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LENORA opened the curtains for his son, Hearst. As she was preparing all the things for him. The first day that his son will go to his tutor small school. A school for temporarily exploration of a child.
"I see, it's so early Mom!" Hearst complaint. He hides his head under the pillows. "I'm not yet ready..."
Mr. Kinsley entered in the room to see his son. He immediately carry Hearst in his arms to finally arouse him. "My boy, you need to wear your formal attire for new day of life changes."
The family completely wearing their nightwear.
Lenora always wearing a dress since she was a kid. This is a tradition in Aurora village. All the ladies wearing a long dress and every men must wear a coat or polo for their daily life. But only Commodore wearing a white shirt since he was a baby.
"Thanks for that. I really appreciated my first day. How about Commodore? Oh I need to te him!" he screamed and ran immediately into the door. He never forgotten his only brother. He knocked on the door so loud like he has some errands to go at the moment. "I see, you're sleep ha!" He opened the door but he saa nothing. In the tiny window, he went there.
"Why my brother isn't here?" He was so confused. He looked under the bed, even in the curtains. A curious child back to his parents to tell he can't find Commodore everywhere he go.
Her mother rolled her eyes, "My father escaped Commodore without telling me." She knew but she can't do anything about it. "Don't worry I will call them now."
She call them and Major Leomord never failed her daughter to blame for this wonderful morning. "I know Lenora, we are getting back there." His triumph voice makes upset.
As they're arrived in the house. Mr. Kinsley having his coffee in the verandah. He is waiting for them while holding the broadsheet. His eyeglasses is big and rounded. When he noticed the presence of Major Leomord, he stood up. He doesn't have an alacrity to see the little boy.
"I told you, he must go everywhere and I am willing to take a risk for my grandson," Major Leomord smirked at him and mustache is what makes Hearst smile.
Kinsley seriously makes eye contact to his parent-in-law; However, he bowed at him as a sign of his reverence. "I'm not supposed to disobey you, Major. But I know you know why I am being like this," he hissed.
Hearst was curious but neglected that as he analyzing their face. "Dad, where's your mustache?"
"I removed it, son," Kinsley tapped his son's head. "Dad, let's have a breakfast first."
"Major Leomord, you know that I can't removed my mask so I will go to sofa," his grandfather nodded at him. "Mom, I want to go in sofa," Commodore asking for her mother's permission.
"Yes, you may," Lenora knows that's it's fallacious idea as he can remove his mask but she controlling his son's life.
"Brother, I miss you. But... First and foremost, prepare yourself as we will go to school," Hearst sweetly smile at him. Kinsley and Lenora just redeemed his father's wants.
"Mom and Dad would not let me go—" Commodore was extremely serious about his parents words. Why he always in the rooftop alone as they abandoned his freedom to explore.
"No, you will go Commodore. You are 7-year-old boy. You will become a man someday. You mist prepare yourself for the future, s-son," it's hard for Kinsley to admit that last word. He gulped and realized that he mist be obliged as Major Leomord watching his actions.
The very first time that Mr. and Mrs. Keyton saw Commodore. They shook their head. They never knew that there's more, the eldest son.
They are all busy, rushing to get ready for the two boys to go to temporary school. Hearst and Commodore watching the elders working around the house. Mr. Kinsley is gladly to guide his sons in his car. Guiding the both of them wearing tbe seatbelt. Major Leomord wasn't there as he needs to go home as he promised to his beloved wife, Ma'am. Ashanti, the aged lady who are busy to his beauty businesses.
Lenora stayed silent in the car. She doesn't care or ask his sons of how they will feel.
COMMODORE was prepared that day but the prestigious academy refused him to be their student. They don't allowed the mask in the classroom as they have the policy. As they see that he is a dangerous child who doesn't want to reveal his face. His identity is unknown and for some reason they don't get it.
"My apologies, but you cannot enter in my small school. I can't give you either a pencil or paper due to of wearing a mask. You must be remove now your mask, so I can decide now," Mr. Keyton said to the young man.
Commodore doesn't want to. "Thank you, I will rather appreciate your rules than to remove my mask. You know Mr. Keyton, I love my mum than anything else."
Hearst was crying as he was alone going immediately in the class. Commodore eyes were became emotionless and cold. Lenora noticed his son's silence.
She asked... "Do you want to go in the park?"
"Honestly, I have no one to visit because of my mask."
"In just a jiffy, son..."
"Definitely, I have no one to visit because I am weird around people that's why I am alone here."
"Commodore, I will find another academy—"
"I don't need too, mum," he said and quiet again at the back of the car. "You are not a weird nor monster because you are my son."
"But I don't have a mother nor parents," Commodore lying in the passenger's seat and doesn't want to listen to hus mother. "Just like a weather, sometimes it's good and bad."
They let him entered in the house without any condition. Lenora just felt guilty after she realized that no one will love Commodore if he always wearing a stainless steel mask.
Commodore sat in the sofa comfortably. "Watcha watching?" A little girl asked to him. "Where's Hearst?" she asked next. Wearing a yellow gold dress and a white boots.
Wondering why she entered in their house. A stranger little kid must not be here. But Mr. Kinsley approach the little girl.
"He went to a temporary school, Luna!" Mr. Kinsley told her. Luna has a short black hair. She has a curtain bangs and diamond earrings that glistening.
"Oh! I never met him, Mr. Kinsley," she pointed Commodore who staring at her. "Why he's wearing a mask? It will be either hot and cold to his skin, face rather." A curious girl analyzing Commodore stainless steel mask.
"You don't need to be curious, it will be dangerous," he answered.
"You don't seems like to be, Sir." Luna seems like not a child anymore. The way she talks, shows clarity in her voice.
"Well then, you ought to leave," Commodore hissed to her. "You supposed to be waiting outside because my brother will come later," he added.
Mr. Kinsley just watching them. "Tommorow, we will go to the Academy, ROA," he muttered. "But I don't have any idea if mask is allowed."
"I just waiting from dawn til' dusk; However, I'm exhausted, Dad. I accepted now..."
A bizarre morning, Major Leomord talked to Mr. Schimmer, the principal of the Reagan Owen Academy (ROA). While, Mr. Kinsley went to Roa to finally meet him officially. He told to Mr. Schimmer about his son but he doesn't agree with what he said.
"I have a tons of conditions that you ought to follow to enter here in ROA. You're not supposed to break the rules, Mr. Kinsley." Mr. Schimmer is an old man who always wear tuxedo and bow tie. He always has his cane to guide him.
"I know it sounds selfish but Commodore should be here. He is waiting for his time..."

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    Fernandez Aikee

    hi papano ba kumita


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    Loelkem Bihag

    thank you


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    it's good


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