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Stephanie Mitchell lacers college Mr mushroom

hey Mr drake "Mitchell greet the housekeeper, who kept smiling when he saw the package in her hand.
A good morning to you Mrs Mitchell you never seize to capture my heart with your beauty ", drake compliments Mitchell who laugh softly he couldn't wait to reap the package of. Mitchell hand him the package with smiles before making her way to her best friend house, she open the door to meet her on the couch deep in taught.
Stephanie what's wrong ".Mitchell asked worriedly.
you see at this point I am tired, frustrated ,I just need someone to vent my anger on ".
then you should open up, I am here right ".
first before I even start to go crazy, is Cassanno college still in existence ".
Stephanie we left a very long time, I don't think it is still in existence, we all know they destroyed the school ,and we escaped by lock, never to return again ".
and that's where the problem begin, Mitchell my daughters are going to Italy ,fucking Italy to complete their college."
you gat to be joking, Stephanie "Mitchell shouted with hands in her mouth, that goes a long way.
you know better than sending them there, Steph, how could you let this happen, you could not keep two daughters in check, why Italy of all place". Mitchell asked worriedly.
and that's the question I keep asking my self, why Italy, how did they become so rotten that I don't even have idea, you need to help me, this kids need to finish college ".Stephanie reply, tears streaming down her face, this is like a subject she never wants to bring up.
do what's right Stephanie that question is for you, you didn't finish college remember, see where it get us now, do you want your daughter in danger, and you better keep this between us and never let them hear of it". Mitchell warn.
I never told them, they don't even know about this " .
that good, have faith, I need to catch up with my work, think this over baby girl "Mitchell reply standing up from the coach . Stephanie walk her to the door before slamming the door shut, been a single parent is never a easy task, now she have to think over her life decisions.
school cafeteria.
yesterday went well than expected "Cassie said grinning ,the fact that she is curious and exited about this new college is making her glad.
babe, I heard from mom that it not in New York " Rebecca reply ,fixing her rough hair, she is way more existed, getting away from mom means a lot of things, and freedom.
girl I am so excited "Cassie reply squealing.
let's leave for the bad, no more where are you coming from, no more stop fucking around, and definitely no more stop eating mark Donald, ". the two ladies recited, before bursting into laughter , hell their mother is so dramatic , like what the fuck.
think about it, I think this college is going to have a lot of hot boys". Rebecca said grinning.
not like this freaking college with boys looking like mr mushrooms "Cassie reply rolling her eyes. Rebecca burst into laughter almost rolling on the floor, all heads turn to look at the two ladies at the corner.
bitch one more abusive word about Mr mushrooms and you are kick out of here" Rebecca said mid laughter.
bitch he kicked us out already "Cassie reply shrugging her arms.
that literally funny, but it the reality, hooking up with the first handsome boy I see"Rebecca said bringing out her pinky finger for a bet.
OK you want to be a little bad, huh, aren't you, sleeping with the first guy I see, and of course thats with you in a threesome. ". Cassie reply giggling.
bitch you are a hoe, babe thats not a good character, we do that to mr mark, and he could not even keep shut, do it with a boy and the whole college find out " Rebecca said laughing
and the guy be like, I get those girls on a fucking threesome "Cassie reply.
bitch just eat your hamburger "Rebecca said, shoving a hamburger into Cassie mouth, she didn't want attention again, laughing like this could get her kick out Finally out of the school.
where's that bitch Paige "Cassie ask curiously
probably getting her assistant ready for the college, my mind tell me this will be a interesting adventure "Rebecca reply dreamily .
girl you gotta be careful of what that dirty mind tell you". Cassie said laughing.
OK, trust me on this bitch "Rebecca reply standing up to take her empty tray to the chef, she turn back to bump into Isabel, who hiss immediately she make contact with Rebecca.
watch where you're going bitch "Isabel screamed.
calm the fuck down megaphone and listen, to what I gotta say, what did God gave you eyes for, to see, you clearly saw I was coming "Rebecca yelled back while demonstrating what she is saying.
and what should I do about seeing you, hide or run"isabel ask .
grap your dad dick and suck "Rebecca reply smiling.
you fucking bitch "Isabel cuss with burning face.
tell your dad I say hi, he probably might like young blood like me". Rebecca reply eyeing Isabel. everyone in the cafeteria laugh at Rebecca jokes, making Isabel even mad more.
bitch that was a good line ", Cassie praise laughing at Rebecca jokes.
she gotta watch her mouth next time, or I might really fuck her dad ", Rebecca reply with seriousness.
where you get this bitchy and slutty ass from, definitely not from my mum", Cassie reply faking surprise.
from you darling, it runs in the bloodline "Rebecca reply sarcastically.
well that's definitely not from me", Cassie said denying Rebecca instantly.
your loss Lil mama, want to join me to fuck her dad "Rebecca said jokingly, loud enough for everyone to ear.
well I may join, if we have the chance to" Cassie reply brushing her hair to the side.
damn you are one hell of a bad girl

Komento sa Aklat (294)

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    Jake Garcia

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