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Idagdag sa Library

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Chapter 32

It has been two weeks last since I saw Eros. Since I smiled at him and likewise. It has been two weeks since I last felt the butterflies fluttering in my chest whenever he kisses me. And, oh, his kisses. I have been miserable this past two weeks, just sitting alone in the house and we'll, sometimes with Jade's sons, which is very streesful if you ask me. I had to quit my job and I am already planning on opening a clothing store.
Today has been really weird for me. Eros stopped calling me which made me sad. My parents moved away from their old house into a more comfortable one, my mom has her own bakery, dad has his own car shop and my brother will graduate high school soon.
Today is Friday and Jade is staying home with me cause she said I have been behaving weird lately. I mean why would she think that? Okay, maybe apart from the constant mood swings and all. I tried talking her out of it but she would not listen to me.
She said I should not think of it as if she is missing work but instead as a girls day. Right now we are sitting on the couch watching an horror movie. Jade's pick not mine. Why would a female enjoy an hottie movie? That is just absurd.
I am wearing a big blue cardigan and my hair is packed up into a bun while jade is wearing a big red sweater and her huge glasses. I stuffed my mouth with popcorn and continued watching the movie.The girl in the movie let put a scream and jade laughed then muttered 'stupid'. Jade dipped her hand inside my bowl "dude!" I hit her arm.
"Sorry, mine finished." she shrugged with her mouth full of popcorn. "Then go get some more in the kitchen" I said as I handed her my bowl as well. "I need to go to the bathroom" I excused myself as I stood up from the couch.
"This is like the 20th time during this movie." she said as she walked into th kitchen. "Well, it's not my fault my bladder is full!" I exclaimed as I threw my hands in the air. I walked into the bathroom and do my business but not before jade muttered 'whatever'.
I was about to exit the bathroom when I noticed myself in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes and my hair was unkempt. I lifted up my sweater and looked at my tummy. It was bigger. I guess I have been eating a lot lately. I even look fatter, maybe it is just my eyes. I sighed as I exited the bathroom.
I sat down on the couch and jade handed me my bowl of popcorn "thanks." I said and continued watching the movie. "You look different." jessy suddenly said. Yh, I noticed. "Good or bad?" I asked as I faced her.
"I don't know." she said as if she was unsure. She moved closer to me staring at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked. "When last did you see your period?" She asked me.
I started eating my popcorn, "I don't know." I shrugged. Don't blame me cause I don't know. My periods are like I am having hell in me. And trust me you don't want to be near me when I'm having them. I can remember this one time I was on my period and then I was so embarrassed to tell Eros about it, but he eventually figured it out. Later that day I caught him researching about it and all.
"Why?" I asked glancing at her then resumed to eating my popcorn. "Give me a rough estimate" she said as she dropped her popcorn bowl on the table. I thought for a while, "hmmn, maybe a month?" It came out more like a question.
"A month?" She asked me and I nodded as I resumed back to eating my popcorn. "Will you pay attention to Me!" She almost screamed. I looked at her with wide eyes "Okay" and also dropped my popcorn.
"That's like when you left Eros, Right?" She asked. Okay, where is she going with all these questions. "Yeah, jessy what's with all these questions" I groaned.
"Did you guys...you know , do anything before this shit happened?" My eyes widened in realization of What she was asking me. OhmyGod. I nodded "yeah." it came out croaked.
"You are pregnant." she said and I froze. Pregnant? But we were careful. We were always careful!
"You can not be so sure jessy." I said not wanting to believe it. Not that I don't want my own child. I do. I really do. But now that I'm not in talking terms with Eros.
She raised her eyebrows at me. "I have a test kit in the bathroom, go check." she said and I stood up and entered the bathroom. Why does she have a pregnancy test kit? She literally just gave birth, to twins. I came out with three test kit in my hand and they were all positive. That explains the food cravings and constant headaches and backaches.
Jade screamed and hugged me. "Why are you so happy?" I asked her confused. "Well, because I'm going to become an aunt." she said. "Yh..." I trailed off and threw myself on the couch. "What's wrong?" She asked when she noticed my sad expression.
"Eros.." a tear fell. Stupid tears. "You have to call him" she said as she sat cross legged and faced me. I wiped my face, "but he-" she cut me off saying "but he hurt you. Janet," she sighed as she held my hands in hers "people make mistake but that does not mean we should judge them because of that." She have me a stern look and then continued, "His own mistake was that he didn't tell you. He should have told you about her, even though it would have been hard for him." she said
I sighed, "he has not been calling me. What if he already moved on?" I asked. "Don't be stupid Janet. That guy loves you. I have seen him a lot of times in this past two weeks at night just sitting at the front of your door." she replied and I gave her a confused look.
"Anytime I wanted to tell you, you never wanted to hear his name." she defended herself. True. I sighed and lowered myself on the couch, then touched my stomach. "What are you going to do?" She asked
"I'm gonna go get my man" I said grinning. "Yeah, girl!" She fist bumped me and grinned.
Since Rose already invited me to her house to come decorate I'll go. Hopefully he would be there. We talked throughout the movie. We talked about If my baby was a boy or a girl or if it was a twin.
After a few moments we heard a ding on the door, "I will go get it." Jade stood up and then made her way to the door. Was she expecting someone?
"Diane!" I heard her voice and then Diane's voice as they both laughed. I went to the door and pulled her in for a hug.
"How was Australia?" I asked as we pulled apart and then three of us made our way back to the living room.
"We have news." Jade grinned as she jumped up and down.
"Same here!"
"You can go first." I replied Diane.
"No, why don't we just say it together?"
"Wait, your news, is it good or bad?" I asked Diane.
"Okay then." I sighed.
"I am getting married!"
"Janet is Pregnant!"
"Married?" Myself and Jade asked at the same time, Confused.

Komento sa Aklat (434)

  • avatar

    it is very interesting and i like the title and the story ofcourse


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    Cobie Licos

    your novel is so wonderful to read it amaze me so much


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