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The rules

“Hey I'm Andrea." Right after the revelation that Rose and Liam were going to be staying in the mansion, Andrea walked up to Rose
“Rose." She muttered, Andrea grinned at her
“Mother, Are they going to be attending the same school as us?" Emily nodded, Andrea squealed
“We are going to be best buds, Come on let me show you to your room, Mother she's taking the room opposite to mine" Emily looked at Rose and saw her uneasiness.
“Andrea let her breath a little and aren't you guys going to ask me why they are staying with us?" They both shook their head
“We know you don't make bad choices" Aiden smiled at his mother
“Well come on let's show you guys to your rooms." Rose's hands tightened on Liam's hand
“Liam would stay with me." Emily nodded with understanding
“Of course dear, come on, follow me". Rose couldn't help but gasp at the room they were led into, it was times two of the Shack they used to live in
“Wow!!!, Is this really ours?" Liam asked to make sure, this all felt like a dream, Emily nodded at him
“Well we are going to leave you guys to freshen up, I know you guys must be hungry I'll go make something now." Emily left with andrea behind her, Aiden stared at Rose
“Why are you staring at me?" Rose said in a bored tone, Aiden smirked
“Let's be friends"
“No thank you"
“Aiden stop bothering them" Emily voice sounded from downstairs, Aiden smiled at rose before going downstairs, Rose rolled her eyes
“Weirdo." She thought
“Rose, this place is so beautiful and so big." Liam ran and plumbed himself on the bed, Rose smiled at him
“Go take a shower, You stink." Liam stuck out his tongue at her
“Not as much as you" she fake gasped before grabbing a pillow and hitting his head with it, thus began a pillow fight war. After the fight ended Liam decided that he would take a bath first, as soon as he entered the bathroom Rose sighed before looking round the room. The house on it's own was very beautiful. She stood up and walked towards the window and looked up at the sky
“Mother, this was able to happen because of you. Thank you" Rose smiled. As soon as they both had their bath and had dressed up, they headed downstairs. When Emily saw them she smiled
“Just in time, come, sit down" Rose nodded at her, as she was walking towards the dining table she felt someone looking at her, she turned towards the person and saw it was Aiden, she glared hardly at him but he just smirked, she rolled her eyes and decided to ignore him. As they sat down, Andrea and Emily came in with the food, she stood up from her sit to help but Emily stopped her.
“Don't worry my dear, don't stress yourself." Rose shrugged before sitting back down. As they started eating Rose couldn't help but feel jealous by the banter going on between mother and children.
“So Rose, are you enjoying your food?" Everyone turned to look at her, she grimaced, she didn't like when all the attention was on her.
“It's alright" Emily smiled at her.
“What about you little Liam?" Liam smiled brightly at her before giving her a thumbs up making her laugh, Rose smiled softly at Liam but when she caught Aiden staring at her again, her face hardened. Emily stood up.
“Well I'm off to my study, Andrea showed Rose to my study room when you guys are done okay?" Andrea nodded.
enthusiastically. As soon as Emily left she turned to Rose.
“You look to be about my size, tomorrow let's go shopping." Rose stared at Andrea, they were definitely not the same size, although Rose had curves but she was way thinner than Andrea and had more boobs than her. Aiden scuffed.
“Rose I advise you not to go, Andrea will make you walk round the whole mall till your legs turn sore" Rose flinched, she didn't want that to happen to her. Andrea glared at Aiden.
“Stop lying to her you dumbass" she then turned to Rose.
“When you tell me you are tired we will come back home hmm?" she pressed on. Rose didn't know what to say, she just met this people and they were letting her and Liam stay at their house, she didn't want to come off as rude so she hesitantly nodded, Andrea squealed
“Oh we are going to have so much fun!" Aiden rolled his eyes before standing up and walking up to his room.
“Are you done eating so I can show you mom's study?" rose nodded but then looked down at Liam.
“Go on, I'll go back to the room and wait for you there." he assured her.
“Do you know your way back to the room?" Liam glared at her.
“I'm not a baby anymore." he huffed. Leah smiled before standing up and following Andrea to the study.
“Sit down rose" as soon as Rose sat down, she continued.
“Why I called you here is to talk about the rules and regulations of this house. I'm sure you have noticed there's no man in this house" Rose nodded, she didn't want to say or ask anything because mainly it wasn't her business and because she didn't want them to ask her questions in return.
“I divorced my husband years ago so I'm a single mother." she smiled at rose then continued.
“The rules of the house are
1. No bad company, if you have a bad friend in school leave them at school, never bring them home.
2. No boys and if you want to bring boys, they must never go to room, you guys can talk in the living room.
3. No smoking or drinking in this household.
That would be all for now." Rose nodded, the rules were pretty simple because she didn't have any friends and didn't plan to have any.
“And also, you will be in the same class with Andrea. The school doesn't care if you have never attended any school before as long as they get money so.." Rose frowned. She didn't want to go to school. With all the books she had read, highschool is the worst, with the mean girls and jock boys, she could take care of herself that was for sure but she didn't like being around too many people. Four is a crowd.
“You have to go to school dear if you want to become someone in life alright?" Rose nodded.
“I'll talk to the principal and you'll start school on Monday" Rose nodded then excused herself and left.

Komento sa Aklat (95)

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    可是,即使是這樣,誇獎的出現仍然代表了一定的意義。恩格斯說過一句發人省思的話,有所作為是“生活中的最高境界”想必各位已經看出了其中的端倪。問題的核心究竟是什麼?斯特林堡曾提出,要想使產生後代動力的愛情健康,愛情就必須是肉體的愛。既然是肉體的愛,那麼就一定要喜歡對方的肉體。在雙方沉醉於愛情之中的時候,兩個靈魂互相適應,產生共鳴。共鳴是休戰,是和解。所以當肉體聯繫疏遠的時候,往往就出現反感,而不是相反。希望大家能從這段話中有所收穫。 我們都很清楚,這是個嚴謹的議題。誇獎必定會成為未來世界的新標準。若無法徹底理解誇獎,恐怕會是人類的一大遺憾。總而言之,韓愈說過一句富有哲理的話,事業無窮年。但願諸位理解後能從中有所成長。誇獎因何而發生?托爾斯泰講過一段深奧的話,英雄主義是在於為信仰和真理而犧牲自己。這段話雖短,卻足以改變人類的歷史。我們要從本質思考,從根本解決問題。經過上述討論,誇獎的發生,到底需要如何實現,不誇獎的發生,又會如何產生。誇獎究竟是怎麼樣的存在,始終是個謎題。動機,可以說是最單純的力量。世界需要改革,需要對誇獎有新的認知。誇獎的存在,令我無法停止對他的思考。高爾


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