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Girls' Day

The Questionnaire and strength test have ended. Guess what? The questionnaire is not a problem at all; it was a piece of cake! Having to read some context books covered them all.
But, the strength test, my gash! I might have failed! My body is weak; I can't even handle carrying heavy kinds of stuff or exercising for too long but my shape is perfectly well even though I ate a lot. The only advantage I have is my power and smart mind *smirk*.
"I'm so nervous!" Stella stated beside me.
I held her hand "Don't be." I smiled the moment
a vision popped on my head and it was her result. "My gut tells me, you
will pass." I let go of her hand and focused on mine.
She smiled "Thank you, Kelly, you motivated
me!" I smiled softly into her.
The truth is, I saw my result the moment I took a hold of
the questionnaire and I passed the Genius Course, however it was blurry.
Meaning, it's not yet assured because it might get changed.
As for Stella, what I said is not just my guts. Her
supernatural power will lead her to pass the Special Course, and that is what I
saw through my vision.
"Stella Mores!" The attendant called, now it's
her turn for the final part of the examination... and that is the Body Scanner
"Oh my! It's my turn!" She stated excitedly.
"Good luck!" I smiled sweetly.
"Thank you!" She yelled before she gets inside the room where the scanning would occur.
Minutes later, she came out smiling widely. "That was awesome!" She exclaimed.
"Great! After a few minutes, it will be my turn." I stated.
"I know you'll pass it! By the way, I'll get something from the car. I'll be waiting for you here okay?" She said,
"Sure!" I smiled but nervousness crept on me.
She walked away and just enough to get the Mentos from my pocket. I took it and then ate it, for a moment I felt my mind freeze.
"Kelly Tarre!" My time calculation is just perfect!
I stood up and walked towards the room. I look around and am surprised to see just perfectly the same as how I envisioned it.
"Please get inside the tube." A middle-aged man in a scientist uniform stated.
When I got inside the tube, the body scanner started while the middle-aged man kept on tapping from his tablet. Sometimes, I can see his forehead furrowed, it seems like... he was having a hard time.
Then suddenly, the door of the tube opened. "Thank you for your cooperation." He smiled and motioned that I can already go out.
I smiled and nodded at him. I went out of the room to see
Stella smiled widely at me. "How was it??" She asked excitedly.
"Just great!" I cheered.
"I hope we pass. I'm so excited for the result!"
She giggled and I could see the excitement through her sparkling eyes.
Laughing, I said "I can see it. Let's go?" She nodded, smiling.
When we got out of the building, Stella suddenly called me "By the way Kelly, where do you live?" She asked.
"From the country of... The Philippines!!" I exclaimed happily throwing my arms out to the air.
She coughed "What!? That's absolutely too far!"
"Yeah!" I laughed playfully.
"Where do you stay then?" She asked.
"On the Central Plaza hotel near here," I answered, smiling.
"Really!?" She exclaimed, shocked.
"My house is just a kilometer away from that hotel." My face suddenly lights up.
"No way!" I exclaimed.
She laughed "Yes way! Until when will you stay there?" She asked to hope for a good answer.
"Well, it depends. I'll stay there until the result comes out. But, if I get to pass the exam then, maybe until the end of school." I answered honestly.
She gave her a bright smile "Do you have plans for tomorrow?" She asked, giving her puppy eyes, wanting me to give the answer she wanted.
I laughed "Nope. Why?"
"Let's have a girls' day!" She beamed.
"Girls' day?" I don't know that there is an existing event like that. I live my whole life isolated from my books.
"Hhmm..." she smiled, raising her eyebrow up and down.
Hhmm... What could she be thinking by now? Seems like a mischievous plan but I do trust this girl.
Suddenly we heard the yanking of a car "Señorita! It's time to go!" Stella's driver called her.
"Tomorrow okay? I'll pick you up. By the way, what is your room number?" She asked in a hurry.
"Room 9," I answered and she ran away towards her car.
"See you tomorrow!" She yelled before she gets inside the car. I nodded knowing she's looking at me.
"Tomorrow then," I whispered to myself.
"So, how's the test?" I didn't realize Martin was already at my side.
"Just great!" I exclaimed.
"Good then. Let's go?" He asked, pointing to the car.
"Aye! Aye Captain!" I saluted him and he chuckled.
"How is it, Sweetie?" Mom asked, smiling.
I was already inside my room preparing to sleep but before I fall asleep, mom and I had a talk about what just happened earlier and I told her everything Except the vision I saw from Stella about her power.
One thing I never do is telling other people's secrets...
"Then she asked where I stayed and so I told her. Mom, tomorrow Stella will come here, she wants to have a girls' day. I don't know what she means by that though." What might it be..?
"Sweetie, she wants to have a bonding experience with you. Now, go to sleep so you have the strength for your girl's day." Mom said softly.
"Yes mom, thank you. Goodnight!" I kissed her cheek and lay down on my bed.
She kissed my forehead "Goodnight Sweetie..."
"Sweetie, did Stella tell you what time she gets
here?" Mom suddenly asked while walking towards me on the couch.
"After 5 minutes mom, she'll be here," I answered, smiling at her.
"Oh, I see." I'm already prepared. I took my bath and changed with my presentable clothes.
Just after 5 minutes, someone knocked on the door.
"Mom, she's here. I'll go open it." I told mom who's sitting beside me.
"Go on, sweetie." She smiled.
I opened the door and get a face-to-face with Stella
"Kelly!!!" To my surprise, she jumped and hugged me. I laughed from her actions and I can see her still wearing her gloves...
"Good morning to you too Stella." I started laughing and she smiled widely "Come, inside."
"Thank you!" She cheered.
"Ow, you must be Stella?" Mom said the moment she saw Stella.
"Yes, Tita!" She answered.
"What a pretty young lady." Mom smiled.
"Thank you! Ahm, Tita. If it's fine for you, can I borrow Kelly for a while? I'll get her back before sunrise. I promise!"
She said crossing her heart which made my mom laugh.
"Sure, just be safe, okay?" Mom stated.
"Yes, Tita. Thank you so much!" She's so jolly.
She suddenly holds my wrist dragging me outside.
~The moment she held my hand; I saw myself in a playground... but what caught my attention is the area where a bunch of people has gathered...~
"Oh ow, where are we going?" I asked.
"I'll show you around Los Angeles, you know girls' day." She suddenly smiled playfully "Let's go boy hunting!" She raised her hand for a go.
"What!?" I was dumbfounded and she laughed.
This is not a good idea.

Komento sa Aklat (322)

  • avatar
    Abbigail Maruquin

    Super love this story also. I recommend this story, also the heiress of dark world 🥰 the best fantasy work ever. More work to come author, thank you for this wonderful story of yours.


  • avatar
    Marianne Dela Vega

    Highly recommended for those who loves reading fantasy/supernatural stories! I enjoyed reading your story author, keep up the good work!


  • avatar

    I can't stop reading. Author this book is the best, I really like it👍🏻😻


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