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Chapter Seven

Amber came out of the bathroom. She went to her dressing mirror to rub herself some lotion. She was chanting a song while rubbing some lotion on her. Suddenly, she saw someone on white clothing run past her, in the mirror. She took a gasp and turned;"Who's there?" She turned back to the mirror and saw a writing of blood that made her fall to the floor out of fear.
"I'm going to kill you for sleeping in my room", was the writing on the mirror. The window was closing and opening repeatedly, producing a weird sound. In the twinkle of an eye, she saw a young girl by the window. The ghost turned quickly at Amber. She had her face stained with blood. She was also angry and shouted at Amber;"I'll kill you!"
Amber got up quickly and ran to the door to get out but, it couldn't open. The ghost began walking towards her slowly. Amber kept on struggling to open the door but to no avail. The ghost approached her and brought out a knife to stab her. She yelled greatly, suddenly, the door opened and she fell off the room, as she was leaning at the door. She got up quickly and ran down the stairs to meet the others.
When she ran down, she saw Finley alone, wearing an earmuff, reading a book. She ran to him;"Finley! Where are the rest?" He took off the earmuff and saw Amber was heavily terrified. "Why you looking terrified?", he asked. She answered, stammering in fear;"There's a ghost in my room."
Finley gave out a chuckle. "She wrote something with blood on my mirror. Come see for yourself", she begged. Finley chuckled again;"Fine! Let's go then!" They climbed up the stairs.
The two got into Amber's room. Finley went to her dressing mirror and didn't see any writing on it. He laughed;"Amber, there's no writing on your mirror." She held him by the collar, crying;"I saw it. They want to kill me. I don't know what I did to them."
Finley took pity on her and hugged her. "I don't know what you're seeing but, all I know is they aren't real and no one's going to kill you", he told her. She got angry and pushed her away. "This isn't a joke. There's a ghost in this house", she shouted.
The ghost had been sitting on Amber's bed, not seen by anyone. The ghost was late Mr Peter's daughter. She was getting angrier the more she sees Amber complaining to Finley.
"What's going on here?", Darcie entered the room. Amber ran to her and hugged her. "I saw a ghost in my room", she said. "Don't worry! Nothing will harm you", Darcie replied. She gave Finley signs to leave the room. "I'll get to the bottom of this. It's a promise", Darcie added. Finley now left the room. Amber kept on crying. "Stop crying!", Darcie patted Amber's back.
* * *
Darcie was setting up breakfast on the dining table when her other friends ran down the stairs. "Good morning Darcie!", Dave greeted and sat down, smiling at her. The other friends sat down too. "You guys didn't wake up early today. I'd to do the cooking alone", Darcie told them, still putting things in place.
"You didn't wake us up", Finley replied playfully. Darcie sat down, having finished serving them food and snacks including herself. "I did that but, you guys refused to get up", she replied to Finley. Her friends apologized. They all began eating. "Wow! This food tastes really nice", said Ethan, with his mouth full. The clique, but Amber, who was pale, were complimenting Darcie's food.
Ethan later found she had been quiet all along. "Why you looking so pale?", he asked. Amber forced out a smile;"I'm alright. Just didn't know what to say." Darcie made eye contact with her after saying that. She pretended to have remembered something. "Amber! Would you please help me get the margarine in the kitchen?", she said.
Darcie waited for Amber to completely exit from the place before speaking to the rest. "Guys! I think we should investigate on the strange things Amber has been seeing lately", she told them. "I heard her screaming last night. What really happened?", Ethan asked her. Finley replied instead;"She said she saw a ghost. You should by now, know the Amber we've got." "Let's find out. If it's false, we'll prove her wrong. If it's true...", Darcie ended it there. Everyone resumed eating.
Amber was in the kitchen when others were discussing. She looked round, trying to find the margarine. She found it on the cupboard and picked it up. She turned to go but the whole kitchen became so dark. The sunlight had mysteriously gone.
After some time, she sensed a glimpse of light behind her and turned to behold the same ghost, holding a burning candle walking towards her angrily. Amber began gasping and walking backwards greatly horrified.
The ghost teleported closer to Amber and held her by the neck strongly. "You're reporting me to your friends! I'm going kill you", the ghost told her and held her by the neck more tightly. Amber was struggling to make the ghost let go of her. She later succeeded but fell to the floor. "Never report me to your friends again", the ghost told her, coming closer. She looked at Amber and left the burning candle to fall on her. Amber gave a great shout which got her friends attention.
"What did Amber see now?" Darcie wondered. They all rushed to the kitchen to see what happened.
They entered the kitchen and saw Amber lying on the floor unconscious. Ethan went to her and tried to wake up. "Amber! Get up! Get up!", he said. Amber got up in great fear. The rest surrounded her.
"Why were you laying on the floor?", Dave asked her. Amber quickly wanted to answer, when she saw the ghost behind Dave, looking at her angrily. Ethan, who was beside Dave, noticed her looking at something. He turned and saw nothing behind Dave.
He got confused and asked her;"What are you seeing that I can't see?" Amber took a deep breath and replied;"I thought I saw something on the wall." The ghost smiled immediately she said that and Amber noticed her doing so. Every other person was looking at Amber speechless. She faked excitement;"Let's go and have our breakfast." She picked up the margarine from the floor and gave it to Darcie. "Here's the margarine", she said. She walked out of the kitchen;"Come on guys! Let's go!" The rest looked at each other, they were all worried.

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