek Shepherd’s death, so, shut up.”
I looked over at Collin and he looked back at me, we started laughing. It was like we have two 5-year-olds at the back fighting over who’s better. I was surprised that they knew things like Grey’s Anatomy. I stopped the truck when I heard a phone ring inside the compartment, Collin opened it and handed it over to me. “Hello?” I said.
“Hi, uhm, may I speak to Alex?”
“Yeah, Alex Fuller.”
“Uhm, this is Mia, his –“
“Mia? Oh yeah! Alex’s kid! This is Clayton, your dad’s hunting friend. How’re you?”
“I’m good. But my dad can’t come to the phone right now.”
“Is he driving?”
“No, sir. My dad died a few weeks ago.”
“Oh. Man. I’m sorry, kid. I didn’t mean to – oh man.”
“It’s okay. Uhm, is there something I can help you with?”
“Uh, yeah. I found a town just a couple miles out of Trotwood.”
I opened my side of the window to look for a sign then by the post office, I saw a big map of the town. Underneath it says just a 5km away from Sycamore State Park and 2km away from the heart of Trotwood. “Is the town suspiciously….dead?” I asked.
“Yeah, that sounds about that.”
“Okay. Let me call you back, alright?” I said as I hung up the phone. Then I opened my door after removing my seatbelt. “Mia?” Collin said then he looked back at Azriel and Merikh. The three of them followed my lead and we all went out of the truck.
“Who was that?” Collin asked. “It’s someone my dad knew. He wanted me to check out this town for something. I just don’t know what,” I replied. Then I went to the back of my truck to get my duffel bag, placing my machete inside, and I saw my dad’s gun – the one that can kill anything – I grabbed it and searched for shotgun shells. Once I found them, I took everything – salt shells, gold, silver, blessed – then I strapped it over my shoulder, shells inside my pockets.
I walked away from the truck, Azriel flew to help scout the town. Merikh did his own sweep. Collin did, too. I entered a wrecked building. I walked up the stairs to see a hallway, doors lined up on opposite sides. It probably was an apartment building. I tried opening one door, it was locked. I kicked it and it opened easily due to the hinges worn out through the whole year of the apocalypse. I went inside and a stench of decomposing body filled my nose. There on the couch, a crouching corpse, it’s like it was protecting something underneath. I slowly moved closer, with my nose buried on my arm, I saw that underneath the figure was another figure. A kid. Whatever happened here, he or she was protecting a child.
I walked away from that view and continued my way through the hallway. Then I heard a faint cry somewhere. It sounded like a woman crying. The sound is spine-chilling. I listened inside every door for the cry. I got to the last door, nothing. No sound in every room, the crying was getting louder. I got to the intersection of the halls, I looked on the left side – nothing. Then looked over on the right, I saw the light was flickering at the end of the hall. Nothing was there until the next flicker showed a woman standing in the middle of the hall – long black hair, long white dress, and her head was down. The crying was coming from her. “He-hello?” I said softly, “are…are you okay, miss?”
Her cries halted. She slowly lifted her head up, the lights flickering over head. She wasn’t moving. Underneath her hair, I saw two lights coming out of where her eyes were supposed to be. She opened her mouth and let’s out a screeching scream. I immediately covered my ears and ducked down. Then all of a sudden she disappeared. I stood up again and bolted out of the building. When I got out, the sun was already setting. “There you are! Where have you been?” Azriel asked as he flew down, “Collin! Mer! She’s here!”
Both of them came around the corner. I looked at them confused, “I’ve only been inside for a few minutes. Why are you guys suddenly had a search party?”
“Mia,” Collin started, “you were gone for hours. The sun is about to set. See?”
I looked at the three of them then I heard it again. “What was that?” Merikh said as he looked around, “it’s not another aswang is it?”
“No,” I said, “I saw the creature earlier. Inside. I think it’s a banshee.”
“A banshee? Like the death fairy in Ireland?” Collin tried confirming with me and nodded. “I think she’s the reason why this town’s a ghost town,” I commented, “she probably fed on everyone here or maybe those left. She wasn’t able to move out because we arrived. She was probably feeding on someone inside the building when we came.”
“So, how do you kill it?” Merikh asked. I looked at him then to his staff, “that’s pure gold, right?”
“This thing? Yeah, it is,” he confirmed proudly.
Then I gave Merikh a sinister smile.
Since it’s getting darker and darker, she’ll probably try and search for us. For food. Azriel hid behind the truck. Collin was by a dark alley, and Merikh was standing near by. I stood in the middle of the street, making myself a bait. A lot of yelling and berating happened first before we all agreed to make me the bait. “Anything?” shouted Azriel. I just shook my head. Then later on, I heard the ear-piercing scream. I looked up I saw the banshee flying over head, then she landed on the street just a few feet away from me. I slowly turned to face her, she turned around and she saw me standing there. She opens her mouth and lets out another scream that made me cover my ears. She flew towards me, grabbing me by my neck, my hands uncovered my ears and held on her wrist. She screamed again that was slowly making me think of things I’ve never thought of. I wanted to grab the knife out of my bag and stab myself. I want to go up that building behind her and jump. I wanted to get my knife and just slit my own throat.
“Merikh! Move!” I heard Collin yelling at him. Azriel peeked from the truck to see if Merikh is going to do something. He was just standing with his staff, looking at me and the banshee. Then all of a sudden, the screaming subsided. The suicidal thoughts in my head were disappearing, I sat on the ground. Arms wrapped around my knees, my head buried there too. “Hey,” I heard Azriel softly say as he put his hand on my shoulder, “she’s gone. Merikh killed her.”
I slowly looked up, Azriel knelt down, and I gave him a hug.

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