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Let's go home

Emily stared at her curiously, Wondering what a girl of her age needed that large amount of money for
“Why?" Rose fidgeted, she didn't like sharing her problems with others
“My brother.....he might have cancer and for him to get thoroughly checked, I need to pay first and just In Case he does have cancer, I don't want to wait till that dying moment before I pay" Emily gasped
“Oh my darling, alright I'll give you the money but on one condition" Rose stared back at her
“What is it ma'am?" Emily smiled at her
“You and your brother will come stay with me." Rose gasped
“But ma'am.. I... I"
“Don't turn down my over dear child, you and your brother need someone to take care of you and I would like to help." Rose sighed
“Why are you so nice to me?" She asked softly. emily smiled at her before patting her head
“Because I owe your mother, she saved me" Rose's eyes widened, saved her?, How?, She wondered
“I know you are probably Wondering how but that's a story for another day, Take this cheque" she quickly wrote down the amount on the cheque and gave it to Emily
“ go help your brother" Rose nodded hesitantly before turning towards the door
“When your brother has been discharged, you guys can come find me here" Emily smiled kindly at her, Rose nodded her head before walking out of the office, right now she won't think of anything else except helping her brother.
Liam opened his eyes slowly and stared at his sister's worried face, he tried to sit up but the glare she threw at him made him think twice
“What happened rose?" Rose stood up and poured soup from the thermostat she prepared before coming here. She then headed towards the bed and sat down.
“Open your mouth." Liam obediently opened his mouth, he was already used to his sister's harshness and lack of words.
when he had ate enough he rested back down on the bed, rose kept the bowl on the table before turning back to him
“What happened to me rose?" She sighed
“The doctor sad you might have cancer" Liam breath hitched
“What?!!How?!!" Rose rubbed her face
“I should be asking you that, Have you been experiencing symptoms of cancer? " Liam frowned
“I don't know the symptoms of cancer but I've been having frequent headaches and one time I bled from my nose but I thought it was because I read too much," He explained. Rose glared at him, all these had been happening to him and he didn't bother to tell her??!Was she that unapproachable?, She frowned. Liam noticed her change of mood and decided to change the topic.
“To treat cancer is very expensive, how did you get the money?" Rose stared back at him impassively, he gasped
“Don't tell me you....you became a striper?" Rose harshly glared at Liam
“No I didn't become a striper, one of mom's friend lended me the money" Liam stared at her with wide eyes
“And you accepted!!??" She flicked his forehead
“Don't yell at me and yes I did. She was the safest option or do you prefer I became a striper?" Liam pouted
“How much?"
“200,000$." Liam shrieked
“You have got to be kidding me. What did she want in return?" Rose groaned,
this kid was getting on her nerves instead of him to be happy he is here interrogating her like a detective, ungrateful brat!!
“After you have been discharged, we are going to be living with her and she's going to send us to better schools" Liam stared at her like she had two heads
“Mother fuc......"
“Language!!" Liam recoiled at her voice but he still stared at her weirdly
“What have you done to my sister?"....
“Ma'am, that same young girl is here to meet you and she came with someone" Emily's secretary said through the intercom.
“Please, let her in" she stood up and waited for both of them. As soon as they walked in they greeted her and stood there awkwardly, she smiled at them
“Young boy, what is your name?" Liam looked at his sister for approval, when she nodded he turned back to look at Emily
“ Liam," he said quietly. Emily moved towards him and patted his head before looking at them closely
“Where are your luggages?" Liam pointed towards their backpacks.
“We don't have much, all our things are in our backpacks" Emily's heart ached for this beautiful children, she sighed
“Alright let's go home now" Rose froze, she remembered when her and her mother always went out, her mother used to say these exact words when they were going back home. She inhaled before breathing out a shaky breath, Liam squeezed her hand to show her he was here for her. Liam didn't know the whole story but he was always there when his sister started acting up like this. Emily stared at them, this siblings had been through so much it was evident in their closeness and reservedness
“Let's go now, follow me" she smiled at them, picked up her bag before walking out the door with Rose and Liam behind her.
As soon as they got to Emily's house or should I say mansion, Liam and Rose couldn't keep their mouths closed, although Rose had seen riches before this all felt new to her after living in hardship for so long. As soon as Emily parked the car, they got out
“Wow!!!, Rose this place is huge" Rose gaped at the sight of the house, it was so beautiful and clean
“What are you guys doing there?, Come on let's go in" Rose held Liam's hand as they followed behind Emily.
“Well this is your new home" Rose and Liam gasped loudly, the inside was even more beautiful. They were amazed.
“Mother you are back." A girl ran down the staircase towards them. She stopped in her track when she saw rose and Liam, she smiled kindly at them
“Mother, who are they?"
“Where's your brother?" The girl scratched her head
“I dunno, his room maybe."
“Go call him, I need to tell you both something." The girl groaned before grudgingly climbing back up the stairs. Emily turned back to smile at them before turning back towards the stairs. After some minutes, the same girl came running down but this time with a boy behind her, Rose stared at him, he seemed to be the same age as her, maybe a year older or two. Suddenly their eyes meant as he climbed down the stairs, Rose quickly averted her eyes from His.
“Mother, who are these people?" His voice sent an unknown chill down Rose's spine and she didn't like it
“Rose, Liam these are my children, aiden and Andrea" They all stared at each other
“They are going to be living with us from now on." Aiden and Andrea gasped

Komento sa Aklat (95)

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    可是,即使是這樣,誇獎的出現仍然代表了一定的意義。恩格斯說過一句發人省思的話,有所作為是“生活中的最高境界”想必各位已經看出了其中的端倪。問題的核心究竟是什麼?斯特林堡曾提出,要想使產生後代動力的愛情健康,愛情就必須是肉體的愛。既然是肉體的愛,那麼就一定要喜歡對方的肉體。在雙方沉醉於愛情之中的時候,兩個靈魂互相適應,產生共鳴。共鳴是休戰,是和解。所以當肉體聯繫疏遠的時候,往往就出現反感,而不是相反。希望大家能從這段話中有所收穫。 我們都很清楚,這是個嚴謹的議題。誇獎必定會成為未來世界的新標準。若無法徹底理解誇獎,恐怕會是人類的一大遺憾。總而言之,韓愈說過一句富有哲理的話,事業無窮年。但願諸位理解後能從中有所成長。誇獎因何而發生?托爾斯泰講過一段深奧的話,英雄主義是在於為信仰和真理而犧牲自己。這段話雖短,卻足以改變人類的歷史。我們要從本質思考,從根本解決問題。經過上述討論,誇獎的發生,到底需要如何實現,不誇獎的發生,又會如何產生。誇獎究竟是怎麼樣的存在,始終是個謎題。動機,可以說是最單純的力量。世界需要改革,需要對誇獎有新的認知。誇獎的存在,令我無法停止對他的思考。高爾


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